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Death to this thread!

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Mr Sleep
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Death to this thread!

Post by Mr Sleep »

The club for the self obsessed narcissist who drinks ****tails

This is for all those doubters and beleivers adjust your receivers (ISP's Weasel Image), just a thought with all this coffee house nonesense why can't we have a club for the Batemen's of our generation Image Image

Somewhere to go get a drink have sex with gorgeous women and then snort lots of coke so much so that the gristle in our noses disintegrates, we can have banging parties the type not seen since the 80's....

"It's not just about me and my dream of doing nothing....."

"It's not that i am lazy it is that i just don't care"

".....apart from the obvious madness"
I'd have to get drunk every night and talk about virility...And those Pink elephants I'd see.
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Post by Mr Sleep »

This week at the CTIA Wireless 2001 annual trade show, a roundtable will address the surprise success story of the low-speed, low-rez wireless Web -- pornography. Analysts failed to predict that customers would flock to wireless Websites to pay for pornography on tiny, grainy screens, but they were wrong.

According to, six of the top 13 mobile Websites are sex sites, with millions of users. Larger players are approaching the market and Penthouse is launching a wireless site next month. Wireless service providers as well as porn business leaders have expressed concern that Web phones will make it even easier for children to access sex sites, and are seeking some way to implement controls before they are imposed by government.

Found this no reference to current topic but very amusing none the less, Grunt must be using some serious bandwidth Image
I'd have to get drunk every night and talk about virility...And those Pink elephants I'd see.
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Post by Ubik »

I think you should have payed attention to that C-O-C-K thing, the one with the tail. And... let the people have their porn. It's how things work, and Le Grunt is definitely not the excemption - looks to me that the rule is "internet=sex" for most of the people. Especially the teenagers (who don't get much Pus in real life) and the over 40 depressed married people.

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Post by Darkpoet »

Originally posted by Ubik:
I think you should have payed attention to that C-O-C-K thing, the one with the tail. And... let the people have their porn. It's how things work, and Le Grunt is definitely not the excemption - looks to me that the rule is "internet=sex" for most of the people. Especially the teenagers (who don't get much Pus in real life) and the over 40 depressed married people.

What about Waverly's brain??? Image Might have to study it more. Image Can you do that Sleep??
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Post by Waverly »

@Darkpenis: you have finally burned yourself with those matches, tosser Image

@Sleep: people are sick, Waverly being no exception (though not among the sickest.) Image
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Post by Mr Sleep »

Do you think society causes that sickness or is it Gruntboy or maybe Ubik Image Image
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Post by Waverly »

@Sleep seriously? It's society; but not in the way that you might think. Society doesn't cause our baser urges, but rather society's tendancy to necessitate repressing these urges (which are hard wired from the get-go) causes them to manifest themselves in strange ways. ie Lust is a useful tool for perpetuating the species...but force people to hide it, deny it, associate feeling of guilt with it...and next thing you know you have Grunty snickering at T!t jokes Image

BTW check page one of the grey griffin, I invited you to share your view on evolution Image

[This message has been edited by Waverly (edited 03-19-2001).]
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Post by Mr Sleep »

So you think that if we were just more accepting and lived in less denial things would run smoother....or am i reading too much into what you said
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Post by Waverly »

Originally posted by Mr Sleep:
So you think that if we were just more accepting and lived in less denial things would run smoother....or am i reading too much into what you said
That wouldn't be a bad start, but I don't think we can live in large civilized societies and be totally uninhibitted...that's a recipe for disaster. There's a reason the statement, "Do what thou wilt," is considered dangerous.

I guess there is a tricky balance required: pretend we are not animals = disaster. Act like animals = disaster.

[This message has been edited by Waverly (edited 03-19-2001).]
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Post by Mr Sleep »

Although the whole mating ritual thing might become fascinating.

Seriously, there is a large proportion of society that are geared towards a war we are not going to have, if one looks at the change of society since the last war you can see an upturn in crime.
I'd have to get drunk every night and talk about virility...And those Pink elephants I'd see.
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Post by Darkpoet »

Maybe that's where the war is.
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Post by Waverly »

@Sleep: Mating is always exhilerating, if not fascinating Image

People love to mark their territory...Also love to establish a pecking order. You see where the analogy is heading, but in fact I think wolves are a bit more organized Image
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Post by Mr Sleep »

I am gone goodbye one and all i have a dental appointment Image
I'd have to get drunk every night and talk about virility...And those Pink elephants I'd see.
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Post by Darkpoet »

See ya Sleep
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Post by FoulDwimmerlaik »

Did someone move my puffins from the 5 Flagons before it got shut down? Are they in here, or in the Fleece & Firkin?

I hate missing the week-ends in here, I can't protect myself from the flames for two whole days...then I find out later that someone has either eaten my friends, attacked me with Duct Tape or shocked my monkey.
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Post by Darkpoet »

Actually, nothing happened to your puffins. I think Minerva has them. You didn't even get flamed.
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Post by FoulDwimmerlaik »

Originally posted by Darkpoet:
I think Minerva has them.
Dernhelm: That's a relief, I had hoped they wouldn't get locked in the pub, or eaten by Waverly's p.ussy.

[This message has been edited by FoulDwimmerlaik (edited 03-19-2001).]
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Post by Waverly »

@Foul: goodmorning Image Check page one of the fleece and firkin: no animals...
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Post by FoulDwimmerlaik »

Waverly: Good morning to you. Seems you've been busy this weekend, opening up a few clubs it seems, making any profits?

I'm guessing the Grey Griffin will fail as a business, as sex & spam will beat out general relativity and quantum mechanics every day.
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Post by Waverly »

@Foul: my goal is to merge the two and indulge in quantum filth Image
Then darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time