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by kelsar56
Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:40 am
Forum: Dungeons & Dragons
Topic: Help with Crafting in DnD (v. 3.5)
Replies: 3
Views: 1524

ya, we are exploring creating a house rule for it. I just wanted to confirm that I wasn't seeing this wrong and see what other people use instead if there are any good ideas for rules out there.
by kelsar56
Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:38 pm
Forum: Dungeons & Dragons
Topic: Help with Crafting in DnD (v. 3.5)
Replies: 3
Views: 1524

Help with Crafting in DnD (v. 3.5)

Read the first and last last two paragraphs of this if you don't feel like reading the entire proof. Also tell me if you want me to clarify something.

Alright so I have been looking into crafting in dungeons and dragons a little bit. I would like to make poisons. I know that some of the books like ...