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Ending *spoilers*

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 2:38 pm
by Adahn
Ending *spoilers* (UPDATE)

God it's so sad *sob and whimpers* It's just so... dramatic and.. beautiful...

*whimpers* I just read the Viconia romance, and since my char is Lawful evil, they go conquering and stuff. And... it's made me realize how... how their love is undieing, even if their different in so many ways... *cries harder* they were my favorite couple!

I'm sorry, i don't know why i got to sappy, it's just.. i had to tell someone :(

If anyone knows where i can get it, please tell me, i really want to print it... Or atleast post the link to my girl friend

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 2:56 pm
by Coot

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 4:19 pm
by Adahn
Originally posted by Coot -Sniff-

But that's just the good viconia ending, i mean the evil one. Here are the screens i just took: ; ; ; ; .

I dunno why it dosn't work... umm.. try just copy pasting the adress, it should, or atleast, worked for me heh ^^(). I figure a screen is better proof instead of just writing what it sais hehe.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 5:50 pm
by VonDondu
EDIT: Try copying the following line into the Address Bar of your browser:

That's Dan Simpson's TOB "Endings FAQ". It lists all of the ORIGINAL Epilogues, according to alignment, chosen path, and active romances, if any. I especially like what happens to Jan (you go, boy!), Edwin, and Keldorn, but all of the endings are fitting and moving in their own way.

As you can see, some of the Epilogues have been alterred by MODs. I don't know which MODs you have installed, but if you like Viconia's (new) Epilogue, then the author of the MOD in question deserves the credit.

Some of the MODs also make changes to the ending of the game itself. I especially admire the Ascension MOD, and you really ought to try it if you haven't already. IMO, it's even better than the orginal ending. If you have a saved game before your final encounter with Balthazar, you can install it without damaging your game.

If you can't find a printable copy of the new Viconia Romantic Epilogue anywhere, you could either send your girlfriend the images you posted or (God forbid) type it out yourself (which is what I would do). :)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 9:42 am
by Adahn
The images aren't online anymore -.- seeing as those ***tards at lycos just baned me for "advertising my site" on public grounds. Sheesh.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 10:06 am
by nephtu
Try this one...

I couldn't get the link to work, either. Try This one

Ascension is very cool, but I'd do a complete vanilla game before, then try a new start with all of tactics...

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 3:49 pm
by VonDondu
nephtu, you posted the same link that I posted. It worked for me when I clicked on it because the contents were stored in my browser cache. But after emptying my browser cache, the link directed me to an error page that said that external linking is not allowed:

"You're seeing this error message because it appears that you're linking from an external site directly to one of the text files stored at GameFAQs. GameFAQs is not a free public file server. Bandwidth costs money, and when sites link directly to files stored on the site, it becomes both a financial and resource drain. We've tried asking, but some sites simply don't care, so now we've implemented a technical solution...

"On every single HTML page of GameFAQs is the following request:
Feel free to link to this page, but not directly to the FAQs..."

They actually expect us to READ what we see on the internet? How silly of them. :)

Besides, it's beyond me how linking to a web page could use more bandwidth than loading a web page from their own site. I suspect that they just want us to go to their site and look at the ads from their sponsors. I'd hate to tell them that I can't see the ads anyway because I have ad-blockers enabled. :) But if site owners are going to be so fussy, then there's no use arguing with them, and we might as well show them some respect. :)

I'd post a copy of the FAQ here myself (which I think would be allowed if I left it intact), but I would have to break it up into three sections, which might violate the terms of the FAQ. (Don't expect me to read the fine print--I have better things to do.) ;)

Of course, anyone can do what I did to find the FAQ in the first place. Just use Google. This is the internet. :)

BTW, nephtu, I saw Adahn's image files before he was banned from Tripod. He was showing us Viconia's five page Epilogue, which was obviously the result of some MOD. So I think it's a little too late for Adahn to play a "vanilla game" first. :) I'd prefer not to comment on the new Epilogue because I'm sure that anything I said would be taken the wrong way by someone, but I'll just say that I appreciate the hard work that goes into making a MOD with new dialogue. However, I think it's possible to be a little too specific and a little too embellished sometimes. (I should know.) :)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 3:52 pm
by Adahn
I'll write it here so you all can read it, even if right now i don't have much time, i'll do it first thing in the morning. ^^

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:31 pm
by VonDondu
Adahn, here's something to help you get started. I have three of the image files you linked to, but you'll have to transcribe the other two yourself. Have fun. :)

"Fully invigorated by the battle with Melissan and the conquest of the entire line of Bhaalspawn, Viconia and her lover Isair did not waste the myriad opportunites that awaited them. They remained true to one another, but after taking a long, luxurious vacation in a Calimsham tent palace, they embarked on a campaign of conquest and domination that spanned decades. The pair started by building an army of followers from the most desperate of the favor-seekers who flocked to them. Instead of receiving a boon from the conquerors of Irenicus and Melissan, they found new masters, and many willingly served, for even without his Bhaal essence Isair was as near to a god as they had ever seen, and Viconia's terrible power and beauty enthralled the reluctant.

