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by Darth Nilly
Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:32 am
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: funny stuff(spoilers may pop up)
Replies: 16
Views: 1643

I think the Handmaiden also says it (if you don't have the Disciple) but yeah, duh!! :laugh:

No sense of humour those two (H & D), unlike Atton. :D
by Darth Nilly
Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:43 am
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: What's your strongest character ever?
Replies: 75
Views: 19411

Wasn't planning on taking the route I did but I'm glad I did in the end. The consular/marauder became the consular/sith lord. Even only at about level 27, the number of powers and the wisdom/dex bonuses I managed to get made for a lot of fun.

So did the insanity/force storm or death field or force ...
by Darth Nilly
Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:37 am
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: funny stuff(spoilers may pop up)
Replies: 16
Views: 1643

Anything by HK47 especially if he uses the term "organic meatbags". :p

Making those guys on Nar Shadda jump in the pit and finding out that Bao-Dur likes you for that...

Being given Force Crush by the same character you can later kill with it. Without taking any damage yourself. :mischief: