Stormreed is a neutral good elven archer, with dragons as racial enemies.
STR 13 - will purchase the 19str girdle ASAP.
DEX 19 - need low AC etc.
CON 17 - need lots of hp.
INT 13 - irrelevant.
WIS 18 - good for saving throws and priest spells.
CHA 10 - will use the 18cha ring for shopping.
Long Bow +++++
Sling +
Two weapons style ++
I chose the long bows over short bows for roleplaying reasons, which makes the game quite a bit harder, as the only bows which require no ammo are short bows. However, I will give one star to short bows, so that if I run out of good arrows later in the game, I'll be able to use the Gesen bow.
Irenicus's Dungeon
This was a little harder than I imagined; mephits love to cast Blindness, a very efficient anti-archer spell. I tried to use a mace, but couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with it, so I just withstood all
their blows. Also, the only bows I could find were composite long bows and short bows. Fortunately, if you cast Draw Upon Holy Might to increase your abilities up to the weapon's requirements, when the spell runs out you can still use that weapon.
The rest of the dungeon was cleared out smoothly.
Waukeen's Promenade
As is usual with all my solo characters, I sell off all the loot collected from the dungeon, and go face Mr. Pebblecrush and friends.If I could use wands, I'd start off with a nice cloudkill right in the center of the room. Alas, I cannot. My only hope is to lure them outside, like I did with my solo monk, and take them on one or two at a time. So I did just that, and soon the dwarf and the fighter were chasing me, cursing me, onto the promenade, and then to the fountain near the northwest exit. Here I took them out, first the fighter, and then the dwarf. Didn't get hit once.
Upon returning, I noticed the three remaining dolts had gone back to their room. I tried using the fire and hide tactic. It worked with Pooky the imp, and it would have also worked with his wizard master were it not for the fact that the backstabbing thief spotted me. I ignored the wizard's spells, drank a potion of speed, and perfurated the thief's body with a quiver of arrows. The wizard shared the same fate. I grabbed all the loot, including the powerful Cloak of Non-Detection, and headed for the circus.
I got beat on savagely by the werewolves, over and over again, so I decided to run right up to Kalah's face and filled it with arrows. This did the job nicely.
There is one item which I just must have, even more so than a better bow. It is the Boots of Speed. My AC will always be quite high, so facing monsters toe-to-toe is not an option. Extra running speed will greatly facilitate hit and run tactics, which I will have to make use of many times during the course of this game, if I am to reach the final battle. However, I am still too weak to attempt the Planar Prison. I must first get a few more levels under my belt.
Slums District
The beastmaster and friends went down quickly without me suffering a scratch so, feeling confident, I descended into the sewers.
I soon encountered a nasty problem, an otyugh, which was immune to all my missiles. I had to resort to the mace, which hit more air than flesh, and thus got hit very bad. Jellys are also immune to a bunch of stuff, so I just grabbed the hand and ignored them.
Upon completing the Sewer Riddle quest, I entered the slaver ship. Realizing I could not survive with so many enemies targeting me, I lured them back down into the sewers, and all the way to the pipes room. I then stood in the doorway, where only two could hit me at a time, drank a potion of speed, and took them out one by one. When there were only a few left, I used hit and run tactics to avoid being hit. I still used up many potions though.
Back inside, a few fighters and a priest were quickly dispatched, as were the two slaver wizards and a few thieves. Good thing I found some Arrows of Fire, they proved useful against a couple of trolls I found here.
I sold all the loot at the Adventurer's Mart, bought the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, and journeyed to the de'Arnise Hold.
De'Arnise HoldNo problems here, until the battle with a yuan-ti mage in the Keep's library, which was very tough indeed. I overcame his spellcasting by perfurating his body with acid arrows, and then slew the nasty troll which splits into two smaler hard-hitting trolls with piercing arrows I had found in an adjacent room. Used up a few healing potions unfortunately.
