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Trait Mod

This forum is to be used for discussion about any RPG, RPG hybrid, or MMORPG that doesn't have its own forum.
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Trait Mod

Post by virpyre »

This is a trait for players that want to play the game like a "chosen one" :laugh: so you can still die quickly in some area's of by saying the wrong thing to an npc. This trait will help you to quickly master yourself and feel the power of the a true chosen one character in some aspects this trait is like a cheat you don't have to use this trait if you don't want to also you can no longer use Renaissance Man +1 INT & -10 One Handed Skills as well as Small Frame +1 AGI & -50 Carrying Weight if you pick Chosen One.
[url=";7501746;/fileinfo.html"]Chosen One Characterrar[/url]
if you're reding this you have no life.
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