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HELP! Korgan vs Aerie

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HELP! Korgan vs Aerie

Post by Danzar »

Thanks for reading my first post. Well, I'm stumped.

I'm in the Drow City and Aerie decided to give me an ultimatum - either kick out Korgan or she will leave the party.

Korgan's the best fighter around so I kept going, time passed and when the sun came up she was off. Left the party in the middle of the Underdark.

Sabre - I tried your 'happy' patch, adding the files to the override directory of BGII but it didn't stop Aerie from leaving. I've gone back to my last saved game, which is after Aerie's ultimatum, but 8 hours before she delivers on it.

What do I do? The game is now crashing at the exact point when Aerie bolts.

Should I file my saved game, uninstall, re-install and re-introduce my saved games along with the patch.

Looking forward to a 'saviour'.

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Post by UserUnfriendly »

try resetting "korganaeriegrump" to zero....

not sure what will happen, this works best after second time korgan and aerie clash....
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Post by Danzar »


Thanks for your quick reply.

I've heard about Korganaeriegrump, but would you know where the file is and how I set it to zero?

I checked the existing files in 'override' (not the patch) and I see numerous references, such as 'Setglobal:Korganaeriegrump, 1' or something like that.

Would you have the file name and the exact text that I need to substitute?

Thanks again.
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Post by VonDondu »

UserUnfriendly is referring to a global variable. There are two (practical) ways to change global variables. The first way is to call up the CLUAConsole (inside the game) and type in a command. The second way is to change the value of the variable with ShadowKeeper (outside the game).

If you have cheat codes enabled, you can use the CLUAConsole commands. To enable cheat codes, use a text editor to add the line "DebugMode=1" to your BALDUR.INI file under [Program Options] and restart the game. (If I got that wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me.) To bring up the CLUAConsole (inside the game), press the CTRL key on your keyboard, hold it down, and press the Space bar. A box will pop up at the bottom of your screen. In the box, type the following:


After the first time you use it, "CLUAConsole" will appear in the box automatically, so after that, all you need to type is "SetGlobal...[etc.]"

To be honest, I don't see how resetting that particular variable will prevent the next conversation from taking place--the one where Aerie leaves the group--so I don't see how it will prevent Aerie from leaving. To prevent Aerie from ever threatening to leave in the first place, you should change a different variable to prevent that dialogue from taking place. I suggest:


That will trick the game into thinking that the conversation has already taken place, which will prevent it from occurring.

Good luck.
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Post by Danzar »


Thanks to both of you.

Now - I'm not computer literate so you'll have to near with me.

1. Can I only use the CLUAConsole to reset the counter to zero if I have cheat codes enabled? Can I just call it up?
2. I don't have shadowkeeper, so I'll have to use the CLUAConsole option. Do I hit ctrl/space while in the game?
3. With the texteditor, can I assume that Windows notepad would suffice?
4. Are 'SetGlobal("KorganAerieGrump","GLOBAL",0)' or 'SetGlobal("BKorgan18","LOCALS",1) ' eneterd as stand alone lines in the file?
5. Does it matter where I type them?

Sorry, just one more thing - is CLUAConsole a file, just like Baldur.ini?

The reason why I'm asking is because I'd like to try your last suggestion (BKorgan18) but I'd like to know the name of the file that I enter this into.

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Post by VonDondu »

Those are good questions.

First of all, when we talk about global variables, we're not talking about "files". Global variables are stored in your Saved Game files, which you can edit indirectly with ShadowKeeper, but otherwise, we're not talking about editing files with a hex editor or anything like that.

BALDUR.INI is a text file, and you can use any simple text editor to make changes to it, including Windows Notepad. That's probably your best choice. BALDUR.INI can be found in the directory where you installed Shadows of Amn.

The CLUAConsole is used inside the game. When you hit CTRL-Space, a box pops up at the bottom of your screen (whether cheat codes are enabled or not). That's where you should type your commands.

I think once you actually see it for yourself, it will all make sense to you.

You can also use other cheat keys without typing anything into the CLUAConsole box. For example, if you press the CTRL key and hold it down and press the J key, your characters will "jump" to wherever your mouse cursor is pointing. It's a fast way to cross a map. That's why it's considered to be a "debugging" tool as well as a cheat. Cheat or not, I do use that one a lot. :)

UserUnfriendly probably uses a lot more cheats than I do (he-he), but if you ever hear anyone refer to "Ctrl-Y" or "Ctrl-Q", those are cheats, too. Personally, I never thought that Ctrl-Y was all that much fun, but Ctrl-Q certainly was until I got bored with it from over-indulgence. :)
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Post by Danzar »


Thanks for the tips.