After a battle with a normal troll, which took me from 122hp to 3hp in a few seconds, I realized I wouldn't get much farther without some sort of meat shield; a Berserker for instance. I shall pass by the Bridge District once the Keep is clear and obtain the Silver Horn of Valhala.
Grabbing a Potion of Invisibility I had purchased from Ribald, I venture into the Golem room. I loot all the statues, then drink the potion with one swift motion. That's it boys, no need to wake up, you're doing a good job.
I inspect the stolen goods: the Elven Court Bow +3 (+4 thac0), a nifty axe, a war hammer, and one of the flail pieces. Not bad. Needless to say, I immediately equipped the bow.
In the dungeons lurked a grave problem, a spectral troll, immune to my non-enchanted missiles. I wanted to save my fire arrows for TorGal, so I was forced to use a mace +1, but since my thac0 was so high, he regenerated faster than I could hurt him. Hide in shadows was not an option, because I needed to open the door that led to the Umber Hulks. There was only one solution, one that may seem familiar if you read my solo monk's Journal. I lured it into the first room, then ran inside the second room, shutting the door behind him. I hid in shadows, walked right past the menacing Umber Hulks, and planted the dog stew I had made earlier in their cave, but not before I spat in it. There, that's one less problem to worry about. Now all that stands between me and success is one big nasty troll and his comrades. Not a problem. I cast Draw Upon Holy Might, drank a Potion of Defense, then lured TorGal back into the Umber Hulk room, shutting the door behind us so as to not have anyone interrupt our duel. TorGal is very fast on his feet, but I still managed to hit and run without getting hit too much. When his dead corpse hit the ground, I reached level 10. I repeated this process when slaying his trollish friends.
Back in Athkatla, I headed for the Temple District, and ventured down into the sewers. After slaying some easy Kobolds, I bumped into a Rakshasa, who was easily felled by fire arrows. The creature dropped the Cloak of the Sewers, which I immediately put on.
I passed by Keldorn, but didn't bother to say hi. He just doesn't know when to shutup. Plus he's one of those guys that turn your hand into sawdust when you shake his hand. He also pretended not to see me. I entered Mekrath's tower, killed a few mephits, and accepted the wizard's mission. A few seconds later the imp was dead, the mirror was retrieved, and a lesser earth elemental immune to all my attacks was chasing me. I drank a potion of Invisibility and left it behind in the dark. I returned the wizard his mirror, rescued Haer'Dalis, and retrieved his gem after killing some Salamanders and a Yuan-ti mage.
Once back in the sewers I met Roger, the potion dealer. Apparently, a nasty sea troll has been pestering him for some time now. For 500 gp I slew the beast. I shall be returning here later, this Roger dude has some fine mixtures.
I then proceeded to the Bridge District, and retrieved the Silver Horn of Valhala, after drinking a potion of Magic Resistance I got from Roger to avoid the nasty Maze trap. I then ran to Waukeen's Promenade, and upgraded it to a Bronze Horn of Valhala. I had to pay 2000 gp and a diamond, but gained a useful ally (read: meatshield) a 7th level berserker whom I can summon once a day. Once I find a berjuril gem, I will upgrade it further to an Iron Horn of Valhala.
In the Government District I found a sad little boy, who begged I help him. His town in the Umar Hills was going through some bad times, and the population was in serious need of assistance. I agreed to investigate.
I also met a powerful Cowled Wizard, who offered me a strange mission in return for some magical items. I am supposed to hunt down a murderer, Valygar Corthala, and bring him back dead or alive. I agreed to it.
It is time to visit the troubled city of Trademeet.
After a short briefing by Trademeet's mayor, and after speaking to the druid Cernd, I journeyed to the Druid Grove.
