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by Elektra
Mon Jun 24, 2002 2:24 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: NWN vs. Dungeon Siege
Replies: 34
Views: 3327

That's the really exciting part. If you check out the forums over at, you'll see that people are already very busy doing just that!
by Elektra
Mon Jun 24, 2002 2:09 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: NWN vs. Dungeon Siege
Replies: 34
Views: 3327

I've played both, and I like NWN *much* better. DS is fine for what it is, but mostly it's just pretty. I have no feel for who my character is or anything like that in DS, and like BG & BG2, NWN let's me focus on my character and that's what I like. Plus, for hack & slash, there're always games like ...
by Elektra
Mon Jun 24, 2002 1:55 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: NWN vs. Dungeon Siege
Replies: 34
Views: 3327

Originally posted by The Stranger
Oh, yeah... I may bring a naked lady or two! ;)
For multiplayer, I assume...