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Spell Sequencers and Contingency help needed

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Spell Sequencers and Contingency help needed

Post by Franke »

I need a few tips/suggestions on how to prepare mages with spell triggers and stuff. This is how I plan to do it :

Minor Sequencer (Magic Missiles or Melfs Acid Arrows)
Spell Sequencer (2 Greater Malisons and Confusion)
Spell Trigger (Spell Deflection, Protection from Magical Weapons, Mislead)
Contingency (Stoneskin when hit)
Chain Contingency (2 Simulacrums and Project Image @ 50%)

Any comment would be appreciated, am I doing this all wrong or what, you tell me. :)
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Post by MegaToerist »

For ultimate simmy fun, set a chain contigency to "helpless", and then cast project image :D .

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Post by Sojourner »

Greater Malison doesn't stack, so take one out of your sequencer and replace it with something like Emotion: Heartbreak.
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Post by Littiz »

The most classical combo are already listed in Xyx's guide for
spells. Just make a little search for the link!
For the sequencers there's no more to say, I can't find a
better defensive combo than Mirror Image + Stoneskin + Improved
You are protected from ANYTHING. Mirror Image protects you from
area spells, stoneskin from blows and imp inv prevents you from
being targeted (even if you attack, thanx to the shimmering)
The best offensive sequencer is Skull Trap x 3 (Use with caution!)

You'll find in that site good tips even for triggers and
contingencies, but I add a few of mine:

In the classical trigger
Imp. Haste + Tenser + Mislead (killer for fighter mages,
but useful even for normal mages since it cures you and
helps a lot) you can trade mislead for true sight.
Since with Tenser spells are disabled, if your enemies
start going invisible or misleaded this can be very annoying.
If you have true sight active...

Chain contingency: I use it only for defense, at 50% hp.
If you are already immune to normal weapons:
Prot. Magical Weapons + Protection from Energy + Spell Turning
(Immune almost to anything, you can trade P. from Energy for
Mirror Image, but here I prefer the first cause Mirror Image
offers a protection against area spells that's not guaranteed,
while the 75% to all resistances is a sure thing).
Since you are totally immune to weapons, don't put stoneskin
in the "normal" contingency, choose mislead (you can if you
are 18th level)

Or try just experimenting!!!
I tried some defensive/offensive combo, just for when I'm
caught by surprise and get hurt:
Contingency -> Mislead
Chain Cont -> Mirror Image + Simulacrum + Abi Dhalzim
(centered on yourself, it is party-friendly, no harm)
Good when you are suddenly surrounded by enemies! You gain some
time, an ally, and possibly kill most of them immediately!!!
This is very fun: I play without preparations, so sometimes
I found myself in nasty situations, but just when I started
being worried the battle was over!!!! :D :D

Well, I fear the possible combinations are too many...
But careful with the chain cont. you planned, you summon
a lot of help but remain vulnerable (AND STUNNED!!!),
and if you reached 50% hp then there's something to worry
about!! :P
Check Xyx's site!
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

since I am playing a kensai sorc asassin mutated with sk creation, MUTANT X LIVES!!! my fav is

remove magic, armor piercer, and 2 abu dahzim for what I call the group bash. cast, and while wearing boots of speed move to visual range. trigger greater whirlwind and rush to middle of enemy group. if you have whirlwind active while boots of speed you move at twice boots of speed move rate!!!! while whacking with holy avenger, contingency triggers and either wipes out party or gets enough to make meelee fun.

skull fire, make sure you have belt of inertial barrior from trade meet, set up with prot from energy and 2 skulls..cast on yourslef..for skull fire spell...

I dont know who posted, but here is the ultimate...
load up 3 simmys or project image set condition helpless...cast project image and 4 images will pop into being allowing sincronized volley of death spells for major magic firepower.

aerie or custom cleric mage, can load up priest spells, so chain contingency 3 implosions, or spell trigger holy smites and bolts of glory for one shot demon killers.
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Post by Pregethwr »

for big baddies you should have spell trigger 3x lower resistence so your mages can then beat them senseless. This works against pretty much any melee boss (I can think of two exceptions)

If you have a cleric/mage lower resistence, greater malision and doom can be triggered then a finger of death will kill mist things

Chain Contingency 3x Horrid Wilting will clear the screen of most things

cleric/mage 3x firestorm, implosion or eathquake will kill anything.
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Post by Xyx »

Originally posted by Franke
Chain Contingency (2 Simulacrums and Project Image @ 50%)
Either go for 3 Project Images or 3 Simulacra. Projecting a single Image will paralyze you just as much as projecting 3. If you get 3 Simmies, you can still act alongside them.

3 Images are probably more powerful (they don't suffer that nasty level drain), but make sure you don't take any damage (or they'll all disappear).
[url=""]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
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