I bought both the original game and the expansion from steam, and now i just have to ask: how do i access the quest editor through steam? since steam...
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You can ask Steam, if you can't find help in here. I'm sure they're ready to help you. ;)
Anyone playing as a Harbinger in this game? May anyone tell me how should a Harbinger should be build?
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This type of build has been discussed numerous times before, you can use the search function to find several builds. Please do this in the future as...
Just became level 12 and I'm in the Parnassus Caves and getting ready to leave. Killed a few monsters and went to search the ground for items and alt...
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Well, X, Z, and Alt are ground item viewers with there own filters, and it is highly possible that they didn't actually drop anything if it's just a...
I've been looking at some 360 RPGs. How does this one stack up? Is it fun? Worth a shot?
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I thoroughly enjoyed overlord, albeit on the pc, always looking forward to see what amusing comments would be made next. Heavy on the humour and easy...
I've killed three. I've not been able to find any others. I've combed the entire area, slept to the next day several times. Even killed several packs...
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I just bagged one of the missing two, halfway between Chris and Ardea. Saw the 2nd, but only had time to shoot one while the other disappeared.. 11...
I have about 65k worth in coins & gold nuggets in my inventory (among a crapload of other stuff, mostly alchemical ingredients). Do I need to hold a...
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thanks. that's more or less what I thought :) I'll keep couple dozen pieces of each just in case and sell off the rest :cool:
Hi I just bought Titan Quest gold and Im wondering if I need to download patches for it, or does it come with Immortal Throne..? I clicked on Updates...
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No there wasn't any patch for IT and the IT game contains all the TQ patches. (Not that it needed a patch either but more content would've been...
can anyone tell me how to activeate the cheats on windows vista plz i tried to un check the read only box an it wont stay on. is somethig im missing...
i tried to save a change in my ini file an it tells me i cant save why can someone tell me plzzzzz
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I won't accuse Lemmus of stealing my thunder, because he's right. If you have a question, you use search to see if the answer already exists here. If...
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