There were trolls there. Many trolls. Alone they were easy, but in groups, they kicked the crap out of me. I became more cautious, hiding in the shadows, concealing my presence whenever possible, to better ascertain the danger. The Troll Mound was a brutal and unforgiving place; weeks later I could still smell the putridity... trolls are truly disgusting carnivores. Ironically, it was here I found the awesome Bracers of Archery (+2 to thac0, missiles), a true gem amidst all the mud.
Later I ran into a battle between a few trolls and shadow druids. I intervened in the battle, with the goal of maximizing losses on both sides. Once all the trolls were slain, only one severely injured druid was left to battle me.
A few seconds later I encountered more shadow druids, but no trolls to help me. It was a good thing I was hiding in shadows or I would have been toast. I summoned my 7th level berserker, who served well as spell bait. Meanwhile, I happily plucked away at the weakest members of the group.
Ihtafeer and friends went down fast with some +2 arrows I had bought from a genie in Trademeet. I grabbed her head, and went to meet Cernd. Once the main shadow druid person guy was destroyed, I returned to Trademeet to receive my well deserved reward.
The crypt quest was ridiculously complicated. I was forced out of the crypt, of course, with so many skeletons being summoned, so I used almost the entire map to maneuvre. It took me half an hour to wipe out the army of skeletons. It is painfully obvious how much I am in need of the Boots of Speed. I have been putting it off because the Planar Prison ambush is very tough for an archer, but I have decided to go there before I start questing in the Umar Hills. The boots WILL be mine. BTW, I am eleventh level now.
Planar Prison
I knew that I wouldn't survive this battle without some magic resistance, because the mage on the left immediately casts numerous protections, including Protection from Magic Weapons. I needed to endure her onslaught, so I bought another Potion of Magic Protection from good old Roger. I drank potions of Speed and Heroism, and stepped through the gate. I started off by summoning my berserker on top of the mage, then attacked the priest with arrows. I managed to kill everyone easily, and only the mage remained. While I wore down her stonekins, many powerful spells bounced off me thanks to the magic protection. Eventually, she went down, and the boots were mine! Now I just have to get the hell out of here!
I won't always have such powerful resources, and there will come a time when I'll probably need another such potion, but in this case I had to use it because I needed to acquire the boots. If I get stuck later on, there is always the possibility of hiding in shadows and bypassing the battle altogether. We shall see.
No!!!! Umber Hulks!!! Why not the cute lovely little Yuan-Tis??? I have absolutely no chance of taking down such beasts!! What an unfortunate turn of events. My only hope is to lure them back to where I was teleported, then drink a Potion of Invisibility, or lure them out one by one and kill them. If only I had Arrows of Cloudkill!
I managed to lure one out and kill it, but there were still four left, and worse, tightly packed. I cast my berserker near the group in an attempt to disperse them; it worked. I lured another one out, and fought it toe to toe to prevent it from confusing me. They hit quite hard, but they have low hps, so that worked very well. I recast the berserker near them, and managed to severely injure one of them by sniping from afar. When the berserker bit the dust, both of them came running for me, but I managed to kill one before it reached me. The last umber hulk fell at my feet, its body riddled with arrows. I had overcome the first major obstacle.
The wyvern was slain with ease, as the speed these boots grant me allow to hit and run very efficiently. If I ever get out of this place, I should find life much easier.
The mage in the next room was also easy, once she wasted her spells on my spellbait/meatshield.
The Master of Thralls did something amazing. While I was running away from the air elementals, the creature went around the other way and trapped me! It was felled quickly though, as was the single air elemental that dared follow me.
The warden was slightly challenging. I cast an air elemental from a staff I found here, as well as the berserker, and he wasted all his most powerful
pells on them. Then I attacked him with Arrows of Biting, which are awesome spell disruptors. He fell hard and fast. Mission accomplished.
The Unseeing Eye
After all that hard work, I decided to do an easier quest, the quest of the Unseeing Eye. After stocking up on arrows and potions, I headed once again to the Temple sewers.
