This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
im in the astral tomb looking for the bow for the chief guy. the cavern ends in a room with a pool and a door up on a ledge. everything ive read says...
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Was it a small room that had two big rocks/platforms at both exits with about a 10-20 feet gap between the platforms and a small waterfall on one...
I am extremely disappointed. Call me a false Morrowinder, but I haven't enchanted anything yet in this game for the whole duration that I've had it....
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no no no... dont try self enchanting items unless they are cheesy small spells, you ahve 100 enchant, and your intelligence is fortified to 5,000....
Well, I'm not sure if I am cursed (or I'm just REALLY messed up) but I have a really advanced character and she has 100 strength, 100 endurance, and...
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hmmm... i think this happened to me before. i suggest you go around completely starkers for a little while. when you completely dump out your ALL...
can anyone tell me where the stronghold is? :rolleyes:
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Indoranyon is actually one of the old Dunmer fortresses, (semi-demi-hemi-spoiler- highlight to read) it can be found in the Grazelands region, go due...
Can sombody help me find some Daedric stufff I would like a full set of armour and some nasty swords also could you tell me the stats on some of the...
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Daedric? Eh, Glass is better, but, if you insist...
Daedric Armor, eh? As others have said, it's really heavy stuff, but if you really want it,...
I want to thank all the people who make mods
Mods are so fun
Thank you for making mods
and please make some more
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And be careful about running too many at the same time, I'm still trying to fix the backlash of running 100+ at the same time... probably a Morrowind...
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