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by JoeMolley
Sat Jun 11, 2005 7:18 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: War Witch Impossible
Replies: 18
Views: 3871

I can't remember what the difference was with magic skills, i ended the game with 28 arcane though. Magic really saved the day quite a bit.

swcarter, I didn't have any "Crystals of Unpetrify." I actually did have 4 Wards of Petrification. I can't remember if it was Arindale or Fargrove where I got ...
by JoeMolley
Tue Jun 07, 2005 3:58 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: The strongest weapon
Replies: 13
Views: 3421

When I had that Scepter of Evil, each little ball it shot off did at most 3 damage, but a friend of mine used it and did like 20 damage each. I think it's power depends on your Nether Magic. I bet the power of weapons like that scepter and the Rod of Divinity depend on your magic skill.
by JoeMolley
Sun Jun 05, 2005 5:56 pm
Forum: General RPG Discussion
Topic: Similar games to Vampire Bloodlines?
Replies: 34
Views: 17599

I haven't played it myself, but you should look at the Silent Hill games. The last one, Silent Hill 4: The Room, is out on PC. I know it's definately a horror game that includes puzzles and is 3rd person, but thats all I really know.
by JoeMolley
Sun Jun 05, 2005 5:32 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: level up
Replies: 2
Views: 734

Do levels actually do anything? or are they just like a progress marker?
by JoeMolley
Sun Jun 05, 2005 5:28 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: Post Your Char. Stats with a Picture
Replies: 167
Views: 44573

Wow, you're level 24, in the vale of ruin, and obviously went through a lot of stuff, as only a Rogue? That must've been hard as hell! Good job man, honestly, good job!
by JoeMolley
Sun Jun 05, 2005 5:22 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: Curious about Relics
Replies: 7
Views: 1396

When I turned them in, I only noticed a bonus of about 30,000 adv points.

Anyhow, the relics I wish I could've kept throughout the game was the Ring of Protection and the Shield of Retribution. That shield is HUGE! The ring goes without saying, really.
by JoeMolley
Sun Jun 05, 2005 5:07 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: Four Character Building Documents
Replies: 3
Views: 1004

Nevermind that comma, I actually looked at your stuff, and I say that it does look impressive so far. I haven't gone through it all yet, but it looks good!

I see some good analysis, great explanations. This is a great set of articles for anyone wondering about some aspect they don't know or ...
by JoeMolley
Sat Jun 04, 2005 7:15 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: I'm Bored so I started again!
Replies: 7
Views: 906

Yeah, good point. But if you get one of those poles between you and the troll, you can hack at him without him lifting a finger as long as you stay just far enough away. The first, fourth, and fifth hits from a light weapon/medium weapon at skill 5 have your weapons full range, so you can tag him ...
by JoeMolley
Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:52 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: Post Your Char. Stats with a Picture
Replies: 167
Views: 44573

Well, for starters, magic missile was doing around 30 damage, fireball around 50, blast nova usually did around 120 (sometimes went as low as 70), fire nova... well I have no idea, most things just died when I casted it. And I never found cataclysm! I wanted that SO badly.

EDIT: For kicks, heres a ...
by JoeMolley
Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:37 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: Post Your Char. Stats with a Picture
Replies: 167
Views: 44573

Here's my War Witch, Cera. These pictures were taken at the end of the game and I'm still wearing most of the relics. Unfortunately, my save is in the last room, so she's stuck like this for eternity...

She's a Mage/Adept/Sorcerer/Enchantress/War Witch. It was tough, playing without heavy weapons ...
by JoeMolley
Sat Jun 04, 2005 5:19 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: I'm Bored so I started again!
Replies: 7
Views: 906

I say try out the Marauder quest first; having those skill cost bonuses will be great when you get all the exp from the trial, and the light dual wielding will really help you out.

As for that troll, sure, using ranged is the easiest way to do it, but also by far the longest.
by JoeMolley
Sat Jun 04, 2005 4:10 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: character creation physical adjustments?
Replies: 3
Views: 804

Posting this thread.

Seriously though, you should search the forums for that.

Anyways, its not in there because it doesn't work. That's coming in a later patch.
by JoeMolley
Sat Jun 04, 2005 4:00 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: Dungeon Lords Monster Awards
Replies: 7
Views: 1969

Yeah, you gotta love those trolls. They've got a peculiar fashion sense; every trolls' got those chains hanging off his wrists.

Heh, I forgot about pirahnas and bees... I always ignore pirahnas until I get surrounded by the buggers, then it takes just one fireball to kill off all but one or two.

I ...
by JoeMolley
Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:26 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: Dungeon Lords Monster Awards
Replies: 7
Views: 1969

Dungeon Lords Monster Awards

Hey all, just finished the game and saw the whole gamut of monsters in Dungeon Lords, and was wondering what everyone's opinions are of the monsters. What monster was the most annoying/toughest/strangest/coolest in your opinion? No bosses please, they are special cases.

For me:

Most Annoying Award ...
by JoeMolley
Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:22 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: altar of stars celestial shrine
Replies: 4
Views: 3113

The Altar of Fire is in the Vale of Ruin. I went there with my Flame Sword, but you know what? My sword didn't do jack squat. It stayed exactly the same. Does the sword actually change, or is this part busted too?
by JoeMolley
Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:13 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: Shields Question
Replies: 7
Views: 1078

The repair functions are broken. You can't repair anything right now. The next patch is set to address this and tons of other things too.
by JoeMolley
Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:08 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: Stargazer Quest
Replies: 5
Views: 751

I did the Stargazer Quest and honestly can't remember where the hell I found Okula. I just went up one side and down the other. I do not think he was near the temple though. Oh, and the War Witch quest was near the middle of the Vale, just so you know.
by JoeMolley
Tue May 31, 2005 10:46 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: Has anyone defeated Nauselom?
Replies: 19
Views: 3796

Yeah, what you gotta do is beat on him for a little till he disappears and drops a shadow stone then put the stone on the statue in the corner. do it enough and you'll get to use the staff in the center and that thing just kicks his shadowy butt.

I used a lot of Blast Novas in this fight to clear ...
by JoeMolley
Sun May 29, 2005 9:25 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: War Witch Impossible
Replies: 18
Views: 3871

Hey, good ideas all. What really gets me is that gasmask. You say it's in the Naga temple? where at? I thought I went through that whole area. Was it in the maze area with the poison spouts on the walls and the loose bricks you gotta push? Didn't figure that part out.

And: Yeah, the eastern ...
by JoeMolley
Sun May 29, 2005 4:52 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: War Witch Impossible
Replies: 18
Views: 3871

Yeah, I've tried to use Blast Nova, but the delay you get from using it just ruins everything. Granted, using it will remove all her summons except the Beast, but she just paralyzes me and resummons everything.

Gah, the most effective thing I tried is spamming Flame Burst, but I've only got ~14 of ...