OK, I understand that this is not Black Isle's best piece of work by anyone's standards, mine included. And I know that not may frequent these forums...
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Yea i think you can only choose to do one side's quest, although i'd say the beggars are more useful. As for black isle being a producer, i think it...
I made a custom class feralkin warrior that has the element spirit so i can heal myself.Health potions are so few at the vendors.I just did the...
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If you use a melee warrior, train up your divine fortitude branch so that the healing spell can replace potions, honestly i dont carry potions around...
Well every so often, while playing Lionheart, my computer crashes. Not to windows, it just completely shuts down. I've got the patch, so I don't know...
Ok,sometimes when i use these things i get a message saying that i was taken off course and end up in a area where i have to fight my way through to...
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I normally just go though the etheral plane because the area is quite small and there aren't that many enemies.
hey gang new to this room normaly i hang in iwd/iwd2/bg2 but i just bought loinhart on thursday looks good and fun, but befor i install do i need to...
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See the sticky for info on bonusmerchant and the patch.
Well I decided on a character. Female Demokin with Bloddy Talons. Unarmed, Evasion, and Thought: Protective. After taking a peak at the walkthough I...
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My reply to one of your previous posts here also applies to this thread. Just want to make sure u get it without me double posting.
Does anyone know how to start a mp lan game with experienced characters as opposed to starting with a bare level 1 new character? I would really like...
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You have to export your character and then start a MP game with your exported character. They will still be naked, because the game is designed so...
I lost the original player's guide, and don't know how to upgrade the skill points. I have tried to push the ones I want to get the skill points but...
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No, its not the x above the branch, its the small x next to each branch skill when you mouseover:
After i am done with the Thieves Den, i was to exit back to the Thieves Congregation but i couldn't. I clicked at the stairways to go up, then waits...
I briefly overheard DiVinci mumble something about needing mercury, but I can't get him to say anything about it..
I have the...
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The mercury can be used in the town that the titans have taken over. If you killed the titans, then you can't do anything with it. Otherwise, you can...
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