I'm confused by the paladin spell table in the 3.5 ruleset. I understand that beginning at 4th level, a paladin can cast spells and gain bonus spells...
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I did. His name was Blackguard von Fallenpally. Good guy. Kinda moody.
Anyway, I have this problem, infact this is the problem why I quit this darned game in the first place. Ok so I was using a console command to give...
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The best resource you can use for accurate give numbers (specific to your installation) is the description.mes file in your data/mes folder, you can...
I have downloaded and run the sanctioned 1.1 patch and patch #3 for ToEE. I had hoped patch #3 would fix the looting bug that has been bothering me,...
I'm in the lower level of the tower ruins (where the wizard with the quasit lives). In this section there is a secret door to the temple -however, I...
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You could try casting fox's cunning on him. That'll temporarily boost his search modifier by 2. Might be enough. If that doesn't work, and you don't...
... what have people found to be the most effective parties, assuming five are used and the party alignment rule is obeyed? I'd like to play through...
Allright, School is out, and in my boredom, I decided to paly through whatever CRPGs I haven't done yet. So I decided to do Temple of Elemental Evil....
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Oh well, I'm using the Front-End thing, so I upped the number of characters to six (the standard number.. no idea why ToEE limits you with five), and...
I'm having a problem with my ranger at level 5. On the 2nd racial enemy selected, the box pops up with the races to choose from, and after picking...
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I do recall this being mentioned before, but I don't know what the solution was, if any. Out of curiosity, what version of the game do you have: box,...
my game seems to working fine, but when i quit the game my computer locks up on me and i cant do anything. i cant even shut off the computer, i have...
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I was am having the same problem on occasion my computer says its low on virtual memory. There is a way to boost it go to that site will talk you...
im trying to marry Fruella (to finish a quest) and she says not with this big group i have with me. im trying to complete the carpenters dilemma . i...
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Marrying her will add her to your party. If you have 8 members already, that can't happen, so you're not able to marry her. You'll have to get rid of...
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