Sex: Male
Age: 23
Height: 6ft
Hair: Brown
Foot Size: 12/13
Origin: Wales, UK.
Intrests: Fantasy, Horror, SCI-FI and Thrillers, Anime (although a lot of it is Crap) Things like Ninja Scroll and Ghost in The Shell. Old Movies, Psycho, Vertigo and The Third Man. Music, just about anything, except Nu-Metal and things of that angry nature, the list is too long for this thread
Dislikes : include Boy Bands and people who are manufactured to appear to be against them but are more or less the same pop entity (ergo Eminem). Impolite people. General apathy that is displayed towards the feelings of others in the current world climate. The glorifying of music/movie stars as idols. People who can't accept that a discussion doesn't have to be personal and can be done without the need for anger and/or aggression.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Current Crisis: Short attention span for my work.
Deep Thought: Explode or implode?
Religion: Apathetic
Profession: Database Monkey
Politik: Liberalish
Favorite Movie: Vertigo
Favorite Color: Still making my mind up
Favorite Book: Inversions- Iain M Banks
Dream Date: Someone who accepts me for who I am.
Edit: Wow, how little changes, still apathetic about my work and still apathetic in general (meh).