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Search found 6 matches

by davkel
Wed Feb 13, 2002 6:45 pm
Forum: Pool of Radiance: RoMD
Topic: ack! my cleric died
Replies: 13
Views: 1126

I'm sorry I think you misunderstood me - I meant your character was an elf and so has a resistance to being raised, not that the cleric guy was an elf.
by davkel
Mon Feb 11, 2002 11:50 pm
Forum: Pool of Radiance: RoMD
Topic: ack! my cleric died
Replies: 13
Views: 1126

You said he was an elf? Isn't there a built in magic resistance in elves that means there is a percentage chance they cannot be raised?

Not good news I know but a thought...
by davkel
Mon Feb 04, 2002 5:55 pm
Forum: Pool of Radiance: RoMD
Topic: word of constriction
Replies: 11
Views: 965

Thanks - you won't believe it but I found it about a minute before your reply. Thanks for your help.
by davkel
Mon Feb 04, 2002 5:42 am
Forum: Pool of Radiance: RoMD
Topic: keep encountering the same monsters
Replies: 6
Views: 891

Wandering monsters? If you've saved just prior to seeing them, try reloading and are they still there? Just a thought
by davkel
Sun Feb 03, 2002 10:04 pm
Forum: Pool of Radiance: RoMD
Topic: word of constriction
Replies: 11
Views: 965

Thanks. I had a feeling I had missed the bus on that one. The worry is I've been right through the Halls of Light once and I've just spent an hour wandering them again without finding the word.

Could you be any more specific about its location - is there a hidden area/secret door?

Thanks a bunch
by davkel
Sat Feb 02, 2002 8:22 pm
Forum: Pool of Radiance: RoMD
Topic: word of constriction
Replies: 11
Views: 965

word of constriction

I have a terrible feeling that I've missed the word of constriction that closes the nightmare gate... I'm now going through the middle of the first catacomb cellar without hearing anything about it. Have I? Do I need to go back to get it???