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by Emnelion
Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:28 pm
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Need help with char, fill me in with the info i lack :S
Replies: 1
Views: 535

Need help with char, fill me in with the info i lack :S

Ok, so I've bought Morrowind, but didn't get the manual, so first I'd like to ask some basic questions:

1. Is there any combatbonuses by being in stealth/invis/unseen? Any nice backstabb-multipliers in true Baldur's Gate-spirit? And isn't sneak kinda unnecessary when you have Illusion?

2. What's ...
by Emnelion
Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:44 am
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: a few questions
Replies: 1
Views: 528

nope. sorry dude, there's no other way of getting to the astral prison but to bring Raelis the gem.
by Emnelion
Tue Jan 23, 2007 3:04 pm
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Wareblade +4 ??
Replies: 3
Views: 729

Oh.. Is that so?! Haha, can't believe I missed that one. :) :confused: Anyway, thanks VonDondu.
by Emnelion
Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:21 pm
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Wareblade +4 ??
Replies: 3
Views: 729

Wareblade +4 ??

Hey there.
Does enyone know where to find the two handed sword Warblade +4? I just can't find it.

Thanks in advance.
by Emnelion
Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:07 am
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Roleplaying vs Powerplaying? Which do you do?
Replies: 36
Views: 3173

I tend to do both. Actually I always starts out roleplaying. I don't know if it's an excuse or not but even if you're roleplaying there's no reason the character cannot use it's abilities and use powerful abilitycombinations :)

But I have to admit that I usually tend to have only customed ...
by Emnelion
Sun Jan 21, 2007 12:08 pm
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Storm of Vengence, is there a purpose??
Replies: 1
Views: 469

Storm of Vengence, is there a purpose??

Hey there. I'm just wondering if any of you kindly would explain the purpose of wasting both a HLA and a spell slot on the 7th level clerical spell Storm of Vengence; if there is any :confused:

I certainly don't get it. It doesn't do any significant damage, it has a long cast.. I mean, is there ...
by Emnelion
Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:02 pm
Forum: Icewind Dale II
Topic: Belib's Everlasting Torch
Replies: 3
Views: 1198

BUY! The tourch is a great weapon, well ok not "great" but very good. Use it and you will notice it's devestating damage. And about the gold; it is never in short suply for long. There's many ways to raise gold and this weapon is worth the costs.

And no, it does not blind drow and duegars. Wht do ...
by Emnelion
Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:54 pm
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: fighter HP problems??
Replies: 4
Views: 506

Hmm, isn't the character gaining 1 hp per level + con bonuses? I'm pretty sure that other, non-fighter classes gets just 1 hp per lvl, though they cannot get more then +2 hp from their con.
by Emnelion
Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:50 pm
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Monk's magic?
Replies: 7
Views: 881

yeah, but only wands that priests can use. The same goes for scrolls. I have not seen a monk who can use any arcane scrolls so that must be some mod or bug or whatever.

But can this monk equip other arcane scrolls or is there just this one Nishruu-scroll?
by Emnelion
Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:41 am
Forum: Icewind Dale II
Topic: Solo Fun - Acts of Desperation!
Replies: 4
Views: 2033

No. A mule is a lvl 1 character that you add just to lower the party's average lvl. Right me if I'm wrong. :)
by Emnelion
Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:49 pm
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Incredible discovery, Ultimate tactic vs Irenicus
Replies: 10
Views: 1351

Haekshar's ???? the first Haekshar scroll I found was in Saradush but yes they make nice antimages :)

@Emnelion what do you put in your chain contingency ?? I've tried breach spell strike and ruby rays he still seems invulnerable

Well it was some time ago really, but i will try to put the stuff ...
by Emnelion
Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:44 am
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Haha, fooling Arkanis Gath! (spoilers)
Replies: 7
Views: 4518

I think i may have missed something, who is this guy and when does he appear? :confused:

Arkanis Gath is a rouge wich is hastened and kills with one blow. He will appear if you try to kill Aran Linvail or if you somehow get past the doors to Mae'vars guild without doing that quest (that's the two ...
by Emnelion
Sun Nov 19, 2006 3:23 pm
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Is Bodhi A Busy Lady?
Replies: 5
Views: 1150

Hmm, yeah Bodhi doesn't dissapear. I just checked. Sorry, my bad.
by Emnelion
Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:48 pm
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: How can you change an NPC's portrait?
Replies: 1
Views: 530

Change em via Shadow Keeper.
by Emnelion
Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:42 pm
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Is Bodhi A Busy Lady?
Replies: 5
Views: 1150

Ehh. Well I'm pretty sure that she'll just wait a few days, 2-4 or something like that. Make that almost absolutly sure. Valen sais that you not should make her Mistress wait.

Yup, I'm sure that she'll leave now that I think about it. So sorry, you probably missed you're chance to kick those ...
by Emnelion
Sun Nov 19, 2006 5:00 am
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Incredible discovery, Ultimate tactic vs Irenicus
Replies: 10
Views: 1351

Oh but that's not very fun is it? :confused: :) Nothing beats a good spell duel with Irenicus. When I defeted him I had a soloing fighter/mage and you know there's nothing so satisfying as having a bunch of spell triggers and the like, prepered with just the right magics and then POFF POFF POFF! All ...
by Emnelion
Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:46 am
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Dual class Swashbuckler/Mage
Replies: 3
Views: 3548

noo that can't be right, there's just no way a character can have 0 in hide and move silently unless you're a dwarf or half-orc and have a dexterity of 16 or lower, and as a thief I hope you've maxed dexterity allready. ;) But what where your thiefing skills before you dualed? And what level did you ...
by Emnelion
Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:53 am
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: spell creations and monk's speed
Replies: 21
Views: 1346

Hello mr Crenshinibon, care to tell me about that gamespy thing. You mean it's possible for two players to meet and test their steel? It would be very fun to know.

edit: sorry didn't see that last message, my apologies.

But you mean we just play a regular multiplayer game and then start bashing ...
by Emnelion
Tue Oct 31, 2006 4:56 pm
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: spell creations and monk's speed
Replies: 21
Views: 1346

Woah! How am I to respond to this? I hope you're not upset, I certainly didn't mean it that way. And I know that almost nothing (haven't tested it so I cant say "nothing") can stand up against a mage. But though you don't need to see me to blast me with area spells, you do need to see the area you ...
by Emnelion
Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:03 am
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: spell creations and monk's speed
Replies: 21
Views: 1346

I wouldn't say "completly" demolish. My thief is equiped with the Robe of Non Detection so you can't see him. And how are you supposed to hit me with something like AHW? That spell's got a castingtime of 8, and even is you have the Robe of Vecna and the Power Amulet the castingtime is still 3, wich ...