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Search found 11 matches

by Osito
Fri Jun 10, 2005 6:52 am
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: Mod bug?!
Replies: 3
Views: 889

I know, but I don't like the cheat sign on the saved game ;)

by Osito
Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:24 am
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: Mod bug?!
Replies: 3
Views: 889

Mod bug?!

I got tired of waiting for the lightsabre so I placed one in "my" footlocker on the Harbringer along with a yellow, green and red crystal (the sabre was blue). The problem was the same footlocker poped times 2 in the Storage room on the Engine Deck with the same contence. The two footlocker are ...
by Osito
Fri Mar 11, 2005 4:08 am
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: Lightsaber parts
Replies: 4
Views: 1014

Lightsaber parts

I have played throught the game on time. I found one part at Telos, helping the Ithorians(or how you spell that...). The res of the parts were found on Dantoine, on from a salvager (the on uyou save) and the last one after fighting the big battle agains the mercs. My question: On wich other places ...
by Osito
Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:21 am
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: Prestige classes...
Replies: 3
Views: 923

Prestige classes...

When can you get them? At what lvl? I know that you "get" it from Kreia, have finished the game one time, light male. What is the trigger? Is it when you have one planet left? I wonder because I want to get as many prestige levels as possible. Last time I got lvl 17 Guardian and 9-10 lvl Weapon ...
by Osito
Wed Mar 09, 2005 2:43 am
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: Plot Discussion (Spoilers Galore)
Replies: 31
Views: 3986

I have just finished the game as light, male. I like the story, but it leaves many things out. Many of these "leave-outs" are understandable as to the many chooises you could make in the first game. Like you can kill almost everyone in your party as dark.

But about the plot to KotorII:
*What ...
by Osito
Sun Mar 06, 2005 3:13 pm
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: Swoop Race bug
Replies: 2
Views: 1252

Swoop Race bug

When I start a swoop race I'm on the ground. But then I engage the thrusters I "jump" up into the air and can't get down. This makes it impossible to hit the bost pads etc. On Onderan I crash into the "tunnel head" in the begining and by doining som trix and smashing the keyboard I'm able to pass by ...
by Osito
Wed Mar 02, 2005 4:48 am
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: Game stability problem on dantoine
Replies: 14
Views: 1881

Ok! I'm in school now :( so I will try it when I get home. But what does it really do the "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1"?

Thanks for the help!
by Osito
Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:37 am
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: Game stability problem on dantoine
Replies: 14
Views: 1881

Game stability problem on dantoine

I bught the game this monday and have played ever since... I have left Telos and went to Dantoine and in the are were the Ebon Hawk lands I have game problems. The character dosen't responde correctly on comand. It sort of skips around and the graphic is were slow like less then 1fps, or so it fells ...
by Osito
Sun Jan 16, 2005 5:53 am
Forum: Announcements & Feedback
Topic: Why fileplanet?
Replies: 5
Views: 1042

Why fileplanet?

I wounder why the files (in this case the kotor II movies) are on fileplanet? I don't have a membership there and I don't have the money to join. Couldn't you have them placed elsewere?

by Osito
Wed Apr 28, 2004 11:47 pm
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR
Topic: Buggs and lookups
Replies: 3
Views: 835

I have the 1.03 patch but I haven't reg... Where do you do it? And way?

//Osito - May the Force be with you!
by Osito
Wed Apr 28, 2004 11:10 am
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR
Topic: Buggs and lookups
Replies: 3
Views: 835

Buggs and lookups

Some spoilers uphead...

I have some trubel while playing kotor...
*It flipps when turning to "movie mode" showing coloured strips on the screen.
*Lookups when loading, quiting, turing to "movie mode", raceing on tatoine, runing on the leviathan.
*Candurus is coming with Bastila and ...