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by Annette
Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:17 pm
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Karnakiid: Valley of Mist and Flame (Campaign Thread)
Replies: 228
Views: 31954

Ehren and Shar'ra

Ehren: You groan internally at the tremendous creaking you're causing, but fortunately no one seems to be around to hear. Peering down the pitch black hole in the floor reveals nothing, but you think you can faintly hear the sound of voices, far below. Perhaps this is the ...
by Annette
Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:10 pm
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Hades (Campaign thread)
Replies: 290
Views: 40636

(Again, I apologize for my silence. It's gotten to the point where the only place I can access the internet is the local library, which I can't always get to.)

Deciding that about ten minutes have passed, I take my leave of the group (I don't think anyone's addressed me?) and make my way back ...
by Annette
Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:47 pm
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Karnakiid: Valley of Mist and Flame (Campaign Thread)
Replies: 228
Views: 31954

(I was gonna wait until after you finish your mission here, but since you asked, you each get 125 XP. 100 per guard defeated, plus 50 from the one who fled., all over 2.)

Shar'ra and Ehren

Ehren: Neither body contains anything of interest, though you could take their weapons and armor if you so ...
by Annette
Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:33 pm
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Karnakiid: Valley of Mist and Flame (Campaign Thread)
Replies: 228
Views: 31954

Are you just searching the dining room, or the atrium as well?
by Annette
Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:01 pm
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Karnakiid: Valley of Mist and Flame (Campaign Thread)
Replies: 228
Views: 31954

(Sorry about the silence the past few days, been having some connectivity issues.)

Shar'ra and Ehren

You hear an unpleasant CRACK as Ehren brings his staff down on the guards head, flooring him immediately. Closer inspection reveals a fractured skull in addition to bad burns from the flaming oil ...
by Annette
Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:52 pm
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Karnakiid: Valley of Mist and Flame (Campaign Thread)
Replies: 228
Views: 31954

Actually, it says on the wiki that if you pin someone, you can prevent them from speaking. I assume that means keeping their mouth shut, which (I think) would stop your breath. And since your own fire does not effect you, I think you're unable to burn through your lips to get at him.

If You’re ...
by Annette
Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:45 pm
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Karnakiid: Valley of Mist and Flame (Campaign Thread)
Replies: 228
Views: 31954

No, you're using a ranged weapon.
by Annette
Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:54 am
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Hades Character and Discussion Thread
Replies: 74
Views: 16083

Praying this detour doesn't make me late for my 'appointment' with Sundown, I grudgingly follow Gu'dan.
by Annette
Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:51 am
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Karnakiid: Valley of Mist and Flame (Campaign Thread)
Replies: 228
Views: 31954

Ehren and Shar'ra

(I'll stick to the rules and keep it as alchemist's fire, minus the 1d6 for a direct hit.)

The vial of oil smashes on the ground, creating a small bonfire.
This time both guards are prepared for Shar'ra's attack, and step out of the way as best they can.

Guard 1:

In an ...
by Annette
Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:39 am
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Hades Character and Discussion Thread
Replies: 74
Views: 16083

I shrug. "Hey, it beats paying with gold. Anyway, you said you have a lead on Midnight?" I suddenly frown, realizing that you refrained from mentioning him by name. "Are we not supposed to talk about him?"
by Annette
Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:56 am
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Karnakiid: Valley of Mist and Flame (Campaign Thread)
Replies: 228
Views: 31954


(Loading a light crossbow is a move action, not part of a standard action. Just another technicality that doesn't actually come into play here.)

This time your aim is true, and your target gasps in shocked pain as the bolt penetrates his armor and buries itself in his groin.

Shar'ra's ...
by Annette
Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:07 am
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Hades Character and Discussion Thread
Replies: 74
Views: 16083

"So far, absolutely nothing," I admit. "He wants me to meet him upstairs in a few minutes to 'pay' him for his service, but I honestly doubt whether he can bring me any closer to either the Owl or my brother. All the same, I think I should give it a shot." Unable to resist, I also ask, "Does he ...
by Annette
Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:01 am
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Karnakiid: Valley of Mist and Flame (Campaign Thread)
Replies: 228
Views: 31954

This is incorrect. A [url=""]five foot step[/url] is a movement but it is a no-action and thus allows a move-equivalent action too. I.e. you can't take a five foot step and then move, but you can draw a weapon as a move action and ...
by Annette
Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:44 pm
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Karnakiid: Valley of Mist and Flame (Campaign Thread)
Replies: 228
Views: 31954

Ehren and Shar'ra

(Moogleman: You're actions are fine. The only slight issue is that a five foot step is technically a move action, not a free action, but since it can be made in conjunction with drawing your weapon, it doesn't really matter.)

Ehren's bolt goes horribly wide, missing the guard ...
by Annette
Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:14 pm
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Hades (Campaign thread)
Replies: 290
Views: 40636

(Sorry Mist, I did miss that. DM, please ignore the final paragraph of my last post.)

"Allexa?" I frown, my bewilderment clear. "Weren't you less... pixie-esque ten minutes ago?"

(I presume we should continue this in the Player thread.)
by Annette
Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:24 am
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Hades (Campaign thread)
Replies: 290
Views: 40636


"I see....

So you're lookin for a bit of help from Papa sundown is it? gotta give a little to get a little. An' my price is a taste of you..." He says with a hint of menace and perversion.

"Upstairs is a room with a pair of snakes twisting around painted on the door. Meet me ...
by Annette
Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:12 am
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Karnakiid: Valley of Mist and Flame (Campaign Thread)
Replies: 228
Views: 31954

OOG @Moogleman: I think everyone (myself included) is taking it slow until Mal gets back.

Ehren and Shar'ra

Ehren Initiative: 21
Shar'ra Initiative: 18
Guard 2 Initiative: 17
Guard 1 Initiative: 10 (reroll 18)
Guard 3 Initiative: 10 (reroll 12)

Before you act, don't forget to include your ...
by Annette
Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:20 pm
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Hades (Campaign thread)
Replies: 290
Views: 40636

After the halfling leaves, I decide to come clean with Sundown. He clearly doesn't think very highly of the Shades, so it's HOPEFULLY unlikely that he'll turn me into them. And, most importantly, he's probably the only one able to help me find Jon.

I tell him everything, leaving nothing out. When I ...
by Annette
Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:02 pm
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Karnakiid: Valley of Mist and Flame (Campaign Thread)
Replies: 228
Views: 31954

Shar'ra and Ehren

OOG: Don't forget, Siberys, Moogleman's character casts through a holy symbol. The presence of the symbol of a well known god (Pelor) would definitely help him convince the guards that he really is casting a spell, rather than just flailing his arms and shouting. I'll give Shar ...
by Annette
Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:41 am
Forum: Forum-based Campaigns
Topic: Karnakiid: Valley of Mist and Flame (Campaign Thread)
Replies: 228
Views: 31954

Ehren and Shar'ra

Ehren Move Silently (yes, you do need it) - As you walk, your armor clanks loudly, giving away your attempt at secrecy. One of the three guards offers you a passing glance, but otherwise remains fixated on Shar'ra.

Shar'ra Diplomacy - "Well, if you have proof that you're here ...