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Final Battle

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 10:05 pm
by Fearless
OK I'm in the final and have been for several days now. I have read a couple of walkthroughs and taken note of their advice, but I don't seem to have the same spells available to me or the where-with-all to beat these two. I can get to the point where they retire from the battle, but I'm so battered that I have no hope of wining. My party is at level 16. I NEED ADVICE :(

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 1:44 am
by KidD01
What's your party compased of ?

Lots of healing potion mioght be nice for your tanks (you need at least 2 tanks to keep the twins busy) while others dispose the goons.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 2:23 am
by Fearless
I have one fighter, paladin, cleric, rogue, sorcerer and druid.

I think I have enough healing and a couple of resurrection spells, I just seem to use most of it in the first phase. I did note that you use your tanks to occupy the twins while the rest knock off the legions. I have been ignoring the twins and working on the rest. Oh I have been using my sorcerer to fire at the twins with dispels.

by the way we have the same birth date. (only 40 years different) :D

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 2:44 am
by KidD01
OK on the first time run, only have one tank keeping those twins busy ( whack the first one then run to whack the other - they'll be distracted this way mostly). you need to haste your other tank to right side of the room to whack a sorcerer who's been summoning lots of monster. If you make it w/ haste he prolly manage to summon 2 monsters.

<EDIT> I think it's best to use your fighter as the "kamikaze" one, I've tried using a paladin for the task and the twins manage to cast spell to the paladin rendering him weak for sometime. If you completed freeing monestary chief quest then you should have monestary monks back up (they will teleport in as soon as the fight starts). When the twins start to cast spell try flee from their sight and run back to them again unless you got protection from magic casted on the tank.

Have the druid & rogue protect the cleric (since he'll be the one backing up your "kamikaze" tank - interm the cleric will provide heal etc. for the tank who distract the twins) The sorceror will have the job casitng offensive spells to any enemies inbound into your cleric.

As soon as your other tank finish w/ the summoning sorceror have him wipe out other goons then focus all attack to the twins - notice that you only need to hurt one of them to be able to make those 2 flee like cry baby.

heal up for second battle. If you have beef-up protestion scroll you need those for the tanks and weakest char. AI mostly target weakest char. Do like the first battle and it should be fine.

The twins can absorb Elemental damage i.e acid, fire etc. and magic like candy - they even aborb Holy Avenger damage like candy :eek: . But use mixed elemental magic i.e first use fire then ice. IIRC that should hurt them more ;) Oh yeah only target one of the twins since you don't need to kill them both.

Birthday ? LOL Nice to meet some one w/ same date. Anyway Welcome to GB forum :)

Posted: Mon May 12, 2003 7:46 am
by lunarwater
I beat them entirely by with entirely with either the cloudkiss throwing axe (found at end of 1st level in dragons mouth), or the +5 throwing axe with electrical damage. I started the battle using the +5 one, but the cloudkiss worked better because I could hit them both at the same time for 10-15. I'm sure other forms of electricity hurts them too.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 11:59 pm
by Fearless
OK, I've been at this for about three weeks now, and I just can't get passed them. I bring one of tghe twins to badly wounded, and the next thing I know is the other one cast heal and we are back to square one, and all my troops are out of protection and amunition. They then cast paralysis on all the party and just go round beating the hell out of them. It would seem that I have arrived at the final battle with inadequate working tools/spells.
I thought it may have been just me, but I got my son-in-law to try and he could not finish the game.

We've been gamers for years, and cut our teeth on the whole series and D&D before it was a computer game.

I would take a bet that there are many hundreds of disappointed players out there.

y the way we reduced it to the easiest level and still got no where. :mad:

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 5:14 am
by lightningpig
i've played through the game a couple of times with different parties so i know what you're going through - the final battle can indeed be the toughest (though after the first time you do it, it kinda gets easier).

here's what i would suggest:

before you go down from the aerie to meet buvai, aside from your regular buffs - cast mass invisibility on your party (very important, because this takes away the twin's edge at the start). that way when you show up in the throne room madae won't cast blasphemy right off the bat. run your entire party right to where buvai is, he should still be trying to summon the first monster (remember to select individual paths for your members so that they don't get in each other's way), so whack him hard with your melee classes, then move on to the enemy monk who is near him.

when ormis dohor and his buddies show up, madae WILL cast blasphemy - the worst case scenario would be that the tail end of your party (1 or 2 guys) will be caught in the spell's effects - don't worry about that, the enemies will usually be focused on the monks, and they can take care of themselves for some time.

once you've killed buvai (stopping him from flooding you with summons) and that monk, carefully move your tanks into the throne room and pick of the minions one by one (it is important that you pick the ones that are isolated so that the others won't come to help, especially isair and madae. in fact, until all of the minions are dead DO NOT attack the twins.

when all of the minions are gone, i suggest you pick isair to attack because even if he does a lot of busy work with his BBoD madae is less likely to heal him than herself if she is damaged. from what it sounds like, you can't go toe to toe with them so i suggest you have them focus the twins' attention on one of your faster party members (while hiding everyone else in some remote corner). once they picked that character to attack, run him/her around the throne room until isair's fireshield (or madae's divine shell, if you picked her) runs out of gas.

when this happens, move all your melee classes in (and your mage if he/she has mordenkainen's sword). first have everyone attack at the same time, when isair (or madae) select a target, run that target again and again around your other melee classes allowing them to attack isair (but not allowing him to attack). when isair catches on to your scheme he will switch targets, so make the person who was originally running attack and the person targeted should be the one to run this time. if the other twin selects someone else, run that person away in a different direction (away from the fight). keep doing this until they flee to the radiant pool.

when you get to the radiant pool, right after the dialogue, split two decoys (not your attackers) out toward the two clusters of xvim slayer knights so once the fighting starts they will target those characters (run them away from the battle, if you want you can ORS them so that you don't have to concentrate on running them around - just remember that casting ORS will prevent them from gaining any xp ). with your remaining characters, attack the damaged twin, remember to put your toughest character between the twins to prevent healing of the other. at this point you can chose to overwhelm your target twin since he/she is already badly wounded - or you can do the run game (as described above).

this technique is a bit heavy on the execution, and quite cheesy i might add - but it works well for the parties that can't go right at the twins, because it minimizes damage and lets you keep your second round of buff spells in case you need them in the radiant pool room.

i hope this helps in some way, good luck!

oh, and be sure to have the patch installed because otherwise it will be impossible to target isair while he has improved invisibility on. (then again if that was the case then there would be an even cheesier way to do it) if anything, the first step is the most important (you can ignore all the rest) - because it significantly decreases the number of enemies you have to defeat.

argh! so absent-minded. if you have some heavy summons, you can use them to pile on the damage once the twins' primary defenses are down (and those guys you don't have to run away)

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 9:12 pm
by Fearless
Thanks Lightning, that seems a logical scenario.

Once more into the frey dear friends :)