Now this is what mostly bugs me about the complication of Trading between different traders across Albion and where to find the most to make profit,...
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That would be fun=) and easy... but i kill the traders outside citties ... they sometimes drop ruby's .. =)
OK where am I supposed to dig in order to get inside Bowerstone North? I know about some of the other dig glitch spots but had a question as to which...
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Sorry man, the place is sealed by a trigger after Maze's defeat. The only way is to hack it but if you should of Hero Save Exploit the...
i just bought fable this christmas. im not really that far into it. but in my current quests it says i need to go to the chapel of skorm and find out...
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If you want to get Skorm's Bow faster then be 100% good, that way you will get the Gift of Life at 500 Evil points, 1000 points for the Bow and 1000+...
i've got the problem that i can't enter the grey house - the entrance is glowing red and there is no way to gain the goodies inside (& the cellar...
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You don't have to do anything, when you enter the Grey House grounds there should be no undeads walking around, if there is you must complete Trader...
Does anyone know how to give offerings at the Chapel of Skorm I know it sounds like a stupid question but I just can't seem...
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try to get them there at night and try taking a few.. 2, 3 or more if you can, the servants at the chapel will tell you it is of little use no matter...
hey im looking for the dark plate chest piece to complete my dark evil blackness persona. I saw one at the area but did not have enouigh money to buy...
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If either of those fail to have it or you find that it is far too expensive to its real value then you can try the merchants at oakvale, darkwood...
Physical sheildx4
Magic - maxed
30 or so Magic Potions
- Alows you to keep your multiplier even if you get hit aslong as you keep your mana up -...
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About that door... I went inside the cave, came out with my muliplier at about 13, but the troll you mentioned was nowhere to be seen. Any ideas why?...
The ending is dreadful. It end goes right into credits that last forever with lame animations of wall joints. How boring. The font gets way too small...
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you have to let all the credits roll in order to be able to continue playing, to keep the sword all you gotta do is kill the sister and that will...
rite at the very end after ive defeated jack and chosen to keep the sword, the credits come up, then it goes back to the begining menu were u chose...
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For reading the book what you have to do is you go and highlight it then read the description and that is what the book says that's the only way you...
Ok, i know how to sacrafice people and all, but i was just wondering how many i have to sacrafice because i have sacraficed like 2 body guards and 5...
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There's no real specification to how many people you need to sacrifice (Like, seriously, it doesn't say ANYWHERE), but the guy is more satisfied (and...
after i completed this game, i had to think to myself about how easy this game was. I liked the idea, but i think that a lot of plot and development...
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Ah the story of so many games. Haha. its ok...I think that we have a lot to look forward to with upcoming sequel(s). we'll see...but keep the faith...
Umm yes just a few hours ago I started an evil archer. I was just wondering
1) Is multi-arrow a good spell to learn becuase I already know lightning...
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yeah the multi arrow is good 4 killing jack you just gotta circle around him when he is in the air and keep on shootin him with fully charged shots.
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