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Inquisitor (melee build):

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Inquisitor (melee build):

Post by Scottg »


This build is designed for very high damage and for very high resistance via saves and spell resistance. Like all of my builds it is OC and MOTB compatible. However I'm not sure that this character qualifies as a "Power Build". It does have power build features (and in fact one could say its all about these features), but I don't think it has a high enough net attack number to really qualify for the highest melee ability to overcome extremely high AC power builds. If you are looking for something that does have very high net attack numbers then consider my Hitman and Hidden Dragon Builds: ... 98338.html ... 98187.html

Without Power Attack or Improved Power Attack on though, it *should* have a high enough net attack number to hit most power builds. Furthermore it does have access to a high "Use Magic Device" (UMD) skill level to use True Strike when needed (from a scroll).

As far as damage is concerned: it has two-handed weapon Supreme Power Attack *and* Epic Divine Might at the highest levels. Perhaps better still, it has two-handed weapon Enhanced Power Attack at character level 13, and Divine Might at level 15 - Monster damage for the OC. But as good as its damage modifier is, it isn't as good as its defensive capabilities.. :eek:

Defensively this character starts off with high spell resistance (that only keeps getting higher) right from the beginning via race: Drow. Spell resistance provides "gap coverage" for those spells that don't have a "Save" feature, OR that only save for half-damage. The "Missile Storms" are particularly nasty spells that have NO SAVE, so a high spell resistance should void their damage. But most spells are susceptible to saves - and this character is *really* good at making their save. There are *3* bonuses to saves via Charisma modifiers - the highest you can get. One of them is provided at character level 2. The second is provided at character level 14, and the third at character level 18. At higher levels this effectively means that the character is pretty much immune to most magical attacks. Even in the context of a "Power" match, most spell casting will be in-effective on this character.

To "buff" the defensive list even more - this character at very high levels will not roll a "1" on its save (via Epic Resilience). At early character levels it has immunity to fear and disease (..and disease immunity is particularly advantageous in the OC at early levels). At level 12 the character can "rage" and gain immunity to any Death spells. At level 18 the character can cast Divine Shield for an additional bonus to AC.

For all of the above though there is a price to pay..

Roll Playing:

After careful organization I've managed to produce a character that can be played in the OC. At the same time it *is* crafted for role-play value.

Conceptually the character *becomes* an Inquisitor.

Inquisitors have their "roots" in religious origin. They work for GOOD. The thing is though, they do a LOT of EVIL things in their service of good. They interrogate others, occasionally employing torture. They seek truth, but only for a response from others - not some absolute truth. They look beyond what is both lawful and what is good in an effort to provide the facts necessary for others to ultimately make those decisions. While in essence they are often contrary to both good and lawful conduct, they are deemed a necessary evil to obtain good and lawful conduct. In other words this is a character where the ends justify the means - in essence they are ABOVE THE LAW.

Now such a character does not start out this way, there must be a clear path of development less the character become corrupt.

The character's moral development must be absolute and irreproachable - effectively becoming the "foundation" of the character's development. Not only must an Inquisitor be aware of when and how much evil must be used in the service of good, but with such a moral foundation - must have the will-power to not abuse their position.

Once the character's moral development is complete they must have the fortitude to carry out the "harsher measures" that will be required of them once they become Inquisitors. Of course such learning is counter to their previous development, and some degree of chaos will ensue as a result. Savage butchery however will balance out to a practiced methodical base for torturing others, the price however will be that character becomes evil - but evil in the service of good.

..and with that out of the way, here is:
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Post by Scottg »


Race: Drow

Starting Attributes:

Strength = 16
Dexterity = 10
Constitution = 12
Intelligence = 12
Wisdom = 12
Charisma = 18

1st Level: Paladin. Farmer Background. Diplomacy 4, Hide 2, 4 point carry-over. Feat: Power Attack. Feat (P): Smite Evil,

2nd Level: Paladin. Use Magical Device (UMD) 1, 5 point carry-over. Feat(s) (P): Divine Grace, Lay on Hands.

3rd Level: Paladin. Diplomacy 1, Hide 1, 5 point carry-over. Feat: Cleave. Feat(s) (P): Aura of Courage, Divine Health.

4th Level: Paladin. Attribute: Strength 1. Diplomacy 1, UMD 1, 5 point carry-over. Feat(s) (P): Turn Undead, Spell Casting.

5th Level: Paladin. Diplomacy 1, Hide 1, 5 point carry-over. Feat (P): Lay on Hands (2).

6th Level: Paladin. Diplomacy 1, UMD 1, 5 point carry-over. Feat: Great Cleave. Feat (P): Remove Disease.

7th Level: Paladin. Dipomacy 1, Hide 1, 5 point carry-over.

8th Level: Paladin. Attribute: Strength 1. Dipolmacy 1, UMD 1, 5 point carry-over.

9th Level: Frenzied Berserker (FB). Intimidate 5, Survival 3. Feat: Blind Fight. Feat(s) (FB): Toughness, Fenzy 1.

10th Level: FB. Intimidate 3. Feat (FB): Supreme Cleave.

