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by DragonOfAutumn
Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:16 pm
Forum: Icewind Dale
Topic: Interface coming undone
Replies: 2
Views: 529

thank you! H actually takes and puts up the entire interface but but trying this I looked at the keys near it. U does the right side and Y or I, does the left I believe. :)
by DragonOfAutumn
Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:53 pm
Forum: Icewind Dale
Topic: Interface coming undone
Replies: 2
Views: 529

Interface coming undone

I hit some key and now the character pictures are not on the right side of the screen and I don't know how to bring them back.

how do I get this back up?

and also I took the Broken armor and the Ancient Armor from the tombs. I think I remember being able to repair one of these later in the game ...
by DragonOfAutumn
Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:16 pm
Forum: Icewind Dale
Topic: Fighter/druid
Replies: 2
Views: 1746


I was looking at WP's in staff for the head druids staff and points in spears.

But are they worth it?
by DragonOfAutumn
Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:01 pm
Forum: Icewind Dale
Topic: major glitch :(
Replies: 1
Views: 902

major glitch :(

I made a test game with 1 character and gave him a quick name and test saved.

But I since deleted that game.

Now every time I make a party and then click done to start a new adventure it loads that guy and only that guy! even though I have no saved games.

Now I can't seem to make a party...what ...
by DragonOfAutumn
Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:25 pm
Forum: Icewind Dale
Topic: ranger specialty
Replies: 3
Views: 1257

ranger specialty

between spectrecal undead (lich falls under this or another?), Yuan-ti and troll which would be better for a ranger.

I was also thinking of giant later, but i don't remember their being many.
by DragonOfAutumn
Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:50 pm
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal
Topic: BG2 thone of bhaal glitchy
Replies: 1
Views: 1470

BG2 thone of bhaal glitchy

Never had this problem before but now of course, years later, i'm on a completley different computer. i5 650.

installed it and its running fine. I ran it under 1600 resolution and the load up screen is glitchy but the game seems to load up and play fine until I try to equip Mincs with a weapon ...
by DragonOfAutumn
Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:34 pm
Forum: Icewind Dale
Topic: balanced parties
Replies: 3
Views: 1177

I played a paladin before i don't remember not being able to buy in that area of the game. I remember he exposes them but I just moved him to a different character slot for that level.

anyways, my party is changed accordingly:

fighter 7--> druid
cleric 9 --> mage
Gnome multi class fighter ...
by DragonOfAutumn
Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:39 pm
Forum: Icewind Dale
Topic: balanced parties
Replies: 3
Views: 1177

balanced parties

hi guys. I've played through IWD probably a dozen times and HoW maybe half that amount. So I've tried many of the fantasy cliche type parties.

Most of them were 6 people sometimes 5 members. Most of them being Fighter or Paladin up front and then another Fighter or Ranger and a mage a cleric and ...