Is it possible to install the game on Windows 2k? I keep getting the same install error "_INS5576._MP.exe" and I've seen some other things about it but none of them have helped... I know it's not the CD because I have barrowed the install CD from a friend and neither of the CDs in my possesion work... Also, I've only seen problem with Windows 2k and nothing else when searching for the same problem.
I know it's not the system specs, I mean, I have 700 something RAM (whatever is above 512) and a GeForce 4 64MB graphics card... Along with 11.7 GB of free disk space.. I'm running an AMD processor with 866 MhZ I'm pretty sure.. All my friends run AMDs and they have no problems...
It's so agravating arrrrrg.... I've been keeping myself busy with The Book Of Nod but someone help please