11th Level: FB. Intimidate 3. Feat (FB): Frenzy 2.

12th Level: FB. Attribute: Strength 1. 3 point carry-over. Feat: Improved Power Attack. Feat (FB): Deathless Frenzy.

13th Level: FB. Intimidate 1, 5 point carry-over. Feat (FB): Enhanced Power Attack.

14th Level: Warlock. UMD 8. Invocation: The Dark One's Own Luck.

15th Level: Blackguard. 3 point carry-over. Feat: Divine Might.

16th Level: FB. Attribute: Strength 1. Survival 1, 5 point carry-over. Feat (FB): Inspire Frenzy.

17th Level: Warlock. UMD 8. Invocation: See the Unseen.

18th Level: Blackguard. Diplomacy 3. Feat: Divine Shield. Feat(s) (B): Smite Good, Dark Blessing, Bull's Strength.

19th Level: FB. Survival 3. Feat (FB): Greater Frenzy.

20th Level: FB. Attribute: Strength 1. Survival 3.

21st Level: Blackguard. Diplomacy 1, Intimidate 2. Epic Feat: Epic Charisma 1. Feat(s) (B): Aura of Despair, Turn Undead, Create Undead.

22nd Level: FB. Intimidate 3.

23rd Level: FB. Intimidate 3. Epic Feat: Epic Toughness. Feat (FB): Supreme Power Attack.

24th Level: Blackguard. Attribute: Charisma 1. Diplomacy 3. Feat (B): Sneak Attack 1d6.

25th Level: Blackguard. Diplomacy 3. Epic Feat: Epic Resilience. Feat (B): Summon Fiend.

26th Level: Blackguard. Diplomacy 3. Feat (B): Inflict Serious Wound.

27th Level: Blackguard. Intimidate 3. Epic Feat: Your choice (I prefer Knockdown here). Feat(s) (B): Contagion, Sneak Attack 2d6.

28th Level: Blackguard. Attribute: Charisma 1. Diplomacy 3. Feat (B): Inflict Critical Wound.

29th Level: Blackguard. Intimidate 3. Epic Feat: Epic Divine Might. Feat (B): Sneak Attack 3d6.

30th Level: Blackguard. Diplomacy 3.

Final Attributes:

Strength = 21
Dexterity = 10
Constitution = 12
Intelligence = 12
Wisdom = 12
Charisma = 21

Final Notes:

There are 2 critical parts to this build:

1st - By around character level 6 you need to start becoming more chaotic so that you are neutral shortly after obtaining character level 8. This gives you the opportunity to become a Frenzied Berserker at character level 9.

The 5 preceding levels of Frenzied Berserker not only "unlock" Enhanced Power Attack, but they are also designed to give your character the necessary time to become evil. This is why you do NOT have the opportunity to choose the other classes before the Frenzied Berserker (..because they are predicated on alignment shifts that are to far from the Paladin's Lawful Good alignment).

You will need to be evil before level 14 so that you can become a Warlock. (..alternatively you could become chaotic.. BUT your character would still need to be evil by level 15 for the Blackguard class, and at least for role-playing value a neutral evil character is more in keeping with the class than a chaotic evil character.)

2nd - its also just as important to choose Power Attack at first level so that you can get Cleave at 3rd and Great Cleave at 6th. Like the alignment change from Lawful to Neutral, all 3 feats are needed to get the Frenzied Berserker class at level 9.

Feats: All the feats except Knockdown at character level 27 are critical to this build and are where they need to be in relation to the OC and MOTB. Again, Blind Fight was selected before Improved Power Attack because of its importance in the OC with certain opponents. Note that both Divine Might and Divine Shield required the inclusion of the Blackguard class at each feat respective level.

Skills: Diplomacy and Intimidate were deemed to be critical with the role-playing of an Inquisitor. 5 points in Hide were required for the Blackguard class ( otherwise useless skill for this character). The other points in Use Magic Device (UMD) and Survival are not absolutely necessary, but at least in the case of UMD - were deemed very beneficial. (..Survival was seen as more of a skill-based corollary to the Inquisitor's magical "See the Unseen" Invocation, not as an "over-lap" to it like Spot or Listen would be.)

Invocations: The Dark One's Own Luck provides the character with one of the 3 Charisma bonus save modifiers. See the Unseen on the other hand was really the "driving" basis for the build's role-playing value. Additionally, See the Unseen also allows us to totally "gimp" on skill points in either Spot or Listen. At character level 9 you could exchange your 3 points in Survival for 3 in either Spot or Listen to help with those levels between 9 through 17. Additionally you could also swap positions of the Dark One's Own Luck with See the Unseen to get it 2 levels earlier. Up to you. ;)

Anyway, *IF* you are looking for a near magically impervious character then give this build a try.

Additionally, if you don't want to put up with the Drow's 2 level deficit then DON'T. Instead create your character in Vordan's Hero Creator and level it up 1 or 2 levels, then export that character and start it up in the OC. For MOTB without an exported character from the OC this will be essential because of the alignment changes.

Vordan's Hero Creator -- Neverwinter Nights 2 Vault

(Note the section on "Installation".)
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