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Dual Imoen

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack.
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Dual Imoen

Post by Kimmuriel »

I know that people always post topics about dual classing and stuff but I was wondering...I got her to level 7 thief and also just entered baldurs gate but when i dualled her she couldn't use bows or armour or ANY thief skills? why is this? Ill porbably just run around with her dualled for now and level the mage up a bit but Im keeping a save of her as a thief jsut in case this multiclass stuff is all crap though many people seem to love it. Also can her thief class level up anymore? I guess to sum everything up I would just like to now how to or if I can get her thief skills and bowing abilities back.
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Post by CaptRory »

Dual Classing: When you dual class a character they lose all aspects of their previous class and gain a new class with a level of 1. Once the new class level surpasses the level of the old class they regain their previous levels. If you can not get a character to level past their first class you're SOL.
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Post by CFM »

When dualling Imoen the Thief at level 7 (40k XP):

For all intensive purposes, Imoen becomes a level 1 Mage. Usable weapons & armor, combat & XP tables, weapon proficiencies, etc, are all figured as if she were single-class Mage. She keeps the same hit points she had at the time you dualled her over, but does not gain any additional hit points when she advances in level as a Mage (until later, see below).

When Imoen reaches level 8 as a Mage (90k XP):

From here on out, Imoen's 7th-level thieving abilities will be 're-activated', as well as her ability to use a bow & short sword. She can use both Mage & Thief equipment, including leather armor, though she can't cast spells while wearing any armor heavier than a robe. She will also resume gaining hit points per level, but according to normal Mage advancement.

Imoen would continue to advance in level as a Mage, with the ability to use a bow & short sword & other thief equipment, along with 7th level thieving abilities at her disposal. This potentially frees you from needing another Thief in the party. Pretty cool, imo, if you can find other thieving options for 90k XP of the game...

Important: the XP cap is 161k with the TotSC expansion pack, but only 89k without. If you don't have TotSC loaded, the XP cap will keep Imoen from reaching level 8 as a Mage, and her thieving abilities will never be re-activated!

Spoiler: if you care about continuity between Baldur's Gate and it's sequel Shadows of Amn, dualling Imoen to a Mage at level 7 is a good thing. Have her take the Staff & Dart weapon proficiencies as a Mage...
Why is it that whenever I finally get around to playing a new game for the first time,
I feel like playing Baldur's Gate for the second time...
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Post by Jordoo »

I also Dual Imoen every time I use Her. If I am going to take Coran I dual her as soon as she has 100 in detect trap. If not I do it after she reaches level 7.
Have One game with just Imoen and my PC. PC is a level 6 Fighter,Dualed to cleric (Level 8).Imoen is Level 8 Illusionist/7 thief. They are alot of fun to play and surprisingly powerful. My PC just never could learn to trust all those other NPC that always wanted to hang around.LOL
:) Once again time to give someone the boot to make room for Coran. LOL :)
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