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Star Wars ep. 7

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Star Wars ep. 7

Post by Steven00009 »

Star Wars Ep. 7 script????

it was supposedly written by G. Lucas. but i find extremely unlikely. What are your oppinions?
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Post by Nar »

I think he wrote 7,8,9 because Star Wars were supposed to have nine parts. I never actuall read it, but whatever is there, I'd like to see a film (thoughnot directed by G.L. :D ).
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Post by Ripe »

I do not know who wrote that, but whoever it was should get his facts corrected. The entire plot of New Jedi Order series is created and planed by George Lucas, it is only writen by various authors, but GL still had final word and he required them to make changes to conform with his vision. So the problems with this are:
1. Luke's rebuild Jedi order before begining of NJO (25 years after Yavin, 21 after Endor) counted only one or two hundred Jedi (after 15 years of training) and there were heavy loses during the Yuuzhan Vong war (aproximatly third of Jedi died).
2. At that time Anakin Solo would be 22-23 years old, which would make him rather old for Padawan (then again he died in one of the novels so it is moot question).
3. Ben Skywalker was born cca. 24 years after Battle of Endor so he would be 6 year old.
4. Luke's Jedi Council still have 12 members, but only 6 of them were Jedi
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Post by Nar »

Maybe Lucas wrote it some time ago and he didn't plan to film it, so he thought it wasn't necessary to stick with those scripts. Other possibility is obvious - this might be a fan-made fake.
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Post by Yeltsu »

I truly and honestly hope he will never make ep 7,8 and 9

he destroyed enough of Star Wars with the new movies (except perhaps ep 3)
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Post by NiteWulf »

I hope these scripts are true- I haven't read them and to be honest: I don't want to. I liked the saga, and I'm not a "fanatic" Star Wars watcher. I saw all the movies (and 3 was really awesome), and I like the story-line. I doubt the script is for real. Why would the script be on this website? The Princess Leia Gold Bikini Pictures make the site doubtful.
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Post by VonDondu »

Everything on that site looks bogus to me (and the so-called "plot scripts" look like crap). Did you read the "Exclusive George Lucas Interviews"? They don't look real to me. I think SuperShadow is merely promoting itself.
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Post by NiteWulf »

I tried not to be too harsh for them... but of course you're right VonD. I still didn't read it. I'll bookmark it and perhaps later. Might be interesting... and funny :D
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Post by Chimaera182 »

There's not likely to be an episode 7. The Star Wars series, in its entirety, is really focused on the Jedi and their final fight with the Sith; all the movies are. Once Vader kills Sidious, fulfilling the prophesy :rolleyes: that he would bring balance to the Force, and he dies, Luke's the only Force wielder left in Lucas' Star Wars universe. As such, there's really nothing more to do with the story. There are no more Sith; there are no more Jedi, aside from Luke. The follow-up movies could be about Luke training the next generation of Jedi, but it just wouldn't be the same. All that's left is the Rebellion continuing to fight to reestablish the Republic and depose the military of the Empire, and that's just plain war, with very little need for Jedi (except for some flashy stuff). It's not likely there'll be a 7th episode; rumors will circulate for years, as they always have about what will happen now for Star Wars. I remember when Episode II was in the making, I read a supposed script for what was going to happen; none of it did (and thank Buddah, cuz it was dumb). It's just more rumors.
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Post by VonDondu »

To elaborate on my earlier post, it appears that the creator of SuperShadow loves to write Star Wars fan fiction, and it looks as though he desperately wishes that his own ideas about the "sequel trilogy" could become reality. From reading the so-called "Exclusive Interviews With George Lucas", it seems like he has a grudge against Lucas. Perhaps he tried to approach Lucas with his story ideas and got rebuffed. It also sounds like he thinks that Lucas has stolen his original ideas.

Look at what George Lucas supposedly said in one of the "interviews":

"We don’t accept unsolicited Star Wars stories. We approach professional writers and ask them to author their own original Star Wars story ideas. We don’t hire amateurs like yourself. There is no way for a fan to get their ideas published by Lucasfilm. The closest you will ever come to this is for me to use one of your ideas submitted at Of course, I do not compensate fans for the ideas I borrow from them from

"I don’t like fan fiction written about Star Wars. [Fan fiction] may cost me money because some people may read fan fiction instead of buying official stories licensed for Star Wars. I would prefer if you would all refrain from writing stories based on Star Wars."

Lucas also supposedly said:

"People tend to be extremely jealous of me because I’m a multi-billionaire with a full head of hair and rugged mountain good looks. It is only natural that people want to be me. Those who can’t be like me then make fun of me in order to cover up their many inferiorities."

And this:

"it’s true that I date beautiful women who happen to be professional models. Most models are women of great substance who can carry on conversations about any topic imaginable. I have found that it is better to date women who have their own money. That way you know that a woman wants you for yourself and not because you happen to have billions of dollars. I know most of you don’t have this problem because you’re all dirt poor, but for me it’s a major obstacle in my personal relationships."

And this:

"I can understand how you are at a loss for words. I can be very intimidating. I wish I could meet myself. It would be an awe-inspiring situation."

Throughout the "interviews" (which were obviously written by SuperShadow), Lucas supposedly states that SuperShadow is the person who will make the "sequel trilogy" with his blessings.

