In at least one case, (and probably more, given how many people seem stuck in how many placs), the Jaheira romance script is tied to and controlled by the Harper Quest. Now, after poking around with the CLUAConsole (using its powers for good instead of for evil
The Romance scripts are governed by your Love Talk rating. This number indicates how far you are aong in the script (Jaheira has a max. of 70). Now, contrary to what people think, the romance dialogues are not initiated totally at random: There's a timer which counts down when the next romance dialogue will ocur (assuming any other scripted prerequisites are met, such as having completed Harper Quest such-and-such or whatever). These aren't random either, they are scripted requirements for a given Love Talk rating to increase. Now, here's the trick: The romance dialogue timer works in REAL time (minutes, hours, whatever); this means you can hit the rest button 700 times, and no dialogue will come up, because it took you 5-minutes or less of real time. Now the Harper quests, on the other hand, operate in game-time. This means if Dermin is scheduled to appear X number of days after Y event, it'll happen in 5 real-time minutes if you sit and rest. The catch is, if you aren't already at the Love Talk rating of 53 (which, as has been posted, is indicated by a dialogue about aligning our sleep cycles with the sun), you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ADVANCE YOUR ROMANCE ANY FARTHER!!!! Right, yes, Kordeth, that's been explained, so why are you wasting our time with this? Well, I wanted you to understand the problem before giving you all the solution, so maybe you can apply it to similar "glitches" that you encounter.
The Easy Fix: Download <a href="">this</a> file, made by someone named Zanzida on another BG2 message board. It's the Jaheira romance script, slightly edited to remove the requirement of Dermin from the 53+ Love Talk rating advancements. Now, I don't know if it fixes any other similar wire-crossings earlier in the script, and if you HAVEN'T killed Dermin yet and try to advance the relationship past a Love Talk of 53, you'll get weird out-of-context stuff.
The No Less Easy, But Potentially Less Risky Fix:
If you don't want to trust your game files to a complete stranger (I did, and it worked fine), you can merely use the CLUAConsole to reset your Love Talk rating to 56 or 57, and you should be fine--but you will miss a couple of interesting and amusing dialogues.
And, to close, here are a few handy CLUAConsole commands--use them wisely.
CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("Lovetalk","LOCALS") - Chect your love talk rating with a given character. You must have your mouse pointer over that character's portrait to use this.
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("LoveTalk","LOCALS",XX) - Sets your love talk to a given rating, where XX is a number.
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("JaheiraRomance","GLOBALS",1) - Re-sets the countdown timer to one, forcing the next romance dialogue to begin. May not always work if there's a scripted prerequisite attached to the next dialogue (i.e. "Party must rest for 8 hours in forest to trigger dialogue" if you're in the Copper Coronet). You may substitute Jaheira's name for any of the other romances (i.e. AerieRomance, ViconiaRomance, AnomenRomance). Good luck, have fun, and love that Jaheira's feisty spirit like I did!

Yes, you do indeed get to bed Jaheira, but not until you get your LoveTalk rating to 70. If that matters to any of you.