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by Barney
Mon Nov 04, 2002 1:51 pm
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Keldorn
Replies: 18
Views: 1029

Thanks for your views, i think i will stick with jaheira for now as i'm opening a fresh can of whoopass on everything with my current party.
by Barney
Mon Nov 04, 2002 1:43 pm
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Abilty Scores
Replies: 30
Views: 1966

Abilty Scores

I was wondering If anyone ever takes the ability scores the computer gives you automatically instead of re-rolling until you get good totals. Personally I always re-roll until I've got decent scores because It seems stupid to be a powerful God child and yet the weakest member of your party. The most ...
by Barney
Sun Nov 03, 2002 7:36 am
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Keldorn
Replies: 18
Views: 1029


Hi, i'm playing the game through for the second time and i wanted to get Keldorn in my party early on but i don't want to do the unseeing eye quest right now. Does Keldorn leave the party if you don't do that quest within a certain time period.
I'm also thinking of swapping Jaheira for Cernd as i've ...