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Epic Edition worth it?

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Epic Edition worth it?

Post by GawainBS »


Now that I have a new PC, I'm wondering wether or not Two Worlds is worth it. I'd go for the Epic Edition.
What do my fellow GB members think?

Thanks in advance.
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Post by Claudius »

I didn't play the epic edition because it was not out yet. The regular two worlds is decent if you like hack and slash game. A character leveling system where you get skill points and ability points when you level up. The spells are pretty cool both graphically and how they work in the game. You play a bounty hunter and you get to design him how you like. Some people are critical of the old english or whatever that the character speaks sometimes and are turned off. I didn't mind. Its not really a deep game as far as quests and consequences although there are ways to say piss off one faction and endear another. However pretty much if you do all the missions for a faction that avoid killing members of the other factions you can become the highest rank (which is a measure of your standing) in all of them.

I thought it was fun and got many game hours becoming powerful. I felt the higher level play wasn't as exciting...maybe I stopped playing too soon. The level I got to I could pretty much crush whatever I came across and maybe I'd die if I got surrounded by giants or something. Nonetheless I had more fun as a low level fighting wolves and bandits than a high level fighting demons.

Some of the skills: Strong Hand, Critical Strike, Dirty Trick, Dual Wield, Parry, Berserk, Traps, Fast Draw (bow), Overdraw (bow), Precise Shooting (bow), lock picking, starting draw (bow), fire magic, earth magic, necromancy, stone skin, alchemy, water magic, air magic.

The game is not about the story. It has a story but the story is not too interactive for the most part. The game is more about exploring a beautiful graphicly depicted world. Creeping up on some goblins and shooting the first with a bow as you lead the rest into a trap. Then hit and run fighting with some amount of tactics using potions and spells that eventually lead to such powerful spells (well with my build) that it was simple buff and bash.

Plan on spending a lot of time looting bodies and going to town unless you don't care about gold.
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
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