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by mikeo
Mon Mar 24, 2003 12:43 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: Wizard or Sorcerer??Any Suggestions?
Replies: 23
Views: 2002

I guess that if you rest after every little battle, it will not be roleplaying, but a big battle is more exhausting, so often after big battles, roleplayers rest...

I don't see anywhere where big or little battles are mentioned as criteria for rest or you?. If you want to rest after ...
by mikeo
Mon Mar 24, 2003 2:49 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: Wizard or Sorcerer??Any Suggestions?
Replies: 23
Views: 2002

Ultimately it comes down to roleplay...does it really make sense from a realistic roleplay perspective to sleep/rest after every fight or resting with enemies around the corner of that dungeon hall...not really, most likely when you set foot into a dungeon crawling with undead and other nasty ...
by mikeo
Sat Mar 22, 2003 9:56 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: Wizard or Sorcerer??Any Suggestions?
Replies: 23
Views: 2002

I go for sorcerers personally, i agree that wizards are somewhat closer is power to sorcerers in NWN over BG but for the raw ability to defend yourself or unleash a spell at will, sorcerers work better for me. The biggest advantage being on defence...with spells like improved invisibily, stoneskin ...
by mikeo
Sat Mar 08, 2003 10:26 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: Why does grimnaw attack me?
Replies: 3
Views: 955

If you are playing with D&D hardcore rules then your henchmen get hit by your area effect spells which sometimes causes them to attack you or if you go to knockdown or disarm and you accidentally hit your henchmen they attack you sometimes. At least that happens to me.
by mikeo
Sat Mar 08, 2003 10:12 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: Known bugs
Replies: 52
Views: 6730

Attack someone on the other side either with a spell or ranged weapon.
by mikeo
Sun Feb 09, 2003 6:47 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: Hammer of Thunderbolts ...
Replies: 5
Views: 1913

You have to be level 19 or 20 to find the hammer of thunderbolts and you find them in boss chests.
by mikeo
Thu Jan 30, 2003 10:04 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: dual -wield
Replies: 7
Views: 1690

I have to say that dual wield is awesome and works with any two weapons you can dual wield. I think bastard swords are the best dual wield because they do 1-10 damage. The advantage of a lighter weapon is -2/-2 but remember if you pick the weapon focus (bastard sword) feat you would get a -1/-1 when ...
by mikeo
Thu Jan 30, 2003 9:54 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: Wizard/Sorcerer Talk
Replies: 4
Views: 754

In order to reach level 20 in any class you must exploit the party level experience system. If you are a spell caster after level 7, start using your level 1 summon spell (dire badge), keep it safe and it will boost your exp by a whole bunch and gets better per level eg. a level 15 spell caster ...