"Viconia earned an even greater place in the eyes of her second patron, Shar, when shortly after the events of the Bhaalspawn saga, she and Isair returned to Amn and ventured to the city of Keczulla. There, using a combination of assasination, subversion, and even a frontal assault using indirectly recruited and magically summoned troops, the couple emptied and destroyed the city's Selune worship, right down to the foundation of the temple.

"There was a time when virtually every assassination, disaster, or unexplained calamity was credited to the fearsome duo. Disappearing princes, a massive fire that engulfed the Chondalwood, a three-year period where only one in three Maztican cargo ships reached shore without being swallowed by the sea... Isair and Viconia headed the list of suspects every time, but proof and recourse against them were far beyond the capabilities of mortal authorities."

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Please pardon me while I wipe the tears from my eyes. This is just so...romantic.] :)

"The two learned to accomplish much through simple fear and intimidation, along with subtle baiting and properly whispered threats. Isair actually occupied the Cormyrian throne for a brief time after the mysterious disappearance of tne Obarskyr ruler, but "graciously" gave way when he reappeared a few weeks later. Viconia's sessions with the rightful ruler went quite well, and Isair was rewared for his "service" with a generous supply of the finest valuables and artifacts from the Cormyrian treasury and armory. At least three of the regional tharchions of Thay took their orders directly from the couple.

"The protection Viconia earned in her fervent,--"

[[EDITOR'S NOTE: That's where the third image file begins, which I don't have.]

"What ultimately became of Viconia and Isair is not well-understood. They hardly encouraged would-be biographers to get close to them. In one version of the tale, their bodies were found in a secret temple of Shar near Ust Natha, where they had apparently died by each other's hand in a bizarre summoning ritual meant to bring them power beyond even that of Bhaal. Another version of that tale has it that the bodies were doubles, planted by the couple either so that their enemies would let down their guard and become ripe for the picking, or so that they could start new lives free of obligations and followers. Yet another version says that the tale of the bodies is a deliberate falsehood and the two disappeared into the civilian population of V'elddrinnshar, burned out on mayhem.

"While they were never seen in public again, the legacy of their power both on the surface and in the Underdark lingered as they retained cult status and their power structure continued to function even without the leaders showing a visible, active hand. The dark love between Isair and Viconia was a union forged in conflict, bathed in blood, and honed to an exceedingly sharp edge. Years after their--"

[EDITOR'S NOTE: I'm sorry, I'm so overwhelmed with emotion, I can't continue. I can't wait for Valentine's Day!] :)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 5:42 pm
by nephtu

Oh, well, Google is your friend.

Clearly the epilogues are a tad more detailed then the Basic ToB ones...

Cool stuff, though. The amazing thing is that the charac ters are real enough to react to. I've had MMOG guildies with less personality... (scary thought, that :eek: )

Woo hoo! Ring of the Shissar, yay!

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 11:03 am
by Adahn
Alright, here's the full version, thanks to VonDondu ^^:

"Fully invigorated by the battle with Melissan and the conquest of the entire line of Bhaalspawn, Viconia and her lover Isair did not waste the myriad opportunites that awaited them. They remained true to one another, but after taking a long, luxurious vacation in a Calimsham tent palace, they embarked on a campaign of conquest and domination that spanned decades. The pair started by building an army of followers from the most desperate of the favor-seekers who flocked to them. Instead of receiving a boon from the conquerors of Irenicus and Melissan, they found new masters, and many willingly served, for even without his Bhaal essence Isair was as near to a god as they had ever seen, and Viconia's terrible power and beauty enthralled the reluctant.

Viconia earned an even greater place in the eyes of her second patron, Shar, when shortly after the events of the Bhaalspawn saga, she and Isair returned to Amn and ventured to the city of Keczulla. There, using a combination of assasination, subversion, and even a frontal assault using indirectly recruited and magically summoned troops, the couple emptied and destroyed the city's Selune worship, right down to the foundation of the temple.

There was a time when virtually every assassination, disaster, or unexplained calamity was credited to the fearsome duo. Disappearing princes, a massive fire that engulfed the Chondalwood, a three-year period where only one in three Maztican cargo ships reached shore without being swallowed by the sea... Isair and Viconia headed the list of suspects every time, but proof and recourse against them were far beyond the capabilities of mortal authorities.

The two learned to accomplish much through simple fear and intimidation, along with subtle baiting and properly whispered threats. Isair actually occupied the Cormyrian throne for a brief time after the mysterious disappearance of tne Obarskyr ruler, but "graciously" gave way when he reappeared a few weeks later. Viconia's sessions with the rightful ruler went quite well, and Isair was rewared for his "service" with a generous supply of the finest valuables and artifacts from the Cormyrian treasury and armory. At least three of the regional tharchions of Thay took their orders directly from the couple.

