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Where are the Bobbleheads? (spoilers)

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Where are the Bobbleheads? (spoilers)

Post by UncleScratchy »

From the bobblehead display stand in my Megathon house it seems that there are quite a few of these things out there, yet I've only found three so far and I'm pretty far along in the game. I've got the one from Vault 101, I found another in the Slaver's camp and I'm not sure where I picked up the other - possibly the Talon's camp. What others have you found and where?
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Post by Minalkali »

There's one in the Rivet City science lab (intelligence) and apparrently there's another in Megaton somewhere, but I've not found it yet.
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Post by Kipi »

Minalkali wrote:There's one in the Rivet City science lab (intelligence) and apparrently there's another in Megaton somewhere, but I've not found it yet.
The one in Megaton is inside the sheriff's house, in room in second floor at the desk.
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Post by swcarter »

There are 20 total bobbleheads, one for each attribute and skill. I'm about 60 hours into the campaign, and I've only found six, so I'm guessing they're easy to miss. Eventually we'll have a list here where you can find them all.

Besides the bobbleheads listed earlier, you can get perception in the Republic of Dave, charisma in vault 108, and melee weapons beneath the Dunwich Building.

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Post by Kienan »

Of those not yet mentioned, I've found...
  • Repair - Arefu, King's House
  • Lockpick - Bethesda Ruins, East Office
  • Luck - Some house in the wasteland...(Useful, no? I'll let you know if I find out where. Sorry. :p )
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Post by Gunda »

Going to do my full list of the ones I've found and where they are at....

Strength - Megaton Sheriffs House in his office
Perception - Museum of Dave in republic of Dave
Endurance - Deathclaw Sancutary
Charisma - Vault 108 in the lab
Intelligance - Science lab Rivet City
Agility - Greener Pastures
Luck - Arlington Cemitary North in a House on a hill.

Barter : Evergreen Mills
Big Guns : Fort Constantine (officers house)
Medical : Vault 101
Melee : Dunwich Building
Speech : Paradise Falls
Lockpick : Bethesda Ruins (east office)
Repair : Arefu (Kings House)
Science : Vault 106
Sneak : Yao Guai Caves (Den)
Energy Weapons : Raven Rock
Explosives : WKML Brocasting
Unarmed Combat : Argyles Corpse in Rockopolus
Small Arms : National Guard Depot

Been writing them down as I find them Trying to find them all, hope that helps. I didn't want to spoil it for everyone so I just put the location they are not where in the location. Keeps you looking.
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Post by sultanselim »

I prepared something to facilitate ease of collection.

BobbleHead Map uploaded to Rapidshare
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Post by Minalkali »

Found the science bobblehead in Vault 106.
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Minalkali wrote:Found the science bobblehead in Vault 106.
Interesting. I will have to go back into that god forsaken hell hole and see if I can locate it. I found Vault 106 extremely difficult to navigate around and have been in there twice to loot it. Much thanks just the same.
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Small Guns Bobblehead (Spoiler)

I found the small guns (+10) bobblehead in the National Guard building. It was a real pain to acquire as the building is a mess and hard to navigate. The bobblehead is in the Armory section of the building. The Armory has an unpickable locked door that can only be opened by navigating up to the top level of the ruins and locating an electrical switch. Flip the switch and you can see the doors open through the collapsed roofs/floors of the various building levels. The armory has a lot of badly maintained weapons and ammo but nothing special. The bobblehead is on a small shelf mounted on a wall and was difficult to spot.
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Post by Gunda »

I updated my list above with all the bobbleheads locations, but I wanted to explain how to find the Unarmed one. West of the PoI Casey's Smiths Garage in the rocky landscape you have to search but there is a sting of Different coloured penants strung between two trees over a large rock. Click on the rock to enter Rockopolus. the bobble head is on the ground near Argyles body.
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