

DDO Quest Walkthrough: Venn's Trail: Venn's Fate

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There are two primary goals in this quest. The first is to find Venn ar-Kerran. Unlike his brother Arlos, Venn won't have survived his adventure with the kobolds, and so you'll be looking for his body. The location is random; he can appear in any of the cells in the prison, and so you'll have to check inside each one. If you know what you're looking for, you can actually see his body through the cell door, making your job easier (see the insert below). If you don't know what you're looking for, then you might want to open up each cell just to be safe.

Note: You'll also meet some bedraggled prisoners in the prison cells, but they'll be standing up, waiting to be talked to, and so they'll be easy to find. Freeing these five prisoners will complete the "other prisoners" optional objective and net you a small amount of experience points.

You might not be able to spot Venn through the bars of his cell (above), but you should see him for sure once you've opened the cell door (below).
When you find Venn, you'll discover that he was stabbed to death, but that in his dying moments he scrawled the words "Seal of Shan-To-Kor" on the wall using his own blood. The Seal of Shan-To-Kor is an object that you'll be able to pursue once you've made your way to the Marketplace.

Upon discovering Venn, you'll receive a new required objective: to avenge Venn by killing the Tunnelworm Interrogator (#8). The quest will end once you've found Venn and killed the Interrogator, regardless of the order in which you complete the objectives. So if you're trying to maximize your bonuses, you might want to find Venn but then not click on him until you've killed and broken everything you can find.

After completing the quest, be sure to return to Guard Tember in the Waterworks to claim your reward.

1 - Starting Point

2 - Murat the Maniacal (Random Boss)

Murat is an ogre boss. If Murat doesn't make an appearance, then you'll encounter a regular ogre here instead.

3 - Undead Room

You'll find some skeletons and zombies in here.

4 - Kruts the Cruel (Random Boss)

Kruts is an ogre boss. If Kruts doesn't make an appearance, then you'll encounter a regular ogre here instead.

5 - Terrified Prisoner

If you talk to the terrified prisoner, then he'll warn you to run away before fleeing himself. Then five medium monstrous scorpions will appear and attack you. You can open the nearby treasure chest without dealing with the prisoner or scorpions.

6 - Tunnelworm Grand Shaman

The grand shaman is a kobold. Defeating him will complete an optional objective.

7 - Haarg the Harrowing (Random Boss)

Haarg is an ogre boss. If Haarg doesn't make an appearance, then you'll encounter a regular ogre here instead.

8 - Tunnelworm Interrogator

You'll need to kill the kobold interrogator to avenge Venn and complete the quest.

Other Places of Interest

DSecret Door
XQuest Exit
$Treasure Chest

Quest Bonuses

Monsters (unlimited total) Breakables (66 total)
Aggression Bonus (10%)25 Mischief Bonus (5%)33
Onslaught Bonus (15%)33 Vandal Bonus (7%)43
Conquest Bonus (25%)40 Ransack Bonus (10%)53
Traps (1 total) Secret Doors (0 total)
Tamper Bonus (5%)N/A Observance Bonus (5%)N/A
Neutralization Bonus (7%)N/A Perception Bonus (7%)N/A
Ingenious Debilitation Bonus (10%)N/A Vigilant Sight Bonus (10%)N/A


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