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The solo story of Alia, a elven Fighter/Thief!

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The solo story of Alia, a elven Fighter/Thief!

Post by Stilgar »

I did it, i just finished soloing Baldur's Gate 1.
I will post my story here, for those who are intrested.
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Post by Stilgar »

The solo story of Alia

This thread will include spoilers about Baldur’s Gate 1 and some minors about Baldur’s Gate 2.

*This story is written before Gamebanshee joined with flashlink, to see some of the maps you have to join flashlink

For those people intrested I will post the story of my solo game with a elven female fighter/thief known as Alia.
I will desribe my tacticts for all important and in my opinion difficult fights.
I have to admit i cheated a little, i have removed the exp-cap, and by using gatekeeper i made my arrows stack in groups of 100, cause in Durlag’s Tower my entire inventory was taken up by potions and wardstones.

Alia’s Starting Stats
Sex: Female
Race: Elf
Portrait: See atachment
Allignment: Chaotic Good
Stats: I only had to roll 5times to get this one a roll of 90:
Str:18/89 Dex:19 Con:17 Wis:10 Int:10 Chr:16
Profience: 2* in longsword and in bows
Later i put 2* in bluntweapons so i could use staffs.
And in the end another *in axes (no special reason)

Alia's Ending Stats
Str:19 Dex:20 Con:18 Int:10 (missed the tomb) wis:12 Cha:17
Fighter level9 Thief level 11
319524exp in both classes at the final-save

Most Powerfull Vanquishes: Demonknight
Time Spend with party: 172days 11hours (you try to heal with only 2 cure light wounds)
Faforite Weapon: Bow and Arrow
Number off kills: 1012

Final Equipment
Shadow Armour: The best armour for a thief.
Gaunlets of weapon expertise: Just the best gaunlets around.
Helm of Balduran: Cause of the lack of platemail or other low AC armour, i realy could use the -1to AC of this helmet. Also the -1to tac0 and the +1 to all saves are also very handy.
Necklace of missiles*: I used this a lot, and it works great!!
Girdle of piercing: Great against arrows
Ring of invisibility*: The most cheesy item i used, in some hard fights where you can’t hide in shadows anywhere, the ring of invisability makes you hide rigtht in front of their eyes. (I was very suprised i never read that Sojourner ever used it, i found it the most handy item in the game)
Ring of Free action: Great item, woks great against all sorts of spells, to bad I only got it after Durlag’s tower.
Ring of fire resistance: I wore this ring before i got the ring of free action, but i kept it in my inventory. Comes in handy in certain fights, and a must against phoenix guards.
Cloack of balduran: The best item in the game, a cloack of protection that can be worn with magic armour on, and 25%magic resistance.
Boots of speed: A must for solo players, makes the hit and run tactic a lot easyer to do.
Longbow of Marksmanship The best bow in the game (in my opinion)
Longsword+2 “Varscona”: I backstabbed a lot oof baddies with this one befor i got the staff of striking, and i still use it for close combat
Staff of striking*: The best weapon for backstabbing in the game
Wand of sleep*: The only wand a fighter/thief can use that’s worth it. Not very good for tough battles but it works well against groups of lowlevel enemy’s like gnolls.
Cool looking helmet: I wanted to mention this one, but one of the first things i did was go to Ulcaster and defeated the wraith there so I got get the best looking helmet in the game

*Items markt with a * I recharged by buying and selling them.
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Post by Stilgar »

The story

Cause I had finsished Baldur’s Gate before I already knew what items Alia was gonna wear at the end of the game. I knew she realy was gonna need the boots of speed, so the i already planned in witch order i was gonna do all the area’s. I first continued the story line as quick as possible to the cloackwood mines, where i could get the boots of speed. Then i wanted to do some smaller area’s for some other items. And then finish the mines so Alia could wear both Balduran’s Helm and Cloack as soon as possible.

A weird thing is, that i didn't enjoy soloing BG1 as much as I did in BG2, as soon as things would get tough, i found myself using the ring of invisability, and then backstabbing the opponent to death.
Alot of cheese here, but still a chalange to do!

