Think I found the answer to the Ming door problem
- Dreysander
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Think I found the answer to the Ming door problem
Well after reading the forums and finding out what different people said I reloaded over and over and the door still would not budge. Lucky for me I quicksave a lot so I went back to a save before I got down into the room with the water wheel. If you -do not- go through the front door to this room but instead take the hall to the right and go around, killing several of the guards (use sneak, it works best) and -then- go down into the water wheel room the door will open.
I found this happens a lot in this game, you have to do it in a certain order for things to work properly.
Since I couldn't find the original thread about this (I know there are a million) I thought I'd make a new one...
I found this happens a lot in this game, you have to do it in a certain order for things to work properly.
Since I couldn't find the original thread about this (I know there are a million) I thought I'd make a new one...
not so simple
there is a floor switch on the gallery level, but it doesn't seem to make the difference as to whether it will open as most times through I have not trod on it. as save/loading sometimes releases the bar, there is clearly a glitch.
there is a floor switch on the gallery level, but it doesn't seem to make the difference as to whether it will open as most times through I have not trod on it. as save/loading sometimes releases the bar, there is clearly a glitch.
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players"
- yrthwyndandfyre
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Insidious Aggravation
I've been grovelling through the game scripts, and I think I know what triggers the problem with the barred door in the Waterwheel room. If you trip an alarm *twice*, the door won't budge. You have to get from the temple entrance to the waterwheel room with no more than one alarm tripped.
I'm still not clear whether or not making the guards paranoid constitutes an 'alarm'. I think an alarm is an event that results in an active hunt for your PC by anybody. Examples would be using Possession on an NPC, or engaging in any form of non-stealth kill. Ergo, from the temple front door to the waterwheel room, it's a mandatory stealth quest. It would have been nice if they'd bothered to make mention of that.
Now, the extra added bit. I suspect the game remembers alarms across saves. Therefore, if you save, trigger the second alarm, try the door, and it won't budge, then stopping the game and restarting from your save will allow the door to work as long as you don't trip an alarm on your way there. Similarly, stopping and going back to a save before you tripped any alarms should work as well. Of course, some routes may succeed where others fail, depending on whether or not you trip alarms on different routes.
This also explains why I didn't have any problems with it my first few plays, but now it never works. Initially, I was deeply paranoid, and stealth-killed everybody. Nowadays, I'm more experienced, and a lot more cavalier. It's the 'cavalier' that's stopping me.
I've been grovelling through the game scripts, and I think I know what triggers the problem with the barred door in the Waterwheel room. If you trip an alarm *twice*, the door won't budge. You have to get from the temple entrance to the waterwheel room with no more than one alarm tripped.
I'm still not clear whether or not making the guards paranoid constitutes an 'alarm'. I think an alarm is an event that results in an active hunt for your PC by anybody. Examples would be using Possession on an NPC, or engaging in any form of non-stealth kill. Ergo, from the temple front door to the waterwheel room, it's a mandatory stealth quest. It would have been nice if they'd bothered to make mention of that.
Now, the extra added bit. I suspect the game remembers alarms across saves. Therefore, if you save, trigger the second alarm, try the door, and it won't budge, then stopping the game and restarting from your save will allow the door to work as long as you don't trip an alarm on your way there. Similarly, stopping and going back to a save before you tripped any alarms should work as well. Of course, some routes may succeed where others fail, depending on whether or not you trip alarms on different routes.
This also explains why I didn't have any problems with it my first few plays, but now it never works. Initially, I was deeply paranoid, and stealth-killed everybody. Nowadays, I'm more experienced, and a lot more cavalier. It's the 'cavalier' that's stopping me.
Sic gorgiamos allos subjectatos nunc
(The Addams family motto: Gladly we feast on those who would subdue us)
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy, and good with Ketchup.
(The Addams family motto: Gladly we feast on those who would subdue us)
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy, and good with Ketchup.
- MalaksBane
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wrong [probably]
I did Ming's entrance the other day having tripped just about every trap in the place, engaged in wholescale slaughter AND used possession many times to ease the fights. I walked over to the bar - opened no problem.
