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by Atrius
Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:03 am
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: Choppy game play
Replies: 11
Views: 1448


Oh, I am not saying your CPU is slow because it is definately faster than mine. Well, there goes my theory, I wonder what could be causing this.

Does anyone else's character stop moving every so often and then keep moving a few seconds later (sorta like it is loading the area in front of ...
by Atrius
Sun Mar 19, 2006 11:00 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: Choppy game play
Replies: 11
Views: 1448

Same Here

I have the same problem. I have turned down the grass details and shadows are turned off. I was going to try a few other options, but since you have said that it doesn't solve the problem, I won't bother.

I have 1.5GHz P4, Radeon 6600GT, 1GB RAM. My friend has the same computer but has ...
by Atrius
Sat Mar 18, 2006 9:54 pm
Forum: Dungeon Lords
Topic: Multiplayer (LAN) Problem with 1.4
Replies: 0
Views: 665

Multiplayer (LAN) Problem with 1.4

My housemate and I are using the same copy of Dungeon Lords with the same patch file for 1.4 when playing a LAN game.

When we reach the lift where you need to find the lever rod and fix the lever, my housemate (the host) can go up the lift, but I can not. Every time activate the lever to go up, I ...