Getting Started
First Alia did all the basics in candelkeep, and bought hereself some starting equipment. After Gorion and here where attacked. She went straight to the friendly arms inn, but first she grabbed the ring of protection +1 and killed the Ogre with the girdle of piercing. A tough fight, but she could outrun him, so after each fired arrow, she ran like hell. At the friendly arms inn she grabbed the ring of wizzardry (witch is worth a lot) and got the flamedance ring for Joia to.

Here came the first reload, cause Tarnesh was more of a chalange the i thought him to be. But after a try or 2 Alia was able to disrubt all of his spells or make here saves and he went down.

Beregost & Nashkel and some other area’s
In Beregost Silke proved to be a tough one. In the end Alia was just lucky to disrubt her casting, and she went down. She did some other minor quests here, talked hereself out of the fight with Marl (and then killed him) pickpocketed Algoran’s Cloack, and buyed the Composite Long Bow +1 at the feldpost inn. And she returnd to the Friendly Arms Inn so she could collect the reward from Landrin for cleansing his house from the spiders.

After this she went to Ulcaster, here she backstabbed the hobgoblin for the boots of stealth and killed Icharyd the wraith using the hit and run method so she could get the cool looking helmet, but she didn’t enter the dungeon (jet).

In Nashkel Alia (and I) where very suprised that whe couldn’t refuse the bounty from Oublek (or collect it), maybe cause Alia is female, but I thought a patch had fixed that problem. She fought the assasin. Now she had enough gold to by the shadowarmour (thanks to the ring of wizzardry) and bought it in Beregost. Then she went to the mines.

The mines
Before Alia entered the mines she decideted to help the poor artist named Prism, and to here big suprise she got a very nice sword from doing this quest. Greywolf put up quite the fight, he’s rather fast, so it’s hard to outrun him, but this was the tactic she used. She was lucky enough to poison him with an arrow of biting, and after another couple of arrows Greywolf (what was the name of my Baldur’s Gate II solo character) dropped dead, and Prism could finish his work. The mines weren’t that big of a problem for Alia, and Mulahey didn’t put up a very big fight. The skeletons where a bigger problem. She didn’t used any good tactics here exept for a backstab.

Area5000 (Click here to see a map of this area.)
This is where you exit the mines, and Alia had a hard time here. The Revenant wasn’t that hard (but he’s worth a good 3000exp.) But the fight with Zeela, Maneira, Lamalha and Telka was realy tough, and I reloaded alot of times here. The trick was to lure them out one by one, instead of backstabbing one, and then trying to melee or outrun the others. Alia finished the rest of this area, and then returned to Nashkal for my reward. And bought here self a nice necklace of missiles at the carnival, befor she went to Beregost for Tranzig.
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Post by Stilgar »

More will follow soon, and here's the picture I used for Alia (forgot to attach it in the first post)
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Post by WsC_GieG »

Oh stilgar ur the greatest

(i wrote this messege with a gun pointed to my head, held by Stilgar)
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Post by Stilgar »

Originally posted by WsC_GieG
Oh stilgar ur the greatest

(i wrote this messege with a gun pointed to my head, held by Stilgar)
Thank you Gieg,
you seem to be the only one, but still, i like the tought that someone is intreseted ;)
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Post by Astafas »

Originally posted by Stilgar

Thank you Gieg,
you seem to be the only one, but still, i like the tought that someone is intreseted ;)
I promise to read of Alias adventures as well, just keep'em comin'! :)
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Post by Nae'run »

Nice!!!! I still havn't tryed soloing..... It might be a good time to try!

Is it best soloing with a T/M??? or what?
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Post by Eerhardt »

Originally posted by Stilgar
Thank you Gieg,
you seem to be the only one, but still, i like the tought that someone is intreseted ;)
I have a subscription ;) , so keep the story coming, Stilgar!
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Post by Stilgar »

It's comming, it takes a little longer cause i haven't got much time since i'm in the final days of school.
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Post by Eerhardt »

Hey, no pressure: school comes first! Just wanted to voice my interest ;) .
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Post by Stilgar »

Originally posted by Nae'run
Nice!!!! I still havn't tryed soloing..... It might be a good time to try!

