[QUOTE=Nightmare]Well, having just gone through Planescape Torment again, I'm planning to reinstall BG2 with ToB and go through again...and again...and again. What I need though is knowledge that I knew, but forgot in both my absence from playing and my absence from GB for a year. So, a few questions.
About CLUA console, is the line "Debug=1" or "Cheats=1"? IWD is one, BG2 is the other, and I can't remember which. Also, a sample CLUA command would be nice just so I remember.
NPC mods: which ones are very good? balanced? overpowered and cheesy? romances?
Game mods: again, which ones are good? I'm planning on downloading Ascension for ToB, but what does Tactics do? And what is the general consensus on The Darkest Day and the like?
One last thing. After installing, the filename for the override of the Cloak of Reflection (became Deflection in ToB) is something like "clck26" or something, right? Its a rather uberpowerful item, and I enjoy a more balanced game, lets just say I hate that bloody sphere.
In advance, thanks.[/QUOTE]
Debug =1
Kelsey & chloe are pretty much cheese-free,
Solaufein & Tashi are semi-cheesy
Valen is majour cheese
Don't know any others.
Tactics makes for more challenging encounters - be sure to get the official patch & baldurdash first. I would take Ease-of-Use and Spell-50 (most scaling spells scale up to level 50) with it.
The cloak wiffle ball override is in ease-of-use
Good gaming!
I have given up all lesser evils as inadequate to my purpose.