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Lucubrations about GrandMastery

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Lucubrations about GrandMastery

Post by Littiz »

I've discovered that the GrandMastery patch is somewhat tricky.
I was incorrect in many of my old posts.
Basically the number of attacks increase by 1/2 (one half) for
every step.
A step is one of the following:
1)level 7 for a warrior type
2)level 13 for a warrior type
4)GrandMastery (only if you use the patch from Baldurdash)

Taken SEPARATELY, these steps all add 1/2 attack.
But if you have grandmastery (with the patch) AND you reach 7th
or 13th level, then the grandmastery adds one FULL attack (in addiction
to those granted by the other steps).
I don't know if this is how it was meant to be.

Anyway. I have to correct some of my earlier statements!
If you have a GrandMaster fighter, and you dual him, the following are some of the possible results (always DUALWIELDING):

-Dualled at 9th-12th.
3 attacks/round.
6 attacks/round with Improved Haste.

-Dualled at 13th.
7 attacks in 2 rounds. (I think 3 in first, 4 in the second)
7 attacks/round with Improved Haste.

-Dualled at 9th-12th.
4 attacks/round.
8 attacks/round with Improved Haste.

-Dualled at 13th.
9 attacks in 2 rounds. (4-5)
9 attacks round with Improved Haste.

So, if you want to use the patch, a nice mid-point could be
dualling at 12th, to limit the advantage.
Of course, if you're not dualwielding, you have one less attack
every round (but TWO less when improved hasted!).
For the enemies, it works just the same. In ToB there are many
grandmasters, so you can use the patch without feeling too much
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