Is it best soloing with a T/M??? or what?
I think the fighter/thief is the easyest to solo, a fighter/mage/thief only has 1weapon slot, and that can be a problem sometimes,

And backstabbing will get you through a great part of the game, and you don't need that many mage spells, you got the fireball from the neclace of missiles, and you have items/potions for protection.
And without the fighter class you don;t have that great of a tac0, and you can't use any longbows.
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Post by Stilgar »

The story continues

Tranzig and the bandid camp
Tranzig didn’t put up much of a fight either, i was able to melee him without many problems.

The bandin camp is a differnt story, Alia didn't have much problems with one-on-one combat, but 5thiefes at once can be a problem. (That's why i posted area5000)
So i used a lot hit and run tactic in the camp, to lure them 1 at the time.
Luckyly I was able to backstab Taugosz Khosann. to take away +-40 hitpoints, and then took him down with arrows+1.
(I wanted to save my arrows of biting, cause there aren't alot of them in the game, and they are VERY usefull agains mages and strong fighters)

The fight inside the tent was realy tough, and I got to do it multiple times, and when i finally finished it, I could to it again cause i ALWAYS forget the chest inside is trapped.
I don't remember exactly, but i believe the battle involved a oil of speed, alot of arrows, and alot of healing potions, and a shot from the neclace of missiles.

I didn't think Alia was ready for cloackwood already, so i did some side quests and area's. She got the Manual of Bodily Health and Leadership and Influence. At one area, she met Shoal the Nereid, a nymph who wanted to kiss here, after this kiss she emidiatly died, if she had any friends with here, she would "sacrafise" one of them, but since she dousn't it was wisesesd to avoid the nymph. (and missing the helmet of defence :( :( )

Cloackwood 2200 (Click here to see a map of this area.)
There wasn't much to do here, Alia helped a nobleman called Aldeth fighting some druids (no need for a crossbow anyway, and this way you get more exp.), killed a tasloi, and returned the cloack to beregost, and then continued to the next area.

Cloackwood 2100 (Click here to see a map of this area.)
This is the place to use some antidote-potions, a lot of spiders died in this part of the swordcoast that day.
Including a spider-queen, who put up quite a fight. Like I said before, Alia dousn't have much problems with a one-on-one fight, but multiple monsers are a huge problem. The trick here was to get as many fireballs from the neclace as possible before the monsers reached here, and then try to stand in a corner to fight them one at the time, using a wand of sleep to put them to bed. After this fight Alia returned the body of Chelak to his brother, and continued her travels to the mines.

Cloackwood 1600 (Click here to see a map of this area.)
Not much to do here, killed some druids, looted some caves, the usuall.

Cloackwood 1700 (Click here to see a map of this area.)
Alia killed some weird Dryad here, and then entered a cave, "so this is what that high-dexed fighter thief was talking about, WYVERN’S!!!"
Damn those guys are tough and the wand of sleep didn't seem to help at all. But as soon as their poisend by a arrow of biting, their harmless.

Cloackwood mines
She only did the upper level at this point, to get the boots of speed (how did she know one of them had them ;) ;) .
You can do this fight 2ways, the hard way (Run tot hem wielding a huge sword screaming "Die evil iron throne members") or the easy(er) way, backstab the guy with the boots of speeds, grab them, put them on, RUN LIKE HELL, and then return, luring them one by one to you and take them out with you're brand new Longbow of Marksmanship that you stole from a bleeding body a few days ago in the bandid camp.
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Post by Kameleon »

Go Stilgar! Keep it up! Ra-Ra-Ra!

Great so far...
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Post by jerubal »

Impressive, considering how easy it is to die in BG. :) You have my interest for even trying...
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Post by The Z »

Keep it coming man....Talk about in depth..... it's pretty much an outline of the entire game
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Post by Nae'run »

Grrrr!!! Alia Rules...... what then? what happened? go on! go on!
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Post by Stilgar »

At the moment, i hardly have any free time, causo of school.
But i promise to post the entire story, as soon as it's written.
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Post by WsC_GieG »

Stilgar, we really are glued to the computer till u finish the story, we want more.

And didnt i told u u can solo BG1? ;)
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Post by Coot »

Hey Stilgar, any news yet? It's been some time and I'm really curious... ;)
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