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FEAR THE BUNNY!!! You may now download kensai sorc beholder deathbringer here!!!

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FEAR THE BUNNY!!! You may now download kensai sorc beholder deathbringer here!!!

Post by UserUnfriendly »

Due to popular demand, and several very nice complements of my chronicles of teh kensai sorc hive mother beholder deathbringer uber hacked char, I have just created a fresh downloadable one, and just tried to upload to this forum. it works!!! just under 97k, so it just barely fits.

this class is officially Bun Bun, the floppy eared rabbit with a switchblade, from sluggy freelance.

well, its a zip up in chapter 1, irenicus dungeon, and it not only comes witha very nice 2 portraits, small bun bun, and a cute girl from a final fantasy game. BE SURE TO READ THE READ ME!!!!

not only do you get instructions, but also some thoughts on spells tables. now its set as level 0 sorc, so you can either use sk to add the spells I cover in the read me, or go off and pick your own. this class is serious butt kicking frenzy!!! boo is much impressed.

way too overpowered, but very nice and to my tests, stable until all the way thru end of tob. you must have tob installed, and I built it in a soa, tob, full eng patch and balderdash patch, safe xp cap remover and bhaal powers add on.

you guys wanted this, so enjoy!!!
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Post by UserUnfriendly »


so proud of my creation....

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Post by Baldursgate Fan »

My humble offering

First time trying to zip up something - my level 50 monk.

If it works, it can be opened via Shadow Keeper. Will need to change extension from .BMP to .CHR

Here goes...

EDIT: nothing! Didn't work. Drats. Back to the zipping board.

*Yum! That humble pie sure was good!*

*Puts on best Shaolin monk-apprentice accent*

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"how do you zip a file?"
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No spam intended. Just to see if my attachment works. ;)
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Post by Locke Da'averan »

have to tell you userunfriendly, your new avatar kicks a$$ :D
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Post by Craig »

can you do a TDD one?
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Post by Littiz »

User, I loved the WC avatar!!! :D
I suppose I'm one of the few who saw it, as it lasted only
one day!!!

Hmmm, I admit, I've downloaded your char, just for scientific
Though I would be more interested in the

from User's readme:
ok, if you use this and it blows up your game, formats your hard drive and deletes your porno collection, its NOT my fault.

Ah ah, this one made me laugh!!!! :D
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

problem with sorc cleric is your cleric spells are diabled significantly as sorc kit does not have any provision for cleric druid spells, so your cleric spells cast as scroll level, or lv 10.

wild mages drive me nuts!!!

wild surges suck!!!
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Post by UberJason »

Hey User,

You mentioned something about being able to get two rings of gaxx with Dorners Baldurdash patch by using a control circlet.... How do you do that? I tried charming the initial lich, but he won't charm. If I charm the demilich and then pickpocket, when the demi dies he doesn't have another ring....

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Post by UserUnfriendly »

well known exploit, but you must NOT install kevins balderdash patch, or this will not work.

variations of exploit are these....

you have jan or yoshimo, best thieves in game, dont have immie or nalia (urk!!!she is so bad!!!) try unless you have many potions of master thief....
pickpocet him as he FIRST appears. he is blue circle, and with auto pause its just possible to pick pocket him.

use mind flayer mind control circlets on him. you can even make him imprison himslef. (he is immune)
then pick pocket him, and you have two. have him walk into inc cloud you cast ...giggle!!!

but if it does not work, you probably have balderdash patch installed. wont work. just use clua console for "ring39"

I note in the readme in with this sorc kesai that a ring of ree action is BETTER in many ways, that and ring of prot +3, watchers keep, is actually better in many ways. get wong fei ioun stone, and you can better my personal fav of ring of gax, ring of free action, and helm of charm protection.
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Post by Baldursgate Fan »

Update on your kensai sorc beholder deathbringer here

OK, User, I played around with the uber-creation of yours. Still figuring out what spells to use. As you probably know from my sig, I'm not much of a magic user, being a direct no-nonsense melee guy myself (sometimes sneaky and backstabbing :p ), but I will get there.

If it counts for anything, the portrait of BUN BUN goes down well with the kensai sorc beholder deathbringer - fluffy and dainty on the outside, dangerous and powerful inside :D :)

Now if only I can get out of the dungeon alive. Took Minsc and ditched the rest.

PS Evil idea that just came across my mind is to take away Immie's belt via SK and whack her to pieces. Without her around, I doubt the game can progress beyond the dungeon. Will see how it goes tonight.
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Post by Littiz »

PS Evil idea that just came across my mind is to take away Immie's belt via SK and whack her to pieces.

:mad: :mad:

This is the most horrible thing I've ever heard!
I would come there and save her from your grasp!! :(
At least, I suppose the game itself will avenge her by crashing with
no hope of working again!
(Until you repent and reinstall everything :p !!! )
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Post by Baldursgate Fan »

OK OK I won't do it! :)

I heard she was indestructible with the belt on and wanted to see if I could remove it. *cast innocent look* That was all :cool:

Then again... :p
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Post by Eerhardt »

Re: Update on your kensai sorc beholder deathbringer here
Originally posted by Baldursgate Fan
PS Evil idea that just came across my mind is to take away Immie's belt via SK and whack her to pieces. Without her around, I doubt the game can progress beyond the dungeon. Will see how it goes tonight.
I wouldn't be surprised if Imoen just shows up again in the movie following your exit from Irenicus' Dungeon. All Imoen-related events in the beginning of the story are probably scripted into the game, apart from whether you kill her or not. The belt was just a means of preserving the story line. Of course, I wasn't involved in the programming of the game, so don't blame me if the game crashes after you kill Imoen and exit the dungeon...
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Post by Baldursgate Fan »

The Unthinkable!
I wouldn't be surprised if Imoen just shows up again in the movie following your exit from Irenicus' Dungeon. All Imoen-related events in the beginning of the story are probably scripted into the game, apart from whether you kill her or not. The belt was just a means of preserving the story line. Of course, I wasn't involved in the programming of the game, so don't blame me if the game crashes after you kill Imoen and exit the dungeon...

