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Search found 8 matches

by StormArm
Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:20 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: Why can't I equip a medium weapon on off hand??
Replies: 2
Views: 975

Why can't I equip a medium weapon on off hand??

I did activate the DeathLord class!! The icon was lighted and I did get the skill of medium dual weapon!! I placed 5 points on this skill but I still can not equip a medium weapon on off hand!!

Some of my skills don't match the requirement of the DeathLord class, is it the reason ??


str ...
by StormArm
Wed Dec 15, 2004 10:23 pm
Forum: The Temple of Elemental Evil
Topic: My Fighter Can not take any action permanently
Replies: 0
Views: 540

My Fighter Can not take any action permanently

I killed Kella the druid at the temple lv.4, but after that I found my fighter can not make any action in the future battles, seems to be paralyzed permanently?? :confused:

I tried many ways, but nothing works. :(

At the end , I have no choice , let the cleric casting "Slay Living" on him ...
by StormArm
Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:28 am
Forum: The Temple of Elemental Evil
Topic: 2 small bugs report
Replies: 1
Views: 743

2 small bugs report

Strange Bug

1. I enlarged Elmo , so he can equip with 2 two-handed weapon. When the spell expired he came back to original size, but the weapons are still both in hand. Now he can wield 2 greatswords in normal size :D
The question is , when he use two-handed weapon with one hand, can he still ...
by StormArm
Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:03 am
Forum: The Temple of Elemental Evil
Topic: Sneak Attack help
Replies: 6
Views: 1734

3. reduce person ?! - never heard that this affects sneak attack in any positive way?!
...only (negative) effect is that small weapons count as normal and normal as large - means if you are reduced a longsword counts as 2-handed weapon!

I don't ...
by StormArm
Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:10 pm
Forum: The Temple of Elemental Evil
Topic: The Masterwork maul
Replies: 2
Views: 1021

Thanks for your help.

I think I had better make a backup before using the patch, I heard that
this patch also bring some other troubles.
by StormArm
Fri Dec 10, 2004 5:06 am
Forum: The Temple of Elemental Evil
Topic: The Masterwork maul
Replies: 2
Views: 1021

The Masterwork maul

I heard that to crash the golden skull I need a masterwork maul,
but I have sold the one I found on the first level of the temple and
kill the two merchants in Hommet. Now how can I get another one ?
Where can I buy one or loot one ?
by StormArm
Fri Dec 10, 2004 4:50 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: Funny Bug
Replies: 2
Views: 633

Funny Bug

There is a coffin behind a door locked with an ancent key, to open it you will find the armor of comfort and a mummy will appear by the coffin.

Now if you put something into that coffin another mummy will appear, again and again, you can get full level if you have enough patience. :D

The exp of ...
by StormArm
Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:52 pm
Forum: The Temple of Elemental Evil
Topic: Sneak Attack help
Replies: 6
Views: 1734

What is the use of cup de grace ? :confused:

And if I was grappled by the gaint frog , how can I escape ?
Can I use "Break Free" ? I've selected it for several times , but it seems doesn't work. :eek:

My elf rogue got improved two-weapon fighting :D , sneak close to an enemy then start combat ...