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k/m-sorceror possible to solo?

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k/m-sorceror possible to solo?

Post by lipe »

its possible to solo with a kensai/mage or a sorceror with tactics mod and acension mod?
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Post by Morbent »

Totally doable, I personnally did it all the way to Saradush with a Sorceror but I had a bug and my savegame got corrupted :|

I know someone from the Bioware Forums that did SoA + ToB with Tactics and Ascension on Insane with a Sorceror without cheating or cheesing! :eek:

I don't guarantee it will be easy but it sure is doable
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Post by lipe »

cool I want to start a sorceror now!Can you tell what was your spell pick and what spells you most used.....some tips are welcome too....
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Post by Skuld »

If you want some info on Sorcerors, here's a link to a decent Sorceror guide. I don't agree with everything the guy says, but if you want some personal advice here it comes. Sorcerors are the magical artillery of your party, they shouldn't be concerned with the safety of any other party members(in the sense of buffing) so leave out the buffing spells. Stick to the spells that will keep you alive just long enough to kill your foes. after the battle you can throw on the cloak of the sewers, turn yourself into a troll and regenerate all your lost HPs. Now for my spell pics.

level 1
Magic Missile
Chromatic Orb
Spook(cuts down the amount of enemies you're up against for a time)
Protection from Evil
Indentify(if you've got lvl 1 spells left before you rest why not put them to use identifying)
level 2
Melf's Acid Arrow
Mirror Image
Knock(since Sorcerors aren't known for their strength)
Vocalize(never anter a battle with a mage without having this one handy)
level 3
Skull Trap/Fireball(sheerly a matter of preference)
Flame Arrow(not melf's minute meteors, because your THAC0 sucks)
Dispel Magic/Remove magic(another preference)
Protection from Normal Missiles(still good through most of the game)
level 4
Greater Malison
Wizard Eye
Ice Storm(some like polymorph self for the mustard jelly transformation because it can help you out dramatically in battle, but you should never be in that situation, and the cloak of the sewers can do the same thing)
level 5
Animate Dead(not too useful until you get skeleton warriors)
Chaos(always a winner if you need to buy yourself some time)
Cloudkill(it's cheesy, but if you're soloing a sorceror why not)
Sunfire(run into a crowd of bad guys and boom!)
level 6
Chain Lightning
Death Fog(a horde of summons can be the death of a weenie like yourself)
Prot. from Magical Weapons
Tenser's Transformation(some times it'f fun to do your own dirty work)

There. That should get you started, and give you a sense of how to play your Sorceror. There rest you should be able to decide for yourself. Personally I don't like sequencer/contigency type spellls because I don't want to be bothered with setting them up, and I think they're a bit cheesy. Ultimately the decision is up to you, so good luck and have fun.
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Post by lipe »

your link is broken.......and I have soloed many times with a sorceror but never with acension and tactics.......your spell pick is for both of this mod installed right????
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Post by Skuld »

The link's not broken. I just tried it and it works fine. Try holding CTRL and clicking the link. It opens in a new browser window but if you've got pop-up protection through your browser holding CTRL will circumvent that. And those spell picks are for any sorceror in any situation. Those which have an option may go one way or the other depending on how you personally play your Sorceror. As with just about any solo(spellcasters in particular) they're not up to par until they get some decent equipment, so if you're having some trouble getting through the dungeon or you just ahte the monotony of it try dungeon-be-gone mod. I use it when I'm just not in the mood to go through it all. Sure you loose out on a bunch of stuff, but as a Sorceror hardly any of that stuff will be of use to you.
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Post by estaze »

those few spells are definately worth using:
Animate Dead, Haste, Mordenkainen Sword, Stoneskin, Death Spell, mirror image, disintegrate (for dragons etc.)

Believe me, Mordenkainen Sword along with haste, and they are unstoppable :) .. oh well, nearly..
I created 4 of them and hasted them, and then set them free in Ust Natha, the drow city, they took out the whole city, without taking damage :p
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Post by iamweaver »

I swear, every time I used Mordenkainen's, some wise-acre spellcaster tossed out a Death Fog :) . I memmed it anyway, because it's great watching some powerful monster wasting his melee attacks against the sword instead of the ranger pounding on him.
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Post by Skuld »

Mordenkainen's Sword is a must for anyone, and I'm not a huge fan of Disintegrate as it turns to dust all the loot as well in most cases.
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Post by SP101 »

If you play a Sorcerer, just use a Greater Malison followed by a few Feeblemind. Then you'll have a great training Dummy.

Saving Throw vs spells (at -2)
Give you a dumb enemy to bash
Spell lvl 5

Saving Throw vs spells (No penality)
Destroy an opponement (and the loot)
Spell lvl 6

I just... HATE disintegrate... Why do people use it? Feeblemind is just WAY better! Sure you have to kill the enemy after, but that's just a matter of 1 minute.


Listen to my story (kids :D ) : I was just hunting down that Black Dragon guarding the cup in the Elven city. I was killed every time (I was pretty weak). One time, I just memorized loads of Lower Magic Resistance (With Aerie) and a few Feeblemind spells with Edwin. Aerie cast several Lower Magic Resistance while Edwin was invoking some minions and hasting my warriors. After that, I had one choice : Cast a Feeblemind and cross my fingers, or just lauch loads of Magic Missibles, Melfs Acide Arrows and Fire Arrows. My feeblemind just make the Dragon being a Giant-Flesh-Statue-Of-A-Dragon.

That's how I discovered that magnific spell : Feeblemind.

BTW : It works really great on "small" monsters like Umber Hulks, Lesser Deamons, Golems (But they have a great Magic Resist), etc.
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Post by lipe »

Skuld your link was not broken it says something like you can link the page but not directily to the FAQ so I searched for the FAQ and I find it and I remembered that long ago I read it but anyways thank you.....I will start my solo sorceror with tactics and acension(wow)now........I wish I handle it well...and I agree with someone who said that mordenkai sword is good.....I always use the project image to summon 5 of them haste them and KO(hehe)

EDIT:what limited wish have of good???and if you have finished a SOLO sorceror with tactics and acension how many days (in game time and real time)you finished???thank you again........
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Post by Thrain »

limited wish lets you rememorise your spells - majorly good for soloing spellcasters
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Post by lipe »

oh yeah but only from lvl1 to lvl 4.........k I will have it.......
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