By Golly, Eerhardt, you were right! I did the unthinkable and she still appeared! For want of a chastity belt, I killed my own sister!



I am so sorry. I know how much Immie means to you; I had to find out for myself if the belt means anything.

*CLUAConsoles Immie back to life*

Right. Now that I know, I am, <ahem>, off to rescue her.


BUN BUN is amazing! I cleared the Dungeon in 1 hour! Game time.
Is that fast or is that fast? She is now a lvl 6 Kensai Sorc Hive Mother Beholder Deathbringer. I plan to have the following people in my merry party:

1. Minsc (can't do without him)

2. Korgan (best tank there is)

3. Mazzy (never tried her before)

4. Keldorn (after what I have just done, I need a do-gooder to keep me in check. "BUN BUN, I approve heartily of what you have just done." Music to the ears.)

5. Jan Jansen or Nalia?? (I need a thief)

I am torn between a gnome and a pseudo paladin. Help?
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

Fan, buddy, the real reason this character has use any item is


do NOT get keldorn, you must keep holy avenger for yourslef. the whole point is, the best magic resist items in the game are mage most useful, robe of vecna, amulet of power, ring of gax.....what you do is afteer whomping big red, you keep the avenger for yourself, thus making keldorn jelous, and afteer the game reloads, unequipp and equip the ring, robe and amulet, and you have 50% baseline resist provided by avenger, and due to bug in engine, you by reequipping teh robe and ring and amulet will auto raise to 75%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hell and watchers magic resist rewards are CUMULATIVE, so if you keep rewards to bun bun, you can reach 90% at end of soa, and by half way thru, with giders bhaal powers, you reach 95%!!!!

sure beats a "smack on the head!!! good staff, whacks heads like nobodys business!! i like it!!!"

ideal weapons mix is avenger on slot one , and staff of ram on slot two, so you use avenger to whack thru stonestin, then do the serious damage with staff of ram. but in avenger mode, you are abel to walk into a inc cloud, cast at level 40, and take maybe 40 damage wile cloud lasts at most.

you can make yourself almost as invulnerable to magic as a monk or very high level wiz slayer.

get cloak of mirrors, and you can moon spell casters as tehy gnash teeth.

i dont like keldy, his goody goody paladin speeches get on my nerves, s' funny, never found aerie or nalia as irritating, but that sanctimonius keldy really drives me up the wall.

my preferred party, is

jahira, aerie, mazzie korgy and immie.

bun bun is such a killer, mazzie and korgie are there just for comic relief and missile fire, mazzie soon to be tested with new greater death blow exploit, and korgy with firetooth.

just finsihing up the haer dalis triangle with aerie, and you know, I HATE BARDS!!!

have fun!!!
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Post by Littiz »

I was trying to save his soul (And Immie)!
I almost succeded!!!!
Now, you have a part in this crime!
:mad: :mad:


I should curse you Fan, but you have resurrected her, if you
keep her in your party you can be redeemed (maybe)
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Post by Craig »

What if you kill her, then res her when your out of the Prison/Lab
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Post by Baldursgate Fan »

Holy Mackerel!


Wow. I didn't know about that exploit. *kicks Keldy, hugs Nalia*
Magic resistance better than monk is really cool :cool:

As I said, I will get there. Eventually. Who's in your party by the way?

I was trying to save his soul (And Immie)!
I almost succeded!!!!
Now, you have a part in this crime!

I should curse you Fan, but you have resurrected her, if you keep her in your party you can be redeemed (maybe)

Thank you! Oh thank you so much! I promise, this time I will stay on the righteous path! :)

What if you kill her, then res her when your out of the Prison/Lab

Now, that's an idea. Will keep you posted. *quietly CLUAConsoles Immie back to the dead heap where she belonged*
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Post by Baldursgate Fan »

Update. Spoilers ahoy.


Rushed through the minimum quests possible to reach Immie, eg (unseeing eye to level up a bit, killed the lich to get the ring of Gaax, get the amulet of power from another lich, shadow thieves, bodhi, etc).

Immie appeared as if nothing happened. Eerhardt was right on the money all the way, the scripting is indeed set in stone.


Well, I didn't take keldy for once. My party was BUN BUN, Minsc, Korgy, Mazzy and Jan. I want to try out a new romance with an NPC with my female sorc. : D

SK in Avenger (not my finest hour :) ) as I didn't do that quest. With 2 rings of gaax, robe of vecna, amulet of power, staff of ram (SK) and boots of speed, she is a veritable icon of destruction! Lvl 11 going on 12 now by the way, with about 60 magic resist. AC is -11 or something, HP in the 100s.

It's meaningless to go on now as BUN BUN is unstoppable, if not because of the romance (it's a man, er, chick thing), I would have called it off. :D

Thanks for the advice on how to play with BUN BUN. She rules!
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