Anyone make a successful archer? Any tips?
I got to level 8 with a pretty strength oriented character. So my next thought was to try another character, a bow using stealth character. I did manage to kill the first two enemies and a lone wolf. But the first group of 3 groms I put a few arrows in them but for the most part they mercilessly feasted on my self.
So any archers?
Tips for Bow Combat?
Tips for Bow Combat?
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
With a balanced character bow seems to be about killing the first of a pack and leading them to your traps. Easy mode you can kill everything with a bow but medium the damage isn't too high. I have about 4 pts invested in bow skill level ups and 5 in melee oriented things. I feel skill points are pretty sparse. Haven't figured out how to get a lot of them really.
Edit: Here's what I found out about bow so far. You need a good bow and good arrows and dex to do damage. You also need skills. I opted for winged death (something like that) because it had the highest damage and I assumed most enchantment bang for buck...maybe bow of fate is better (it is faster but less damage). Ok given you choose bow x build some other skills until you get that bow. Then start building archery skills. Use the reskiller if you need to. Now buy that bow whenever you see it in the store. But DON'T merge the copies. Just save them. Ok now collect gems. When you get a gem (I used poison) stick it in one of the bows. Eventually it gets 'gem jammed' and either the gems are giving very little return or even none at all. The way around that is to gem a seperate copy of the bow to the 'gem jam' point and then merge the two copies. It isn't totally efficient but the only way to make a very powerful bow. You are probably going to see enough gems for about 5-10 bows in the whole game. Merging bows physical damage gives diminishing returns at about 10. I've only done 4-5 bows so far and I do 1200 poison damage.
So what works good with lots of elemental damage? 1 big shot (overdraw) or a machine gun fire of little ones? You guessed it! Max basic draw and precise strike and just draw your first shot to full. Even with 50% of your draw power you will be doing more damage because you are shooting 5x more arrows and you have a 30% chance to do 500% damage each shot! Plus in 5 shots my current bow can do 5k poison damage.
By the way I still do much more damage melee. I have strength of god and berserk and I can do 125,000 damage on a critical with a two handed weapon and I crit 1/6 shots. Or if I need defense I use a sword and board and do about 18,000 damage and critical about 1/2 the time for 90,000 damage while maintaining sky high defense.
Edit: Here's what I found out about bow so far. You need a good bow and good arrows and dex to do damage. You also need skills. I opted for winged death (something like that) because it had the highest damage and I assumed most enchantment bang for buck...maybe bow of fate is better (it is faster but less damage). Ok given you choose bow x build some other skills until you get that bow. Then start building archery skills. Use the reskiller if you need to. Now buy that bow whenever you see it in the store. But DON'T merge the copies. Just save them. Ok now collect gems. When you get a gem (I used poison) stick it in one of the bows. Eventually it gets 'gem jammed' and either the gems are giving very little return or even none at all. The way around that is to gem a seperate copy of the bow to the 'gem jam' point and then merge the two copies. It isn't totally efficient but the only way to make a very powerful bow. You are probably going to see enough gems for about 5-10 bows in the whole game. Merging bows physical damage gives diminishing returns at about 10. I've only done 4-5 bows so far and I do 1200 poison damage.
So what works good with lots of elemental damage? 1 big shot (overdraw) or a machine gun fire of little ones? You guessed it! Max basic draw and precise strike and just draw your first shot to full. Even with 50% of your draw power you will be doing more damage because you are shooting 5x more arrows and you have a 30% chance to do 500% damage each shot! Plus in 5 shots my current bow can do 5k poison damage.
By the way I still do much more damage melee. I have strength of god and berserk and I can do 125,000 damage on a critical with a two handed weapon and I crit 1/6 shots. Or if I need defense I use a sword and board and do about 18,000 damage and critical about 1/2 the time for 90,000 damage while maintaining sky high defense.
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.