On the way there, I decided to have a go at the mercenaries. They're worth a lot of experience, as well as gold. I begun by firing a Sleep Cloud from the staff I found in the Planar Prison. I moved close enough to see the dwarf collapse from the gas. Then I filled his body with arrows. One down, five to go. I rested to get the cloud back, and summoned an air elemental (also from the blessed staff), followed by another cloud. The priest and the archer managed to follow me, so I lured them away and killed them. Another few hours of sleep later I went back, repeating the procedure. Eventually, they were all slain. Thank you, come again! The shadows and ettercaps were all destroyed by my air elemental, they couldn't even hurt him. It's nice having such a powerful meatshield... I mean ally. I passed the gas chamber trap without setting it off, strange... maybe it was because I was hiding in shadows.
A few spiders and yuan-ti later, I reached the bridge. Great evil lurked by, in the form of a beholder and a couple of gauths. I, being the great valiant hero that I am, hid in shadows and sneaked by unnoticed (I hope no one ever gets to read you, journal). I avoided the nasty petrification trap, and went to pick up the rod. On the way back, a few wraiths surprised me, slaughtered my air elemental (we'll call him bob from now on, I don't feel like typing the whole thing; bob the lesser air elemental), and then level drained me, the bastards. They forced me to go to a temple and get patched up! What a waste of time. Shame I can't wear the Amulet of Power...
Upon descending the Pit of the Faithless, I encountered ghasts and mummies, so I summoned bob, who was immune to their attacks. I let him chew them up in peace; I didn't want to waste my enchanted arrows anyway. BTW, I still don't know for sure how thac0 works with arrows. I am a newbie to d&d, and most of what I know is from reading the manual, playing the game, and the occasional forum now and then. I do know that I cannot injure a greater mummy with a +3 bow and +2 arrows, which is very strange to me (immunity to piercing damage seems like the only logical explanation). The sooner I buy the Sling of Everard +5 to use in emergencies, the better.
I entered the beholder lair relatively calm. I didn't intend to do much fighting there anyway. I hid like a coward once again, and crawled all the way to the rod room, guarded by a single gauth. It went down with five arrows. Once the assembled rod was in my possession, the poor Unseeing Eye had no choice but to die by my hand... err rod? I snuck out of the lair, returned the rod, and resurfaced.
Lich Hunting
I restocked my arrows and potions,bought the Sling of Everard +5, and decided it was time to hunt some liches. There is zero challenge in killing liches if you use the scroll of Protection from Undead. Unfortunately, there is no other way a solo archer can cope with them, so I used the scrolls without hesitation. Both elemental liches were slain in just a few minutes, as was the lich in the Crooked Crane. Kangaxx the Demi-Lich took a while longer, because the only weapon I possess that can touch him is the Sling of Everard +5. I drank a potion of something Giant Strength, and a potion of Speed, and he went down like a decrepit old goblin.
I completed the Fallen Paladins quest (easy, with the aid of bob), the tanner quest (easy, once shifted intro a troll), the Tiris quest in Trademeet, hit 14th level, and journeyed to the beautiful Umar Hills!
Umar Hills
Completed various minor quests here, including the chicken quest, which earned me a berjuril gem. Next time I stop by Waukeen's Promenade I will use it to upgrade my berserker.
Killed many shadows in the temple ruins using hit and run tactics. I have to take it easy with enchanted arrows because they are very scarce.
No problems underground, until the lava pool, where I found a lich and greater mummies, which was a first time for me. I grabbed what I needed from the room and ran like an escaped convict. Sorry journal, but I just didn't have the resources needed to handle that situation.
Past the floor puzzle, bob killed a bone golem and the imprisoned shadow. With all the ritual pamphlets in hand, I returned to the statue to receive the last piece of the circle. I reach 15th level. Two levels left till I get capped.