The protection Viconia earned in her fervent, increasingly violent interpretations of Shar's will served her well in fending off the expected yet unpredictable and unrelenting attacks of Lolth and her faithful --the Spider Queen does not forgive, nor forget her wayward followers. Of course, the lovers took the attacks white personally, and more than one priestess of Lolth found a dagger in her throat, custom-made in the forges that served Viconia and Isair for precisely that purpose. Viconia also established herself as the de facto ruler of the Underdark city of Velddrinnshar beneath Thay. The houses continued to engage in their games, but Viconia held enough power that none dared act without her approval.

The affection, devotion, love and lust between Viconia and Isair did not waver over time. Though Isair aged relatively faster than his lover, Viconia continued to revel in their time together. If anything, the paranoia each began to develop that the other might be seeking their demise only strengthened their bond, in a rather perverse way. There was a time where neither let the other out of sight.

What ultimately became of Viconia and Isair is not well-understood. They hardly encouraged would-be biographers to get close to them. In one version of the tale, their bodies were found in a secret temple of Shar near Ust Natha, where they had apparently died by each other's hand in a bizarre summoning ritual meant to bring them power beyond even that of Bhaal. Another version of that tale has it that the bodies were doubles, planted by the couple either so that their enemies would let down their guard and become ripe for the picking, or so that they could start new lives free of obligations and followers. Yet another version says that the tale of the bodies is a deliberate falsehood and the two disappeared into the civilian population of V'elddrinnshar, burned out on mayhem.

While they were never seen in public again, the legacy of their power both on the surface and in the Underdark lingered as they retained cult status and their power structure continued to function even without the leaders showing a visible, active hand. The dark love between Isair and Viconia was a union forged in conflict, bathed in blood, and honed to an exceedingly sharp edge.

Years after their disappearance, one historian wrote in trembling hand, "The Ferocity of the love betwen Bhaalspawn and Devir was eclipsed only by the violence of their disregard and desdain for every other living being. Toril was fortunate to survive them."


Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 1:24 pm
by Adahn

you guys don't mind if I bump this thread up front for those of you who haven't seen it right? It's just... I don't want anyone to be deprived of this great ending ^_^

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 11:42 am
by Black_Paladin
Hehe, I like this ending. Finally a happy ending for people who like to play evil characters. I didn't like the fact that while the the game gave you the option of playing evil, it also strongly "encouraged" you to play the good side. Furthermore, all the endings for the evil NPCs were bad endings. Most die in humiliation.

I wonder what mod is it that changes Viconia's ending to this?

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 3:32 pm
by Adahn
I don't really remember, I downloaded quite a few of them. But If I were a betting man i'd say the ol' Flirt Pack.

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 5:06 pm
by fable
Originally posted by Black_Paladin
Hehe, I like this ending. Finally a happy ending for people who like to play evil characters. I didn't like the fact that while the the game gave you the option of playing evil, it also strongly "encouraged" you to play the good side.

Bioware games traditionally have been designed for a single, moral path--and yes, that's largely true of KotoR, too, since I'm not counting such silly things as setting your party members at one another's throats. :rolleyes: If you're looking for a genuinely nasty path to consider, play the Fallout/Arcanum games, and consort with murderers, thieves, politicians and other wretches. ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 8:33 am
by Adahn
Are you implicitly saying politicians are evil? *grins* I'm thinking of becoming one lol Which means... i'm on the path to the dark side! Bwahahaha. But seriously, i didn't know those games were originaly made for one moral path. But now that I think of it, it's true. It seems everyone, even on Baldur's Gate I & II in some way wants help. And there's no way of getting things done unless you help them. There's no... evil path to be taken. Just the old cliché of getting the job done then killing the employer -.- which get's old real fast.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 9:15 am
by fable
Originally posted by Adahn
Are you implicitly saying politicians are evil? *grins* I'm thinking of becoming one lol Which means... i'm on the path to the dark side! Bwahahaha. But seriously, i didn't know those games were originaly made for one moral path. But now that I think of it, it's true. It seems everyone, even on Baldur's Gate I & II in some way wants help. And there's no way of getting things done unless you help them. There's no... evil path to be taken. Just the old cliché of getting the job done then killing the employer -.- which get's old real fast.

Heh. :D Yes, the Fallout series and Arcanum were deliberately created to provide active quest paths for both broadly light and dark characters, and they are almost completely different. By contrast, the Bioware titles make only token nods to "evil" gameplay. It's understandable, since programming quests takes a lot of time; so making an "evil side" literally doubles that expenditure of resources.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 11:11 pm
by Adahn
Talk about lazy programmers :p

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 4:11 pm
by Adahn
Guys I just found a new place to upload pictures. For those of you who doubt the legitimacy of my ending, here's the screens ^_^

1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5

And that, as they say. Is that :D