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Ranger Spells Not Enabled?
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 1:24 pm
by TheDagger
My 11th level Ranger is showing ranger spells in the spell book, yet in game play, these spells are "dark" and I can't cast them. I've taken off all my armor, and still the spell buttons are colorless. The "cast spell" botton shows the half moon and stars graphic, but the actual spell buttons themselves can not be activated/cast. Please Help!
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 3:53 pm
by keeB
thats simple. you dont have enough.. WIS to cast those spells.
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 5:45 pm
by lightningpig
to elaborate a bit on keeB's reply, in order to cast a spell of level 'x' you must have a spell-casting ability score of '10 + x' (which one this is depends on the class you are using, for example wizards - int, clerics - wis)
i.e. for a sorcerer to cast a level 7 (x = 7) spell he/she must have a charisma of at least 17 (10 + 7)
in your case, your ranger (at level 11) would need a wisdom of 12 to access your spells (levels 1 and 2)