Finally, the time has come. I get to fight a powerful dragon with only a string attached to a piece of wood, with a few spells here and there. I cast Armor of Faith, Barksin, Protection from Fire, Improved Haste, then summoned bob and two insect plagues. I used my called shot to reduce the dragon's strength, and ran circles around the perimeter, stopping to fire only one arrow at a time. Eventually, the dragon dropped. It was much easier than I thought, but still fun nonetheless.
The shadow lord dropped with seven arrows, whereas my monk only needed four punches. I headed back to Umar Hills to receive a very cool reward indeed, the Night's Armor +5, and the ranger cabin! My AC is now -6, which is ok I guess.
I sold a bunch of stuff at the Adventurer's Mart, bought Vhailor's Helm (can cast Simulacrum once a day!), and upgraded my horn.
Windspear Hills
The paladins were taken down easily. Bob kept them busy while I filled their polymorphed bodies with arrows.
I delivered the acorns to the dryad Queen, killed a few orcs, and entered Firkraag's lair. The hobgoblin ambush was easily destroyed thanks to bob once again. Good old bob. Life has been much easier since I got the Staff of Air (and the Boots of Speed!). I cast healing on bob, and pressed on.
The first challenge was the shadows and wraiths near the chapel the key. They chewed bob up pretty fast, so I had to use hit and run tactics in a very small space, but I still managed not to get hit.
The next challenge was Samia's ambush. Too great a challenge though, as without some room to maneuvre, my archer is useless. bob only lived a few seconds as well, so there was only one solution: hide in shadows. I also bypassed the greater werewolves.
A few golems later (including a stuck adamantite golem) I found the Heartseeker +3 bow, which I immediately equipped. Now I feel even more prepared for taking on Firkraag! Still a bit of work left to do though.
Tazok and his friends went down too quickly, thanks to bob. Of course, a 16th level hasted archer can also spice things up a little. Poor Tazok didn't even have a chance to land a blow.
Next up, Conster. Hehe, poor Conster. I summoned bob in front of him, cast Improved Haste, and let loose a merciless volley of +2 arrows in his face. Firkraag, I imagine, will not fall so easily.
-Firkraag a la Stormreed Recipe-
1 Red Dragon
1 Invulnerability potion
1 Clarity potion
1 Magic Resistance potion
2 Greater Healing Potions
1 Vhailor's Helm
1 quiver of Arrows of Piercing
1 ring of fire resistance
1 Dragon Helm
1 Staff of Air +2
1 ring of Gaxx
Cast Simulacrum (Vhailor's Helm)
Summon Lesser Air Elemental (Staff of Air +2)
Cast Improved Haste (ring of Gaxx)
Begin attack
Final touches:
Make sure to remove Carsomyr +5 and any other residues after roasting. Serve with salad and roast potatoes. Bon appetit!
I hit 17th level. No more experience for me.
After completing a few minor tasks for Aran Linvail, I venture into Bodhi's lair. Vampires are my worst enemies, because of the level drain, which is a major threat without the amulet of power. They are also very fast, and thus, hit and run tactics are quite difficult, even with the Boots of Speed. One mistake, and I get level drained. My best bet is to grab the mace of disruption, upgrade it, and use that against the bloodsuckers.
I slew a few vampires by hitting and running around the large table, then killed a stone golem with my Ardulia's Fall +1 mace. I summoned bob and the berserker into the blood pool room, killed all the vampires, grabbed the Mace of Disruption +1, then ran to the Government District to activate the art quest. Once the mace was upgraded, I headed back to the graveyard.
Aaah, what a relief! This mace is very effective, even when one is only proficient with it. I wiped out the inner sanctum with ease thanks to it. Tanova was also a piece of cake, thanks to bob, as was Bodhi. It's time we sail to Spellhold!
NOTE: From now on I will only complete the quests needed to finish the game, to prevent running out of enchanted arrows and being stuck with Tansheron's short bow, with which I am only proficient. Therefore I will skip the Planar Sphere, Beholder lair, Illithids, etc. etc.
