Every character has a finite set of skills he or she can learn during the course of the game. Each known skill has a level score, representing the character's proficiency in that skill. The skill level can be raised by spending ADV Points on the Character Screen. The ADV Point cost to train a particular skill is determined in part by the character's class.
Icon |
Skill |
Description |
Prereqs |
Available To |
| Combat skill with ranged bow weapons.
| None
| All Classes
Heavy Weapons
| Combat skill with heavy weaponry, such as great swords, battleaxes, etc. Advanced strikes gained at skill level 5 and higher.
| Medium Weapons (3)
Battlemage, Crusader, Deathlord, Hatamoto, Knight, Lord, Marauder, Paladin, Valkyrie, Warlock, Warlord
Heavy Pole Weapons
| Combat skill with heavy pole weaponry, such as halberds, great staves, etc. Advanced strikes gained at skill level 5 and higher.
| Light Pole Weapons (3)
| Hunter, Imperial, Ranger Lord, Valkyrie, Warlord
Light Dual Weapons
| Combat skill that allows a character to fight with two weapons by permitting him to equip a light weapon in his secondary weapon slot instead of a ranged weapon. Advanced strikes gained at skill level 5 and higher.
| Medium Weapons (3)
| Deathlord, Marauder, Ninja Lord, Samurai, Hatamoto
Light Weapons
| Combat skill with lightweight weaponry, such as daggers, small swords, etc. Advanced strikes gained at skill level 5 and higher.
| None
| All Classes
Medium Dual Weapons
| Combat skill that allows a character to fight with two weapons by permitting him to equip a medium weapon in his secondary weapon slot instead of a ranged weapon. Advanced strikes gained at skill level 5 and higher.
| Light Dual Weapons (3)
| Deathlord
Medium Weapons
| Combat skill with medium-weight weaponry, such as long swords, small axes, etc. Advanced strikes gained at skill level 5 and higher.
| Light Weapons (3)
| All Classes
Thrown Weapons
| Combat skill using thrown weapons, such as throwing daggers, shuriken, etc.
| None
| All Classes