To summarise:

1. Open Baldur.ini
2. Type SetGlobal("BKorgan18","LOCALS",1) anywhere in the file, but on its own line, using windows notepad.
3. Save and reload.


Do the same, but using CLUAConsole while in the game - in short, I'm typing the same thing but as a specific command.


Ta :) :)
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Post by VonDondu »

Looks like I wasn't being clear. There's no reason why a normal person should understand all of this mumbo-jumbo. :) My apologies. Here are the steps you should follow:

1. Exit the game (or don't start it if you're not already playing it).
2. Start Windows Notepad and find BALDUR.INI.
3. Look for the line that says [Program Options]. Right under it, add the line:
4. Save BALDUR.INI and exit Notepad.
5. Start Shadows of Amn. Load a Saved Game.
6. While you're inside the game, press the CTRL key, hold it down, and press the Space bar. A box will pop up at the bottom of your screen.
7. Type the following in the box:
8. From then on, every time you press CTRL-Space in the game, "CLUAConsole" will automatically appear in the box, awaiting your commands. You can type other commands such as:
CreateCreature("BOO") (then you can "CTRL-Q" him and add him to your party!) :)

Let me clarify what happens in the game when Korgan talks to Aerie. First, the game checks the state of certain variables. If the variables permit it, the dialogue takes place. If the variables don't permit it, the dialogue doesn't take place. When Aerie threatens the leave the group, the game starts a timer. If the timer expires and the condition it checks is not met (for example, if Aerie and Korgan are both still in the group), another dialogue is triggered, and in this case, Aerie leaves the group. (I think you can find her at the Circus, but I don't think she'll rejoin you, but I'm not sure.) Once that timer starts ticking, it's too late to use SetGlobal("KorganAerieGrump","GLOBAL",0). That's why I recommend that you use SetGlobal("BKorgan18","LOCALS",1) before Aerie ever threatens to leave.
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Post by Danzar »

Ah ha!

Much appreciated.

Well, I didn't get this reply until I got back to work today. Here is what happened last night:

1. I opened Baldur.ini and typed debugmode=1 under Program Options (but not straight after the heading - I did it after the existing text...oops
2. Loaded the game and my saved game.
3. Held down ctrl/space and the only thing that happened was the game paused.
4. Then I did something really stupid - I did a search of the baldurs gate directory looking for any files that contained 'Korganaeriegrump' and deleted all references to it.

As you can imagine, I killed two out of my four saved games and had to re-install. Silly move!

ONE QUESTION - I have no patches installed at all. Do I need any in order to run cheat mode?

So, my last surviving saved game is
where I've just been sent to Bodhi's spellhold lair, after confronting Irenicus.[END SPOLIER}
What I'll do is test the cheat mode at that point and redo the quests up to the Drow City. I'll use a walkthrough this time, since I've already done these parts and want to get back to the Drow City ASAP.

Should have done nothing until I was certain that I could enable the cheat mode.

If it doesn't work I might bight the bullet and start all over again, but with a new style of party, romances etc etc.
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Post by Tue »

No you don't need any patches to run the CLUAConsole, but you really should get them anyway. Especially if you plan on doing romances as some of them (read: Jaheira) is quite buggy in the original.
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Post by fable »

where I've just been sent to Bodhi's spellhold lair, after confronting Irenicus.[END SPOLIER]

If you're back at that point, you really shouldn't need to "handmake" any changes in the code. Just install the happy patch. Aerie's grump variable shouldn't increase any further.
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Post by Skooter327 »

After reading through the above posts, I notice that none mentions how to enable the cheat mode. Its probably too obvious to those that use it, but those of us that don't must remeber to open the configure application and check the box next to "enable cheats."
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Post by Danzar »

Ah ha!

Thanks Scooter - I was the origional poster.

I've been adding the 'debug' line, but still can't call up the CLUA Console.

So, I have to flag a boz to enable cheats?

Where can I find the 'configure application?'

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Post by VonDondu »

Originally posted by Skooter327
After reading through the above posts, I notice that no one mentions how to enable the cheat mode. Its probably too obvious to those that use it, but those of us that don't must remeber to open the configure application and check the box next to "enable cheats."
I've never had to do that. (In case you're wondering, I've installed the game several times, which means if it were necessary, I would have had to do it several times.)

If you're talking about some sort of control panel, maybe it simply adds the line "Debug Mode=1" to BALDUR.INI. I always do that manually.

I've heard that you have to enter "CLUAConsole:EnableCheats()" or something like that to get the cheat keys to work, but I've never had to do that, either.
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