Nothing noteworthy until Perth the Adept, who went down rather easily thanks to good old bob, once again. If it weren't for the lovable bob, my job as an archer would be infinitely harder.
After sacrificing my intelligence in the dream, I got thrown into Bohdi's maze, with its cramped rooms and narrow corridors; a nightmare for any archer. But I have bob. I will always have bob to protect me.
The first challenge was the lich of course, but I chose to run right past him, hidden in shadows to bypass the mummies as well. My goal with this archer is to finish the game; I have abandoned the idea of full clearing everything, which I did with my other solo characters.
Dace Sontan fell really fast, as he failed an early save vs death on my mace. I grabbed his hand, and ran back, past the lich and mummies once again. I didn't even stop to say hello. I want nothing to do with these creatures, nor the ones from the old tome. I must conserve my special arrows for when they'll really be needed to finish the game.
After a few easy Yuan-Ti, I go through the head statue and onto the next area. Some minotaurs are quickly dispatched with the help of bob. I encountered a few trolls, but fortunately I had saved some acid arrows, so no problems there. I place both horns on the minotaur statue, and get the hell out of this claustrophobic hell as fast as my legs permit me.
The first battle with Irenicus was ridiculously easy thanks to the nutcases. I just stood in a corner flinging normal arrows at him until he escaped. The assassins were tougher, so I shifted into a troll and slew them.
Shark City
Absolutely zero challenge here, except for the traps in the drow area, which I avoided using the priest spell Find Traps. I chose to side with the rebels, since I have no need of the Gauntlets of Crushing.
I bought all the arrows I could carry, and headed for the snirfveblin village. Bumped into some drow and spore colonies, who were easily taken care of with the help of bob.
After killing the cave demon, I decided to venture into the Kuo-Toa cave. No challenges here, except for the demon knights. These boys pack quite a punch. I summoned bob, and then summoned the berserker on the altar. Poor bob died almost instantly, so I used the same tactic as my solo monk, and lured them out one by one. They were very easy to kill, because of their slowness. Didn't get hit once. I picked up the girdle of Frost Giant Strength, and put it on.
Outside Adalon's lair I was ambushed by a party of drow. It was a tough battle, I had to drink three greater healing potions to survive.
The drow missions were all very easy except for the first one. Just outside Ust Nath, a very very tough group ambushed me. I used the same tactic as my solo monk; hide in shadows and kill the mage before he has the chance to cast his spells. After that was done, the rest of the group fell quite fast, once trusty bob was summoned. The illithid ambush was also quite tough, without any brine potions, but thanks to Improved Haste I managed to kill them quickly. Used two greater healing potions because of the hard-hitting umber hulks though. No matter, I still had eighteen left.
The other missions were very simple and unworthy of being documented here.
Upon delivering the eggs to Adalon, I slay a few drow, and resurface. It is good to see the light of day once again!
Forest of Tethir
Just a few vampiric mists and orcs away is the mighty Mana Bow +4, hidden inside a cave on the east side of this map. I equipped the bow, and prepared myself to face Bohdi one last time.
On the way to the Graveyard District, I met Drizzt, who agreed to help me defeat Bohdi. Drizzt is a powerful ally. Bob didn't like him much though, maybe because he is drow.
Vampires are easy to slay with the Mace of Disruption +2. I had no problems whatsoever until I descended into the lower sanctum and encountered Bohdi. Drizzt was awesome though, he can kill with the best of them. He did most of the work against Bohdi, as my proficiency with maces didn't allow me to hit her much. I staked her black heart, and headed for the elven encampment, Lanthorn in hand.
The House of the Horn was difficult, as inside were three stone golems. They killed bob in the blink of an eyelid, and would have killed me as well were it not for my greater healing potions. I positioned myself against the wall, next to a small pool, so that only two could hit me. I had to use the mace and Improved Haste, but managed to survive. Just barely though. Golems are a huge problem for archers, and this place is filled with them! I must use stealth to bypass them whenever possible, or risk running out of healing potions. They will be much needed in the fight against the dragon.