However - I also had been upstairs and out to get as many crossbow bolts as possible - if you go back to the guard rooms near the beginning, their chests have bolts, come back downstairs and the barracks' chest have them and by doing that a couple of times you are fully ammo'd.
as a bit of a cheat - you can also re-arm just before you face Ming - go back to the waterwheel room and jump on the potted tree near the gallery - jump up and you get to the ledge then up again and over the rail - from there you can get back to the beginning and arm fully from the chests. the only disappointment is the lack of gas cannisters, so don't waste flame on guards.
there seems to be a weird advantage to Tremere - when using blood-shield NPCs in battle areas often do not notice you even when they should spot you. I can't recall if I was still shielded, but dialogue with Ming does NOT make her spot you if you are crouched when you enter the swirly glyph. dialogue ends and you are still crouched/hidden. I sneaked behind her - launched a vicious char-grill attack and the life-bar on Ming didn't come up. I carried on grilling until I was out of lighter fuel and then attacked her with the Killmatic. Still no life-bar, but after about 3-4 clips of shots to the back of the head, she collapsed and I got the XP reward for killing her. Not a mark on me and no blood-packs wasted.
I did Ming's entrance the other day having tripped just about every trap in the place, engaged in wholescale slaughter AND used possession many times to ease the fights. I walked over to the bar - opened no problem.
However - I also had been upstairs and out to get as many crossbow bolts as possible - if you go back to the guard rooms near the beginning, their chests have bolts, come back downstairs and the barracks' chest have them and by doing that a couple of times you are fully ammo'd.
as a bit of a cheat - you can also re-arm just before you face Ming - go back to the waterwheel room and jump on the potted tree near the gallery - jump up and you get to the ledge then up again and over the rail - from there you can get back to the beginning and arm fully from the chests. the only disappointment is the lack of gas cannisters, so don't waste flame on guards.
there seems to be a weird advantage to Tremere - when using blood-shield NPCs in battle areas often do not notice you even when they should spot you. I can't recall if I was still shielded, but dialogue with Ming does NOT make her spot you if you are crouched when you enter the swirly glyph. dialogue ends and you are still crouched/hidden. I sneaked behind her - launched a vicious char-grill attack and the life-bar on Ming didn't come up. I carried on grilling until I was out of lighter fuel and then attacked her with the Killmatic. Still no life-bar, but after about 3-4 clips of shots to the back of the head, she collapsed and I got the XP reward for killing her. Not a mark on me and no blood-packs wasted.
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players"
- MalaksBane
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One reload seemed to work, it's still a pretty goofy procedure thoug, face the door, turn a bit left, then strafe right against the handle. Had to trepeat this a few times.
My vamp feasted on every guard in the building, or so I thought, so traps may not be an issue (tried to avoid the spike thingies though).
My vamp feasted on every guard in the building, or so I thought, so traps may not be an issue (tried to avoid the spike thingies though).
"And they know it was you."
"Too many of us migh set them off like fundamentalists on contrary opinion."
"And they know it was you."
"Too many of us migh set them off like fundamentalists on contrary opinion."
Hey everyone, I think I've found a new mission.
If you can't get the door open then it opens up a new one in your quest log titled "The programmer that screwed up here must die!"
Basically, what it involves, is tracking down whoever made it so I can't get past a stupid door after having done every damn other thing in the game
anyhow, I was wondering if anyone can shed anymore light on this, because I have done everything that everyone said, gone thru the mission without triggering alarms, entered from the right, and yet still the door doesn't open for me. At first I saw there were no guards in the room, and I thought "huzzah", this must be it! but no, nothing...
When I get near the door sometimes it shows the little padlock symbol, tho clicking it doesn't appear to do anything, is this maybe something to do with it?
Please someone tell me there is a way out of this and I haven't wasted my money here?
I mean, where else but in computer games can the manufacturer get away with giving you a product that doesn't actually work, and then just shrug their shoulders and say they may release a patch? What a joke
If you can't get the door open then it opens up a new one in your quest log titled "The programmer that screwed up here must die!"
Basically, what it involves, is tracking down whoever made it so I can't get past a stupid door after having done every damn other thing in the game
anyhow, I was wondering if anyone can shed anymore light on this, because I have done everything that everyone said, gone thru the mission without triggering alarms, entered from the right, and yet still the door doesn't open for me. At first I saw there were no guards in the room, and I thought "huzzah", this must be it! but no, nothing...
