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by IanGarrik
Mon Jan 03, 2005 11:30 pm
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: 50 is the level cap
Replies: 10
Views: 1678

I have an unmodified persuade of 20, and can boost that up a few points if need be.

That is exactly the dialogue I get. The awareness dialogue I don't get is with the sick guy. But I run through that and I get either a one time XP bonus of 1000, or I just get a quest updated box w/ no XP ...
by IanGarrik
Mon Jan 03, 2005 11:05 pm
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: 50 is the level cap
Replies: 10
Views: 1678

I have tried this one every which way that I can think (even going exactly by the guidelines) and it doesn't work. Neither does the airspeeder glitch. Neither does the Peragus mining facility glitch. The only one that works is the Korriban hssiss glitch, and that takes forever.

Are there necessary ...
by IanGarrik
Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:04 pm
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: cheat help (spoiler)
Replies: 8
Views: 1535

I guess I'm just screwed. I have absolutely no FP regeneration in the tombs, and the Overseer glitch on Nar Shaddaa doesn't work at all for me.
by IanGarrik
Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:31 pm
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: XP discrepancies
Replies: 3
Views: 873

Thanks. I'll try it.

Edit: This one didn't work for me. I get no Awareness (I have an awareness of like 24 with equipment) option when talking to the sick guy; when I go and talk to the Overseer, I get a dialogue update, but no XP.

For some reason none of the XP cheats on Nar Shaddaa (airspeeder ...
by IanGarrik
Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:30 pm
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: cheat help (spoiler)
Replies: 8
Views: 1535

Thanks. Guess this one's really not worth it unless you're DS. Takes too long.
by IanGarrik
Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:10 pm
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: XP discrepancies
Replies: 3
Views: 873

Where is this glitch and how does it work? I'm using the one on Korriban and it is taking forever.
by IanGarrik
Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:41 am
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: Plz Help!!!!
Replies: 3
Views: 786

Try opening the cells and going back to the Ebon Hawk. Was T3-M4 iin his cell? If that doesn't work... Hope you're saving often.
by IanGarrik
Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:39 am
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: sion spoiler
Replies: 2
Views: 842

Keep hitting him. After the third set of dialogue he will crawl off and die if you say the right things. He had about 420 HP when I fought him.
by IanGarrik
Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:10 am
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: cheat help (spoiler)
Replies: 8
Views: 1535

In real life I'm military, which is one reason I don't want to spend a month on this (work schedules are kinda tight right now, OK?). 13F Army... Not exactly a "john kerry hippie", more along the lines of a "George Bush Warmonger".

In fantasyland, I'm light side for this trip. I cannot regenerate ...
by IanGarrik
Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:44 pm
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: cheat help (spoiler)
Replies: 8
Views: 1535

cheat help (spoiler)

I've played the game through a couple of times already and decided to go through and create a powerful character by cheating (just for the heck of it). I've got a couple of questions, if anyone can help:

1) The airspeeder infinite XP cheat on Nar Shaddah is not working. I get the single piece and ...