The House of the Talisman was clear of monsters, but near Demin's house awaited a nabassu, which is not fooled by invisibility. I unleashed a frenzy of piercing arrows, and it dropped rather quickly.
I then faced a very powerful drow mage. I summoned bob to confront him, but it was slain with a death spell. I them summoned the berserker, which served reasonably well as spell bait. Then the mage gated a fiend in, so I ran like an escaped convict. Soon the idiot mage was fighting his own creature, and I stood by, watching and scribbling notes on my journal. This lasted several minutes. Finally, the mage perished, and all that remained of the battle was an efreeti.
I encountered three Rakshasa in the House of Damien, but failed to save the woman in time, so I beat the crap out of them as revenge.
Outside the House of the Moon I encountered some more of these creatures battling some elven mages. Once their protections wore out, I took them down easily; they're quite harmless really.
After grabbing the stone harp, I headed for the dragon. I covered myself with protections, including my last potion of magic protection, which I bought from a drow merchant, cast Simulacrum, etc. The dragon fell so fast it was pathetic. Oh well... Goblet in hand, I headed for the Temple of Rillifane.
I slew the Maharajah outside, and prepared for the battle I was about to enter. Our friend bob lasted one tenth of a second. Upon realizing the hopelessness of the situation, I did something unthinkable, the cheesiest thing I have ever done in BG2. I placed the artifacts in the thingy. Then the big spirit dude appeared and mercilessly slew them all! :| Don't look at me like that.
The battle with Irenicus was... easy, but only because I drank my last potion of magic resistance. I still had a scroll of Protection from Magic, because I had not faced the Twisted Rune, but decided to leave it for the final battle. This fight was so easy I don't even know what to write... only that I destroyed two misleads followed by the powerful mage himself, always with arrows of biting. The Improved Haste from the Ring of Gaxx helped immensely of course. Oh well...
Sarevok couldn't hurt bob, so I just stood in the back, happily plucking away. I avoided facing the beholders altogether by simply drinking a potion of clarity and grabbing the tear. The rest of the tears were obtained by following the good path.
And now, the final battle. With a scroll of Protection from Magic, what could go wrong? Well, to put it simply, as an archer I could not defeat Irenicus, although the summoned creatures were easily slaughtered one by one. The slayer simply regenerates too fast. My only solution was to transform into the slayer myself, cast Improved Haste, and beat the crap out of it. That did the job nicely.
Playing an archer is fun, although quite challenging, but not nearly as much as I thought it would be when I created the character. It requires quite a bit of patience as a lot of running around is required, to avoid getting hit. I recommend it only if you know the game pretty well, as it might otherwise prove a tad frustrating. All in all, a pleasant experience, and one which I will not hesitate to relive in the future.
Tales of Stormreed the solo archer
- Ben_Albright
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- Kevin Dorner
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- ThorinOakensfield
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Great Job!
I envy you, for the Archer is someone I haven't soloed yet
Soon though... soooon

I envy you, for the Archer is someone I haven't soloed yet
Soon though... soooon
Cartoon Law III
Any body passing through solid matter will leave a perforation conforming to its perimeter. Also called the silhouette of passage, this phenomenon is the speciality of victims of directed-pressure explosions and of reckless cowards who are so eager to escape that they exit directly through the wall of a house, leaving a cookie-cutout-perfect hole. The threat of skunks or matrimony often catalyzes this reaction.
Any body passing through solid matter will leave a perforation conforming to its perimeter. Also called the silhouette of passage, this phenomenon is the speciality of victims of directed-pressure explosions and of reckless cowards who are so eager to escape that they exit directly through the wall of a house, leaving a cookie-cutout-perfect hole. The threat of skunks or matrimony often catalyzes this reaction.