When I get near the door sometimes it shows the little padlock symbol, tho clicking it doesn't appear to do anything, is this maybe something to do with it?
Please someone tell me there is a way out of this and I haven't wasted my money here?
I mean, where else but in computer games can the manufacturer get away with giving you a product that doesn't actually work, and then just shrug their shoulders and say they may release a patch? What a joke
Quiver puny fleshlings!
Maybe there is something fundamental I am missing?
You have to move the wooden bar by walking into it, correct?
And the best method is side-stepping into it?
Also, when you say you do a save/load, does that mean that you save the game after the problem has presented, and then reload into the game after the problem has presented, and that this then means the problem no longer presents?
Does it actually matter if you slaughter everyone or sneak in with no kills?
I mean, this question doesn't matter tho, cos I've gotten there both ways..
I guess I'm going to go back in and try again...
You have to move the wooden bar by walking into it, correct?
And the best method is side-stepping into it?
Also, when you say you do a save/load, does that mean that you save the game after the problem has presented, and then reload into the game after the problem has presented, and that this then means the problem no longer presents?
Does it actually matter if you slaughter everyone or sneak in with no kills?
I mean, this question doesn't matter tho, cos I've gotten there both ways..
I guess I'm going to go back in and try again...
Quiver puny fleshlings!
i've never managed to do it without killing anyone cos of the way i play lol but when i last had a problem with it i walked right up to the door and saved then reloaded. if you save away from the door it doesn't work, at least it didn't for me. it does not matter if you have saved after encountering the problem as i did this.
- MalaksBane
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On the right of the bar is a handle. Face the door and bar, walk close to it, then sidestep right pushing against the handle of the bar.Megatron wrote:Maybe there is something fundamental I am missing?
You have to move the wooden bar by walking into it, correct?
And the best method is side-stepping into it?
In this case, yes. It's more common to go to reload a game from before a problem, but in this case, you save after the problem occurs.Also, when you say you do a save/load, does that mean that you save the game after the problem has presented, and then reload into the game after the problem has presented, and that this then means the problem no longer presents?
Sometimes I've had to to the save/load while the bar had already moved halfway. After the load I could continue
No, or, I usually slaugther everyone, or almost everyone, and this does not seem to influence the door. Nor does setting of these spike traps.Does it actually matter if you slaughter everyone or sneak in with no kills?
I mean, this question doesn't matter tho, cos I've gotten there both ways..
"And they know it was you."
"Too many of us migh set them off like fundamentalists on contrary opinion."
"And they know it was you."
"Too many of us migh set them off like fundamentalists on contrary opinion."
- Gangrel Hound
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Never had this problem, but...
I've never had trouble with the door, but wouldn't it be easier to use the "noclip" option in the console rather then reloading a Save Game? If it's obvious you are glitched, this is not a cheat, but a work-around. This was necessary in Morrowind with the House Telvanni Promotion glitch.
Edit: It just occurred to me that this door might be a "porter", if so, there is a teleport command in the console, but I can't remember the command. I'll try to find it again.
I've never had trouble with the door, but wouldn't it be easier to use the "noclip" option in the console rather then reloading a Save Game? If it's obvious you are glitched, this is not a cheat, but a work-around. This was necessary in Morrowind with the House Telvanni Promotion glitch.
Edit: It just occurred to me that this door might be a "porter", if so, there is a teleport command in the console, but I can't remember the command. I'll try to find it again.
[QUOTE=Gangrel Hound]I've never had trouble with the door, but wouldn't it be easier to use the "noclip" option in the console rather then reloading a Save Game? If it's obvious you are glitched, this is not a cheat, but a work-around. This was necessary in Morrowind with the House Telvanni Promotion glitch.
Yep, in this case you can't say that's cheating.... I did something alike when I was at Society of Leopold
Yep, in this case you can't say that's cheating.... I did something alike when I was at Society of Leopold
"Feel my wrath!"
- Zeratul
- Zeratul
Ming door Problem!!!!!!
I've read everybodys opinions on the problem with Ming's door problem and did all of the recomendations, when that failed I downloaded the new patch and still nothing has helped the problem.
