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by stek.arn
Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:04 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: locked stupid door
Replies: 10
Views: 783

Fiberfar wrote:Hi and welcome to the forums! :)

I can't remember the door needing a key to be opened. Have you tried bashing it?
yes and the door is like invulnerable and it cant be lockpicked :(
by stek.arn
Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:02 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: locked stupid door
Replies: 10
Views: 783

locked stupid door

Hello i have a tricky problem. it is so that im currently helping slaan inside the castle ruins and the problem is that the door leading to slaans warriors is locked. i have killed every undead and looted every chest and still it wont open is that door supposed to be locked or is it just a bug iff ...