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Search found 5 matches

by Kaerdhal
Sun May 27, 2001 8:59 pm
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Elvis is IN the building. . .five flagoons
Replies: 4
Views: 526

Elvis is IN the building. . .five flagoons

Is it just me, or is that a painting of Elvis in the basement of the Five Flagoons Inn?

Just wondering.
by Kaerdhal
Tue May 22, 2001 12:21 pm
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: AI Scriptiing
Replies: 67
Views: 2251

KensaiRyu!! YOU deserve the FIVE STAR rating that you have!! Thank you once again for doing the footwork for me! So much to learn, so big of a net to learn it in.

I did retrieve the information from your link. I've bookmarked about a zillion web pages during my search for it, so my time was not ...
by Kaerdhal
Tue May 22, 2001 9:20 am
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: AI Scriptiing
Replies: 67
Views: 2251

hmmm - well, I haven't been able to find the WAVC converter on the site. I've spent quite a bit of time looking, and have even used their site search tool. Any hints on where it is?

I've tried joining the forum - but am still awaiting a password. Thank you so much for directing me to the site ...
by Kaerdhal
Tue May 22, 2001 7:54 am
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: AI Scriptiing
Replies: 67
Views: 2251

COOL!! Thank you very much for the info! I had noticed the encoding was WAVC via my MS Dev Suite Debugger - but I hadn't ever heard of WAVC before, so I wasn't sure where to start looking and a preliminary web search showed up nothing. Thanks for the link!!
by Kaerdhal
Tue May 22, 2001 6:01 am
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: AI Scriptiing
Replies: 67
Views: 2251

I've been reading this thread this morning with great interest. I dabble in programming and am amazed at what tools are available to make this wonderful game, that much better! I look forward to playing with some scripts (thief of course).

However, I do have one more question (slight tangent and ...