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by Sheallaidh
Tue Nov 30, 2004 7:14 pm
Forum: Vampire: TM - Bloodlines
Topic: Performance! Memory leak?
Replies: 52
Views: 11314

[QUOTE=a00krido]I wonder if there is some way of turning on a FPS text displaying the frames per second in the game ?[/QUOTE]

In console type net_graph 1

[QUOTE=a00krido]I've also problems with "stutters" that usually happens when you look at an area or direction that you havn't looked at for ...
by Sheallaidh
Tue Nov 30, 2004 7:12 pm
Forum: Vampire: TM - Bloodlines
Topic: Performance! Memory leak?
Replies: 52
Views: 11314

Seriously... I cannot recommend upgrading to 1gb of ram enough.. for the sake of the $30-40 it will cost you, it is well, well worth it.
by Sheallaidh
Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:05 am
Forum: Vampire: TM - Bloodlines
Topic: Multiplayer and modding
Replies: 9
Views: 3116

Neverwinter Nights has an even larger mod community than Morrowind. :o )
by Sheallaidh
Sat Nov 27, 2004 11:43 am
Forum: Vampire: TM - Bloodlines
Topic: where is the 2nd plague bearer?
Replies: 12
Views: 1770

Thoe two people here have mentioned the first and third ones... not the second.

Go to Skyline apartments apartment 6 I think it is.

There is a sick women in the bedroom.
by Sheallaidh
Sat Nov 27, 2004 11:41 am
Forum: Vampire: TM - Bloodlines
Topic: Ginger Swan Help (Spoilers)
Replies: 4
Views: 7543

The key to the zombie quest is to ignore zombies who are not at the gates... just kill those actually on it and those very near it then run to the next gate... they are really slow and it takes 4 of them ages to open the gate.

If you have celerity, make use of it.
by Sheallaidh
Thu Nov 25, 2004 12:28 pm
Forum: Vampire: TM - Bloodlines
Topic: Performance! Memory leak?
Replies: 52
Views: 11314

A much better post, now you sound more like you know what you're talking about, rather than just tagging comments in a similar vein to sound "in the know" (something that irritates me on my forums ).

I've already read that article, and considered it, but I have always had this weird compulsion to ...
by Sheallaidh
Thu Nov 25, 2004 10:13 am
Forum: Vampire: TM - Bloodlines
Topic: Performance! Memory leak?
Replies: 52
Views: 11314

And as for the original poster-- a Geforce 4 isn't even a DirectX 9 card (I thought that was needed for Vampire? Maybe not). That's really cutting some corners on this type of game. I wouldn't be suprised if a lot of your frame rate issues, at least, had to do with your graphics card.

I know ...
by Sheallaidh
Wed Nov 24, 2004 8:16 pm
Forum: Vampire: TM - Bloodlines
Topic: Performance! Memory leak?
Replies: 52
Views: 11314

Well my load times are now 10-20 seconds, with full graphics acceleration, all options turned up full. All down to doubling my RAM from 512 to 1024.

As an avid Counter-Strike player I naturally had Half-Life 2 pre-ordered via Steam, I completed the game the same day it was released and with full ...
by Sheallaidh
Wed Nov 24, 2004 1:20 pm
Forum: Vampire: TM - Bloodlines
Topic: Laggy/Choppy/Slow Loading *ANSWER HERE*
Replies: 1
Views: 3363

Laggy/Choppy/Slow Loading *ANSWER HERE*

If you, like many other people, are having big lag and chopiness problems, and load times of more than 5 minutes (real time) there is only one way to fix it.

Buy some more RAM! The minimum specification suggests 512mb - but the game runs perfectly with 1gb.

It's worth doing, and you will ...
by Sheallaidh
Wed Nov 24, 2004 1:18 pm
Forum: Vampire: TM - Bloodlines
Topic: Performance! Memory leak?
Replies: 52
Views: 11314

The problem is RAM.

512mb is not really enough to run this game, I bought an extra 512mb stick and now the game runs perfectly, even with all settings on high.
by Sheallaidh
Wed Nov 24, 2004 10:00 am
Forum: Vampire: TM - Bloodlines
Topic: Performance! Memory leak?
Replies: 52
Views: 11314

I am having these problems.

My spec:

2.53 ghz P4
512mb RAM
GeForce FX 5900 GFX

Anyone have any idea how to resolve this?
by Sheallaidh
Wed Nov 24, 2004 9:57 am
Forum: Vampire: TM - Bloodlines
Topic: 'Frequency out of range' monitor error
Replies: 8
Views: 15018

1) Click on the Start button > Run.
2) In the box type: dxdiag
3) Click the OK button.
4) DirectX Diagnostic Tool will open
5) Click on the "More Help" tab
6) Click on the Override button
7) Select "Override Value" and enter a value in the box that your monitor can support (60 or 100), then click ok ...