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Search found 4 matches

by skatar
Fri Sep 23, 2005 6:42 pm
Forum: Diablo Series
Topic: What's the best Barbarian Build?
Replies: 17
Views: 15201

[QUOTE=moltovir]Frenzybarbs have no more trouble with resists than any other Barbarian build, and they need no more damage reduction or leech than any other build. You don't need better gear than any other barbs, in fact I've brought all three types of barbarians to Patriarch or Guardian without ...
by skatar
Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:18 pm
Forum: Diablo Series
Topic: best weapon poll
Replies: 58
Views: 9815

[QUOTE=Noober]What on Earth are you doing with dual sowrds -_- (BotD's none the less!). As I understand a level 26 Sanctuary aura only gives at maximum 144 magic damage. Surely a Berserk off your BotD's would be much more effective, and there should certainly be better anti-UD weapons (I can't think ...
by skatar
Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:15 pm
Forum: Diablo Series
Topic: What's the best Barbarian Build?
Replies: 17
Views: 15201


[QUOTE=moltovir]Dual leech rings are not possible anymore (unless... I think you can craft them with the Blood ring recipe, it'll have only 3% life leech at best though), but I've gambled and crafted quite some dual leech amulets in the last few months.[/QUOTE]Actually , I traded for a ...
by skatar
Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:31 am
Forum: Diablo Series
Topic: best weapon poll
Replies: 58
Views: 9815

[QUOTE=Noober]I still don't understand what is good about Azurewrath. What leading build would use it? Not to mention the only good use of lightsabre is against lightning NOT for proper combat. And Azurewrath can't be upgraded since Phase blade is already the elite version (Dimensional is ...