Whats weird is when I used the Toreador it worked, unforunately I had problems with not having enough blood to kill Ming so I gave up and started over with the Malkavian. Now I've I can't get the door's wooden seal to budge. What am I to do?
Please Help!!!!!
I've read everybodys opinions on the problem with Ming's door problem and did all of the recomendations, when that failed I downloaded the new patch and still nothing has helped the problem.
Whats weird is when I used the Toreador it worked, unforunately I had problems with not having enough blood to kill Ming so I gave up and started over with the Malkavian. Now I've I can't get the door's wooden seal to budge. What am I to do?
Please Help!!!!!
Yeah I had this problem too and I stopped also playing the game because of it
... But I tried one last time recently and the door opened
!! The trick that worked for me was the one that you should go to the door try moving it and if it doesn't move then save to that point (and make sure you are close to the handle... and just to be sure be sideways to the handle). And once you have saved then reload the savepoint. After the reaload I sidestepped the door open... I was thrilled!! And now I'm playing the game again. First time was with a brujah and now with a gangrel.
- yrthwyndandfyre
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[QUOTE=Mister_T]Yeah I had this problem too and I stopped also playing the game because of it
... But I tried one last time recently and the door opened
!! The trick that worked for me was the one that you should go to the door try moving it and if it doesn't move then save to that point (and make sure you are close to the handle... and just to be sure be sideways to the handle). And once you have saved then reload the savepoint. After the reaload I sidestepped the door open... I was thrilled!! And now I'm playing the game again. First time was with a brujah and now with a gangrel.[/QUOTE]
I'll be go to hell. It worked. I've been noclipping that door for a year now, but this worked. Specifically, walk up to the door, stand next to the handle, bump up against it sideways to make sure you're RIGHT THERE, save, quit, start, load, and the door opened no probs. Weird.
I'll be go to hell. It worked. I've been noclipping that door for a year now, but this worked. Specifically, walk up to the door, stand next to the handle, bump up against it sideways to make sure you're RIGHT THERE, save, quit, start, load, and the door opened no probs. Weird.
Sic gorgiamos allos subjectatos nunc
(The Addams family motto: Gladly we feast on those who would subdue us)
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy, and good with Ketchup.
(The Addams family motto: Gladly we feast on those who would subdue us)
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy, and good with Ketchup.
- Jhereg
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I think I may have solved it - completely. **Possible Spoiler**
The business about walking up to the door, saving, quitting, re-starting, re-loading, and moving the bar has never worked for me. Neither has anything else. I think I finally found out why. The generally accepted rule is to go in on the right side, correct? After all, that's where the last upper-level guard is, anyway.
I found a short-cut. When you get into the basement, the first door on your right has a lock icon, but if you just try it, it will open without any fuss. Not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I use it all the time.
This time I stopped my (almost) reflexive use of that short-cut. I acted as if it were actually locked, and went the long way. Ta-daaah! The bit about saving, quitting, re-starting, and re-loading worked perfectly. That might just be the very last fly in the ointment - not taking advantage of that short-cut.
Any of you that still can't get that door open despite all of the tricks, are you using that door? Don't. I'd be fascinated to hear from any who routinely use that short-cut and still no-clip the door. Try it without the shortcut, and let us know what happens.
The business about walking up to the door, saving, quitting, re-starting, re-loading, and moving the bar has never worked for me. Neither has anything else. I think I finally found out why. The generally accepted rule is to go in on the right side, correct? After all, that's where the last upper-level guard is, anyway.
I found a short-cut. When you get into the basement, the first door on your right has a lock icon, but if you just try it, it will open without any fuss. Not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I use it all the time.
This time I stopped my (almost) reflexive use of that short-cut. I acted as if it were actually locked, and went the long way. Ta-daaah! The bit about saving, quitting, re-starting, and re-loading worked perfectly. That might just be the very last fly in the ointment - not taking advantage of that short-cut.
Any of you that still can't get that door open despite all of the tricks, are you using that door? Don't. I'd be fascinated to hear from any who routinely use that short-cut and still no-clip the door. Try it without the shortcut, and let us know what happens.
"No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style." Steven K.Z. Brust, "Jhereg", ISBN 0-441-38553-2, Chapter 17, prologue.