

NPC Guide - Page 7
Gender: Male
Race: Halfling
Class: Fighter/Thief
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Abilities: STR 16, DEX 17, CON 15, INT 12, WIS 13, CHA 9

A. Overall Abilities: 3+4+3+2+2+1= 15 (15/30)
B. Class Abilities: 3+4+3= 10/15 (fighter), 4+3= 7/10 (thief), 20.5/30 (overall)
C. Fun to play: 17 (18/20)
D. Gameplay: 12 (12/15)
E. Related quest: 5 (5/5) - Investigate Nashkel Mines
F. TOTAL MARK: 69.5%

Comments: Montaron is perhaps my favorite NPC in the game because he really projects my personal conception of an evil character: cunning, rude, bloodthirsty, cold, etc. He is very amusing when in your party and I find his dialog excellent! He is really bad, but fun at the same time, not like Edwin and Kagain who are even annoying if you give them the chance. Montaron is just great the way he is: the classic psycho. He also has very good abilities for a fighter and a good dexterity for a thief. All this makes him a well-rounded character and an absolute must for any evil-aligned party! Too bad he is not back (alive) in BG2… He would have been great to have!

Gender: Female
Race: Drow Elf
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Abilities: STR 10, DEX 19, CON 8, INT 16, WIS 15, CHA 14

A. Overall Abilities: 2+6+1+3+3+2= 17 (17/30)
B. Class Abilities: 2+6+1+3= 12 (12/20 = 18/30)
C. Fun to play: 17 (17/20)
D. Gameplay: 13 (13/15)
E. Related quest: 5 (5/5) - Kill Flaming Fist Mercenary

Comments: Viconia is without doubt the best cleric in the game, both because of her very high dexterity, her good wisdom and her magic resistance(50%). This means that you can give her a sling and decent armor and she'll stand up in almost any battle. Better even, give her the Gauntlets of Ogre Power and she rocks! Her high dexterity gives her a very good AC and her magic resistance helps her in battles where other party members take massive damage from invocation spells or fall to enchantment spells. Better still, you can use the 3 Books of Wisdom you find in BG and ToSC to raise Viconia's wisdom to 18, the best a cleric can get. This way, she'll be able to cast a lot of spells. Definitely a wise choice for an evil party. Viconia also comes back in BG2, once more in trouble…

Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Abilities: STR 18/58, DEX 17, CON 9, INT 14, WIS 7, CHA 11

A. Overall Abilities: 6+4+1+2+1+2= 16 (16/30)
B. Class Abilities: 6+4+1= 11 (11/15 = 22/30)
C. Fun to play: 14 (14/20)
D. Gameplay: 11 (11/15)
E. Related quest: 5 (5/5) - Challenges you to a duel

Comments: Shar-Teel is a straightforward fighter and an obvious choice for an evil-aligned party. She can be an effective melee fighter due to her high strength and an effective ranged fighter due to her high dexterity. She also gets a good AC, but low HPs because of her poor constitution. You should probably have Kagain in your party to take all the damage since he has massive HPs and use Shar-Teel as a second fighter. Besides, there is not much to know about her. She is really psychopathic for a reason which remain obscure. She is also Angelo's daughter and will help you deal with her father in Chapter 7. A good choice all in all.

Gender: Male
Race: Gnome
Class: Cleric/Thief
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Abilities: STR 9, DEX 16, CON 16, INT 10, WIS 13, CHA 9

A. Overall Abilities: 1+3+3+2+2+1= 12 (12/30)
B. Class Abilities: 1+3+3+2= 9/20 (cleric), 3+3= 6/10 (thief), 13.5/30 (overall)
C. Fun to play: 15 (15/20)
D. Gameplay: 12 (12/15)
E. Related quest: 0 (0/5)
F. TOTAL MARK: 52.5%

Comments: Tiax is an insane gnome who thinks that he is a chosen of Cyric and that you must obey his will. He has a good dexterity and constitution but his other abilities are rather low. He is a bad cleric because of his 13 wisdom and an average thief with a dexterity of 16. He also has a fair amount of HPs. His best asset is his craziness, which makes him funny to have around. If you need an evil back-up cleric or thief, Tiax is your man! Note that Tiax returns in BG2 as a patient of the asylum.

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