Maybe pretending to be Lucas and pretending to be the person who will write and produce the next three Star Wars movies is SuperShadow's idea of a joke. But I get a really bad vibe from it.
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Post by Steven00009 »

I saw somewhere that there was an ep 7-8-9 planned for around 2014-2018 or something...
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Post by Faust »

The site is, obviously, bogus. VonDondu picks some of the best interview fragments, but there are many many others that are nearly as obviously fradulaunt littered throughout the interviews. Moreover, the supposed SuperShadow filmography (which pulls from non-existent documentaries, many of which are very poorly named) and the claim that the site owner will be doing the last three episodes, is completely self-indulgent crap.

While Lucas has said that he did originally plan 9 episodes, he has announced no intention of actually planning a third trilogy. As he has implied several times that the prequels would be his last films on Star Wars. I suppose he could very easily get motivated to do a final trilogy, but it doesn't seem to be on the agenda right now. And, from everything we've learned about Lucas in this past trilogy, it seems highly unlikely he would even remotely consider turning over the helm to anyone else. He's very hands on and controlling regarding the Star Wars motion pictures. As for now, he seems to just have plans to help implement the announced television series.

I keep wanting to say, as I look at the site, that it must be a joke. But it seems to take itself too seriously to truly pass for humor....
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Post by Patrick »

Final three chapters?
I have a comic source book from a few years ago. I was told the final three episodes are supossed to be about the Emperor. He has maney force sensative clones. The real one is a mystery. He has a hidden planet with heavy war machines and wages disorder on the former rebels. At least that is what I gathered from the comic book.
Maybe a TV rendition????
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Post by Siberys »

You know, after actually reading about halfway through the script on that site, good god is that lame. I could not express how -bad- that looks to be a script or a movie. The names Ben and Anakin are a dead giveaway that it's gotta be horrible -if- the movie is even thought of. The 6 current movies are quite good enough and the thought of another just makes me think "oh, lucas wants more money." It's like, and sorry for getting off topic, the dungeon masters guide 2. Total money maker in my opinion. A movie, no. A TV series, that would be -considerable- but not my first choice. The matrix didn't need it's sequals, and star wars doesn't need another of it's kind.
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Post by Ripe »

[QUOTE=Siberys]You know, after actually reading about halfway through the script on that site, good god is that lame. I could not express how -bad- that looks to be a script or a movie. The names Ben and Anakin are a dead giveaway that it's gotta be horrible -if- the movie is even thought of. The 6 current movies are quite good enough and the thought of another just makes me think "oh, lucas wants more money." It's like, and sorry for getting off topic, the dungeon masters guide 2. Total money maker in my opinion. A movie, no. A TV series, that would be -considerable- but not my first choice. The matrix didn't need it's sequals, and star wars doesn't need another of it's kind.[/QUOTE]
Well, Luke and Mara's kid is named Ben, and Han and Leia named their youngest kid Anakin which I do not think is lame - I mean how many of us have named our kids after our parents or role models?

P.S. Not only that Matrix did not need sequels, Matrix shouldn't have existed in the first place. Matrix is such a rip-off from "Dark City" that it is almost criminal. The only difference are special effects, and even they look cooler in "Dark City". If you wish to see a god (and original) movie - rent "Dark City", don't bother with Matrix.
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Post by Yeltsu »

Matrix - Akira - Blade runner - Dark City

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Post by Ripe »

[QUOTE=Yeltsu]Matrix - Akira - Blade runner - Dark City

Akira, Blade Runner and Dark City are all great (and more or less original) movies. Matrix is a bad movie that does not deserve to be in the same sentence (or the same line) with those three. I still do not belive that people actually liked Matrix (then again most of my friends that liked it, didn't watch Dark City and they all changed their mind after seeing it).
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Post by Yeltsu »

This is getting off topic, but I don't believe you can call Matrix a bad movie just because something familiar has been done before (ripoff or not). because the truth is that it is a very good movie, wheather you like it or not.
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Post by Ripe »

[QUOTE=Yeltsu]This is getting off topic, but I don't believe you can call Matrix a bad movie just because something familiar has been done before (ripoff or not). because the truth is that it is a very good movie, wheather you like it or not.[/QUOTE]
Granted it was bad choice of words. What I ment was that it was bad movie in comparision with the other movies mentioned. And my oppinion of Matrix might be based on a fact that I dislike Keanu Reeves as a actor (but I think he was great in Hunter) and every movie he stars got a big minus in my book because of him.
So Matrix may be a good movie (not very good) but for me movie that base itself on special effects and not the story is not a good movie (this is especialy true about sequels). And lets be honest, most of the people coming out of a theather talk about special effects and only a few talked about plot.

And you are right, this is really getting of topic. So to get back on topic - when writing original Star Wars George Lucas "borrowed" elements from Akira Kurosawa's "Hidden Fortress" and "Yojimbo", Joseph Campbell's "Hero with a Thousand Faces", Asimov's Foundation, Herbert's "Dune" and many other sources (award ceremony in New Hope is direct copy, scene for scene from Leni Riefenstahl's "Triumph of the Will", same as Emperor's entrance on Death Star in Return of the Jedi) but because he "borrowed" pieces from so many sources he managed to made moer or less an original work. Warchowski brothers made only small "cosmetic" changes on "Dark City" and then they had the audacity to call their work "original screenplay".
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