

Most Recent Fable III News

Lionhead Studios - A Misstep for Microsoft

Posted by ValH at 10:59 am on 12.16.2021 (3 years ago)

Back in 2016, Microsoft disbanded Lionhead Studios, the team behind the Fable series. But with a new Fable game on the way, and wi...

New Fable Game Officially Announced

Posted by ValH at 8:54 am on 07.24.2020 (4 years ago)

For years now, there have been rumors that Playground Games was working on a new installment in the beloved by many Fable series. ...

Peter Molyneux Talks Fable IV Development

Posted by BuckGB at 1:53 am on 01.25.2018 (7 years ago)

We recently heard from Fable co-creator Simon Carter about the rumored Fable IV title allegedly being developed by Playground Game...

Richard Cobbett on the Lessons of Fable

Posted by ValH at 5:03 pm on 01.23.2018 (7 years ago)

All the recent talk of a potential Fable IV being in development by Playground Games has prompted Richard Cobbett to dust off his ...

Fable Co-creator Talks Fable IV Development

Posted by BuckGB at 1:44 am on 01.18.2018 (7 years ago)

Between this interview with Xbox GM Shannon Loftis, this clue on, and a not-so-subtle suggestion by a former Lio...

The Fable Franchise May Have a Future, After All

Posted by BuckGB at 5:01 pm on 11.4.2017 (7 years ago)

Back in July, Flaming Fowl Studios released an early access/preview version of Fable Fortune, and the CCG/RPG crossbreed has been ...

Richard Cobbett on RPG Villains

Posted by ValH at 1:16 pm on 07.10.2017 (7 years ago)

The latest of Richard Cobbett's RPG Scrollbars columns talks in detail about the intricate process of creating fun, memorable, and...

Peter Molyneux Interview

Posted by ValH at 6:07 pm on 04.1.2017 (7 years ago)

In an interview with Glixel, Peter Molyneux opened up about his newfound approach to publicity and talked about mobile games, his ...

A Call for More Politics and Economy in RPGs

Posted by BuckGB at 8:01 pm on 05.27.2016 (8 years ago)

There's a new blog post by Felipe Pepe up on Gamasutra, in which he makes an argument and general request for an injection of poli...

Lionhead Studio Closure Was Unexpected, Buyers Lined Up After Announcement

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 2:00 pm on 05.12.2016 (8 years ago)

Eurogamer has just published a fantastic piece on the history of Lionhead that covers everything from the studio's start to its r...

Microsoft Confirms Lionhead Closure

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 10:08 am on 04.29.2016 (8 years ago)

More than a month ago, we reported on the cancellation of Fable Legends and the "proposed closure" of Lionhead Studios, an interna...

Peter Molyneux: The Man Who Promised Too Much

Posted by BuckGB at 4:57 am on 03.12.2014 (11 years ago)

Calling him "the man who promised too much", Kotaku has published a lengthy article that chronicles ex-Bullfrog and Lionhead Studi...

Fable Series Interview

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 9:23 am on 01.21.2014 (11 years ago)

Eurogamer's Wesley Yin Poole has penned a fairly lengthy interview/feature on the Fable series based on a visit to the Lionhead of...

Fable Trilogy to be Released on February 4th

Posted by BuckGB at 5:29 pm on 01.19.2014 (11 years ago)

In the event that you haven't picked up any of Lionhead Studios' Fable titles to date, you'll be able to nab the new Fable Anniver...

Fable III is Free on the Xbox 360 for a Limited Time

Posted by BuckGB at 4:33 am on 06.11.2013 (11 years ago)

From the I-didn't-see-that-coming department comes word that those of you who have Xbox Live Gold subscriptions can score Fable II...

Peter Molyneux Interview

Posted by BuckGB at 5:31 pm on 06.29.2012 (12 years ago)

Peter Molyneux might not be with Lionhead Studios or Microsoft anymore, but he's still a veteran designer that GameSpot AU conside...

Peter Molyneux Interview

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 2:37 pm on 04.11.2012 (12 years ago)

Eurogamer has a long interview with ex-Lionhead Peter Molyneux, and among the many subjects touched upon by the piece, including w...

Why the Creators of Fable Left to Go it Alone

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 4:37 pm on 04.2.2012 (12 years ago)

Eurogamer has an interview with members of the Another Place Production development studio that happen to also be key figures in t...

Founder Peter Molyneux Leaves Lionhead Studios

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 12:20 pm on 03.7.2012 (13 years ago)

Kotaku brings news that Peter Molyneux, founder of the studio and the designer mind behind titles such as the original Populous, B...

Fable Heroes Revealed, Fable: The Journey Screenshots and Release Date

Posted by BuckGB at 5:08 am on 03.5.2012 (13 years ago)

Well, we now know what last week's tease on the Lionhead Studios website was all about. Just when I thought the Fable franchise c...

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